T. Benjamin Profile picture
Nov 9, 2019 82 tweets 24 min read Read on X
Trump—The greatest actor of all time: Part 2

210) Noticing some strange things breaking w/ this thread, so thought I'd start a new, and pick up where we left off...

Shall we?
211) Dellshau seems to have captured the moment and the feeling of the men with his voluminous commentary—albeit in broken English.

But what George Newells said, I think, sums it up best.

"We go it alone!"

First sentence... Image
212) And that, I propose, was the VERY beginning of a breakaway society, living in 1860 California, no longer under the yoke of the Prussian organization that funded them.

They lost the formula, but they were free. And they held a VERY big secret—something unimaginable.

213) Dellshau went back to Houston. Many others scattered to unknown parts... But the core team was still there.

And they were only 6 years away from re-discovering Peter Mennis' formula—only w/o Peter.

The NEW Sonora Aero Club — Newells, Wilson, Goree, and...

213) It was also at this critical time that new money was needed... Just not from Berlin... New York still had bankers of the "American" persuasion.

Who did they send as an emissary?

I have an idea...

The most unlikely character you could imagine...
214) He stayed here, just outside of Sonora—near the Italian rancher's barns and caves where these flying machines were built.

Here is his cabin...

His name was Samuel Clemens.

Also known as...

Mark Twain.
215) This would seem preposterous... If only Mr. Twain didn't happen to be in the right place at the right time—and with the right people throughout this journey.

With what people, you might ask?

We'll get back to that later... Image
216) And how could an author—albeit a beloved one—get to be one of the founding members of a ultra secret society... A secret society based on the premise of a prosperous humanity...

Maybe the boys from Sonora started it... maybe.

And maybe the name of it is called

217) Never heard of it?

There seems to be a battle over the control of it to this very day—if it really exists...

Do we have an other evidence for its existence?

How about the tiles that surround our hero in his very own home—in plain sight?

You know... Mar-A-Lago.
218) If it does exist, I don't think the Trump faction and the Disney faction like each other...

Call it a hunch.

Technology was never meant to be used for evil...

219) But war with who? What nation?

Prussia is not a nation... It's an ideology spanning back to the crusades. The Teutonic Knights, along w/ the Junkers were to bring this virulent form of philosophy to the world.

We know them as the NAZI's

In Dellshau's time, they were NYMZA Image
Twitter is breaking my thread again... Already... 213) does not link to 214)... FYI...
220) Ok... Back to our historical timeline... Enough speculation.

Let's see if we can get something more substantial... Like evidence that might stand up in court.

But before we go back to the 1800's I thought it important to revisit the "new funding" topic.

I found something.
221) Remember Bohnenberger, and his "apparatus"?

The gyroscope?

Want to know where it is today?

United States Military Academy at West Point, New York.

This is where the U.S. enters the "technology secrets" game.

He who holds the technology...
This is the Solomon Andrews.

A man of many talents, indeed...
223) Dr. Andrews very much wanted to speak directly with this man.

On August 9, 1862, Dr. Andrews sent President Lincoln a letter suggesting “an aerostat for reconnaissance, in aid of the armies of the Union”.

Lincoln was very interested in this flying machine.
224) Dr. Andrews successfully demonstrated a controlled flight of perhaps the world's first dirigible, using hydrogen for lift, and a ballast system over Perth Amboy on June 1, 1863..

Just one problem... It wasn't anti-gravity.

No spinning wheels. No gyroscopes. No NB gas.
225) We might be tempted to write Dr. Andrews off in history as a prolific inventor with a penchant for airships.

After all, When the war was over and Lincoln was dead, on March 22, 1865, Andrews received a "no longer interested" letter from the House Military Affairs Committee
226) Correction.. Lincoln died the following month.
227) If Dr. Andrews was not demonstrating an anti-gravity machine, why does he play a role in this tale?

Couple of notables...

