its a 1550's painting by Sebastian Münster of Speyer, Germany that I split apart in photoshop to animate different bits. Everything runs on CSS with no JavaScript involved, even the buttons!
pretty much all the arguing about careers and making a living is really due to cost of living which is due to this graph, and almost nothing else.
The red area is housing that doesn't exist. It's what 2008 caused us not to build. Solve this and you solve everything.
From 1960 to 2005 we built 2x the number of houses per person that we build today. It's still cratered.
That's why the 2008 crisis failed to crash housing prices for more than a couple years. The "bubble" was over, but we stopped building houses, so they got scarce instead.
Almost nothing else really matters. 200k panda express jobs won't help. Everyone yeeting off to Des Moines won't help. Deporting people won't really help, the number of missing houses is simply too large. Prices will stay high or get higher in any area remotely desirable.
The only thing I'll say about the job discourse is that I run a very small tech company in New Hampshire and we hire literal high school interns from AP CS classes and train them and it works really really well.
*All* hires since the founders were interns out of high school.
1. This cannot scale indefinitely, and not everyone needs junior talent
there are unbelievably smart kids in random high schools that would kill to program over the summer and no one is looking for them. Literally the only work we had to do was email CS teachers at local schools and say "hey can you ask your best students to apply?"
When we first bought the land we had no landscaping budget but our own time. We started cutting down trees and brush all over, planning ideas for everywhere (orchard here, grove here, clear this field, etc)
There's simply too much for two people to do (at least two people who aren't retired)
So we took a step back and decided to work from the house outwards. Make the immediate lawn look nice and pull out all poison ivy. Plant a couple trees we really like (magnolia, sugar maple)
For several years (2019-) we just focused on cleaning up spaces starting from the house to the road.
by 2022 I was working right by the road, digging out overgrown stone walls. Like in this thread
The simplest conclusion from looking at "seed oils" for ten seconds is that the burden of proof is on them. Never before did we eat this much Linoleic Acid (LA). Never before did we muck with fat composition at this scale.
You don't need "proof" to decide to avoid them.
if fat composition explosively changes and everyone gets obese you don't need to do a bunch of studies. You can just not eat them and eat saturated animal fats instead and not get fat yourself and feel great.
You don't have to prove anything to anyone.
"blah blah calories in/out"
If you want to search for theories you don't have to look very far. Mammals in hibernation (torpor) tend to amp up linoleic acid content right before. All mammals except humans hibernate, its easy to imagine we have a pseudo-torpor state too.
I avoided answering this one because I wanted to think about it for longer. But I still don't have a great answer that isn't rambling personal philosophy which probably won't translate well.
Dating really is a searching quest but its important to always keep in mind that it goes in two directions. You want to find someone and you want to be found. Many people spend most of the time on the first point. Working on the second point may be more fruitful.
I think lots of people are used to the idea that life has a script. School encourages this, many ppl follow script from 3-21. Once the script is finished, people can exist at a sorta end-of-history state without re-examining. Some get depressed by this.
It's like navigating a river downstream and then finally you reach the ocean. Now what?
I have some sympathy for men and women stuck here.
There used to be strong scripts for getting married sooner. And married men and women used to be elevated in status. That's not really the case any more.
excerpt from "the way we never were" about the 1950s America. Socially anything like this is totally gone