Many of the wealthiest men in New York would often be seen coming in and out of his Perth Amboy offices.

The question is, what were they investing in?
228) Many people, including author, Michael Busby, have a sneaking suspicion that these NY investors weren't necessarily investing in the Aerial Navigation Company, so much as they were investing in his private (inventors) institute.

There's that name again... NYMZA. Image
229) Despite being a prolific inventor and showman, Andrews also had another BIG VISION—and it ties back to our boys in Sonora.

An advertisement, in the New York Herald!

"Aerial Transportation to the California Gold Fields—in days."


Hmm... NY? CA? MANY inventors? AERON? Image
230) I don't know about you, but this sounds to me like a plausible scenario for a bunch of "philosopher mechanics."

Maybe, as Busby asks, the pre-cursor to Sonora Aero Club?

But Wait!? Wasn't NYMZA (the funding body) from Berlin?

Glad you asked...
231) One of my favorite author/speaker's on this subject is Walter Bosley. And it was him that stumbled onto this whole NYMZA mystery, and it's good... Very good.

In short:

1) New York — NYMZA
2) Berlin — NJMZa (transliteration, sam pronunciation)
3) Ancient Egypt — Unseen Hand
232) The whole tie-in to the Pharaoh's is what threw me for a loop... And a BUNCH of other things.

But I'll let Walter tell you this himself...

233) Now, if you're prone to skip the videos, I suggest this time you don't. Walter unloads so much information, it's quite remarkable...

It IS—in my opinion—an accurate estimation of this "secret history" and these "secret societies" that we talk so much about these days.
234) These WERE and ARE the two MAIN factions at war...

The ones with the MAGIC. The ones with the TECHNOLOGY.

BOTH of Prussian decent.

BOTH founded on science AND the occult.

The elites of the "darker" kind... The mechanics and inventors of the "lighter" kind.
235) Now, I'm not going to dilute this thread with even MORE tangents... But this one last time.

Why Prussia? Well... Holy Roman Empire.

And we can thank—in large part—this dude...

Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund.

Founder of Order of the Dragon—Ordo Draconum

236) He looks nice...

This is a thread of its own, but let me indulge a bit...

This "Order" also has on its board of Alumni a few questionable characters...

Like Vlad Dracul
Elizabeth Bathory

All with a penchant for blood...
237) And of course, if you follow it down the line you get?

Well... I'll let this "descendent" tell you himself. After all, as he puts it, "I have a stake in the game..."

238) Enough!

Back to altruistic philosopher mechanics and flying airships...
239) What if one evening, you walked outside for some fresh air, in a chill 1897 November in San Fransisco, and you saw this? Image
240) Correction: Sacramento... Closer to Sonora.
241) The Headlines...




Strange Tale of Sacramento Men Not Addicted to Prevarication

Viewed an Aerial Courser as it Passes Over the City at Night.


What Was it?
242) Hmmm...
243) 4 nights later is was seen in Sacramento again... and also seen over Folsom, San Francisco, Oakland, Modesto, Manteca, Sebastopol and several other cities later that same evening and was reportedly viewed by hundreds of witnesses.
244) In 1896, It was seen as far South as Pasadena, and all up and down the West Coast, well up into the far North of Canada.

Hundreds of witnesses... Many judges, politicians, and other "reputable" sources.

245) Hundreds of articles all across the nation... Did you know?

See that one headline in the upper right hand corner?

What Was It!?

That one is from Tacoma / Seattle 1896...Tacoma Daily Ledger, November 27, 1896, p. 4, under the heading, “What was it? Image
246) Seattle / Tacoma area had less than 50,000 population in 1896. It was really the stopping point for the Klondike Gold Rush...

Wanna know what I find DELICIOUSLY interesting?
247) I find it almost inconceivably coincidental that yet another German just happened to be making a name for himself in Hotels, Gold, and Real Estate.

Frederick Trump

John Trump's father, and Donald Trump's grandfather.

Very involved with Seattle and the Klondike.
248) Can we prove that Frederick Trump saw or was involved with the Sonora Aero Club Germans?


We can't even prove if Homer Trump truly existed 40 years earlier, let alone if there was any relation.

Surely Homer was a nickname, yeah?

Oh, the lack of evidence!
249) In 1891, Frederick Trump began to make a name for himself in Seattle. He bought and sold restaurants, hotels, and well—Brothels.

He also bought land in the promising mining town of Monte Cristo. In 1896, he was even elected as "justice of the peace" by a 32-to-5 margin.
250) John D. Rockefeller invested into the entire Everett area and created an exaggerated expectation of the area's potential.

Mr. Trump was the only one to wise enough to NOT lose money in Monte Cristo, even w/ Rockefeller's Pump n' Dump scheme.

Back to Seattle!

Back to Gold!

251) Before we move on from Frederick Trump. Let's at least analyze the coincidences.

- German national
- Unpopulated West coast
- Deeply involved in Gold mining & associated businesses
- In Seattle at the time of the 1896 "flying air ship" sighting

Awfully similar to Sonora. Image
252) Not going to try to force a connection...

Just seems rather odd.

If there is a connection to "Homer"—and that character is real—it wasn't Frederick's father, Johannes. It was probably a relative.

Connected to breakaway society?

No real evidence.

Let's move on.
253) If 1896 was the year of the Mystery Airship's on the West Coast, 1897 was all about the Midwest.

In fact, not only were there hundreds of sightings, they came from many reputable witnesses, and from many states.

Dozens in Texas... Even the one they lost in Aurora.
254) Oh this is going to be fun... :)

I sorta kinda accidentally found a testimony from 1897 that validates my theory...

Goodie, goodie gumdrops! I think i just contributed something of value to the UFO community.

More build up needed.

Making coffee... Gonna be a long night.
255) It's brewing... Going to sneak 2 tweets in...

Recap on my theory:

- NB gas, or the lifting gas was hydrogen, by way of an exothermic reaction, by mixing several components w/ water.
- This gas, in turn expands so fast that the Sonora Boys hooked up a turbine
256) - This turbine was connected via axial shaft to various other contraptions—the shaft was the power source for everything
- Including the most important component of all, which required the lion's share of the power—the FLYWHEELS.
- Run out of H20, and you run out of power.
257) - Remember, hydrogen comes from the water... 2 parts hydrogen (H), and 1 part oxygen (O) = H2O
- In the great blimp era, this method was the preferred way to expediently "inflate" the dirigibles—The Zeppelins, etc.
- Somehow, Peter Mennis had the formula 80 years prior
258) And now? Now this new version of the Sonora Aero Club had it 30-40 years—perhaps in collaboration w/ the United States Army.

Maybe it was a joint effort... Maybe there was a deal.

Sonora Aero Club + US ARMY = 1st Black Project?

BEFORE the disintegration of the War Dept.
259) - What if the conduit the deep pockets of the NY & Berlin bankers wasn't via Dr. Andrews public company, but rather, his PRIVATE institute
- And what if Lincoln signed that first signature for the secret AERON project before his assassination.

Back to the story... Witnesses
260) The Sonora Boys felt confident enough to tout this thing all up and down the Midwest—even stopping in corn fields to explain to the farmer how it "worked."

The dawn of air travel, and what a competitive advantage!

Inventors optimism:

"We Go It Alone."

The BIG reveal!

261) Is it feasible that after 40 years of progress, the best minds in cutting edge technology went from this in 1847... Image
262) To this... In 1897? Image
Correction: 1857
263) Just lined up 30+ eyewitness testimonies from the newspapers of that time... There are Hundreds!!

Sleep calls, but will unload a barrage of these first-hand accounts tomorrow...

Including NAMES and mechanical EXPLANATIONS...

Goodnight patriots everywhere.
264) Some of the accounts speak of strange things, like martians, and 7-foot naked being that spoke "warbble," or were "not of this world."

These testimonies differ so much that I'll leave them out...

However, what WAS consistent, were the accounts of real conversations w/ men.
265) The airship craze from the 1896 winter had simmered down, but not for long...

It took a sighting in Omaha, on March 29, 1897 to put the airships back in the headlines for the rest of that year.

1896-1897: The FIRST Disclosure?

Hundreds of witnesses... A 30-minute show!
266) The Newspapers were peppered with first-hand accounts, and rational explanations for what these things were... Image
267) The following week, Texas began to collect testimony from other groups of witnesses, including Sam Houston's nephew, and many other credible accounts.

This is where things start to get interesting...
268) Key points:

- 15+ men witness a downed craft
- 2 crew. Mechanic and a pilot. Dolbear and Tillman.
- 60 ft. in length
- Aeroplanes (wings)
- Batteries
- Electric engine
- in contract with capitalist from New York


- motive power = 2 immense metal WHEELS at each end!
269) Sound familiar?
270) But... Uncle T, you said hydrogen and turbines!

Indeed I did... For 1857...

But not for 1897—except for long trips.

And... that's where THIS guy comes into play. Image
271) There is just isn't enough time or space to list all the patents that may have been exceedingly useful for the Sonora boys... Just way too many...

And all this before 1897.

Tesla was a genius. Image
272) This (IMHO) was the FIRST and MOST secret Black project in our history.

It was a SCIF—And the product was a SYMPHONY of exotic tech, being used, in some cases, decades before analogous patents begin to emerge.

DOZENS of mechanisms.

DOZENS of minds.

Not just Tesla.
273) I'll touch on the missing pieces, and the missing people as we go along... But for right now, let's get back to the eyewitness accounts.

Back to Texas!
274) 3 more witnesses in Ft. Worth...

And then another by "Truthful Scully."
275) About the time Truthful Scully was giving his account, another Texas resident MUST have been reading the papers.

That resident was Charles Dellshau, a bitter old man by this time, living in Houston.

I can only imagine his delight. His drawings begin in the following years.
276) Next day, the Fort Worth Register ran an article w/ the story of Capt. Patrick C. Byrnes, who not only saw an airship but also was allowed to enter it, explore it, question the crew. The airship was carrying “several tons of dynamite” to be dropped on Spanish ships in Cuba.
277) Let's examine this historical event 123 years ago.

We may never have heard this story, but it doesn't mean it wasn't the talk of the entire nation.

On April 17th alone, there were multiple sightings in multiple states.

Midwest people were seeing these things EVERYWHERE. Image
278) For context, John L. Ward said the airship sightings were good omens for his Fort Worth Panthers baseball team.

Until the Panthers lost... On the 18th.

His perspective changed—"players couldn’t concentrate because they were watching the SKY for that “CONSARNED AIRSHIP!!”
279) But let's get back to the serious questions...

Dude talked to the crew!? Was allowed to see it!? Was shown how it worked!? Bombs for Spanish ships in Cuba!?

We have some work to do.

280) It's been awhile... Got a little burned out.

But there is oh so much more to tell :)

Shall we?
281) Let's re-cap:

- He who has the technology
- Private society formed to protect IP
- Private society formed because of [them]
- Who? The Prussian NYMZA.
- Pre-cursor to the NAZI's
- Believed in Technocracy

Two camps:
1) Philosopher Mechanics
2) Occult Chasers (dark priests)
282) I am going to keep this thread alive, and do my best at discerning fact from fiction. However, nearly all traces of the Sonora Aero Club seemed to have vanished after the airship crash (sabotage?) on April 17, 1897 in Aurora, Texas.

There were no aliens involved. Only men.
283) And despite hundreds of newspaper articles, with statements from hundreds of witnesses, there are only two (that I've been able to locate), that resonate with my theory.



284) Additionally, a name begins to appear. A familiar name from the early Sonora days. TRUMP appears in only 3 drawings from Charles Dellshau... Never to be seen again, and not mentioned in any 1897 account.

But there is one name that does... Over and over.

285) Dellshau cryptically mentions that TOSH WILSON was the inventor / engineer that looked for 7 YEARS for a replacement of the "lifting gas" that Peter Mennis guarded so closely. (I speculated hydrogen production via exothermic reaction).

It was Wilson that "rediscovered" it.
286) Tosh Wilson... The Uncle (inventor).

Willard Wilson... The father (and central railroad mechanic)

and finally... Hiram Wilson... The son (pilot).

All from Goshen NY, only a few miles from the West Point, and current home to the Prussian gyroscope that started it all.
287) Now let's take a look at the two articles in question...

Remember, many of the landed airships had crews that were friendly to ranchers and farmers—nearly all next to bodies of water. 50%+ of the "landed" accounts report the crew filling bags of water for the reaction.
288) #1

Pilot WILSON asks Mr. Ligon (eyewitness) for permission to take WATER as well as their arrival from the Gulf Coast (Cuba bombing?) and their intended destination... Image

• • •

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The LAW — A thread in remembrance...

"And God spake all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage."
1) "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
2) "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth."
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Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
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Mar 27, 2022
When you search for the meaning of biblical names for people in the bible, sometimes you will be amazed.

For instance, if you search for "Hebrew meaning of [name]"


Hebrew meaning of Gideon = Great destroyer
Hebrew meaning of Abraham = Exalted Father

What happens if you do this for all the 12 sons of Israel?

Well, I did—but please feel free to this yourself.

It's quite amazing.
Reuben—Behold, A Son is born to us
Simeon—One who hears
Levi—Joined in harmony
Judah—Praise the Lord
Dan—He judged
Naphtali—My Struggle
Gad—Good fortune
Issachar—His reward will come
Zebulun—Dwelling of honor
Joseph—God gave us
Benjamin—Son of righteousness
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Dec 23, 2021
198) It's been a while... Picking back up on this thread.

If Twitter spams your timeline with any long-ass thread I write, just mute the conversation.

(Apparently, my threads are long... Who knew?)

Lastly, I can't in good conscious stay w/ the non-biblical angle on this.
199) "good conscience," not conscious... Geesh... Off to a bang-up start...

Anyway, here we go...
200) Why are we focusing on Esau/Jacob? Because—I believe—the family feud is going on to this very day. It may even be the missing piece.

The Bible tells me so.

But it's the (non-canonical) Sefer ha Yashar (Book of Jasher) where we'll find MANY details...

Lots of bad blood.
Read 21 tweets
Oct 12, 2021

If you live in a rural area—or even the outskirts of suburbia—and have a lot of wood near you, you can use that wood to power your house, car, generator, and any kind of combustion engine.

I hope it doesn't come to this, but in case it does, this thread is for you! Image
2) in 2014, I moved to the least populated (per capita) jungle in Mexico, so I could take my inventions and try my hand at living outside government interference.

If you've ever seen the movie, "Mosquito Coast," w/ Harrison Ford, that's what my family did for 7 years. Image
3) Ice from fire... Or whatever you want... And the machine that makes it doesn't have to be 3 stories tall.

The technology is called gasification. it simply means that a gaseous fuel can be made from solid fuel. Wood chips, wood pellets—or better yet—charcoal.
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Oct 5, 2021
In my research of the Edomites, I cam across a startling fact. The Babylonian Talmud is NOT the religion of the Bible. It was written by men, and in MANY cases the WORST of crimes is condoned!
Herman Wouk in the New York Herald-Tribune, Nov. 17, 1959, said, “The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart’s blood of the Jewish religion... We follow the Talmud. It is our common law.”
Rabbi Zion Bokser stated: “Judaism is not the religion of the Bible.”
Read 12 tweets

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