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🕯 In labouring to be concise, I become obscure. 🕯 Alchemist, sacred things, making things 🕯 The map is mostly water. 🌜 I make GoJS:
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Jun 22 8 tweets 4 min read
NPR's Ira Glass got a pit and it constantly bit CHILDREN, him & wife & more ppl. So they gave it prozac and exotic meats to "cure" it and it STILL had to be muzzled 24/7. They stopped having guests over. He says the dog is the victim.

Encapsulates an unfortunate liberal mindset

This has been a mindset that's been made fun of and commented on since at least the 1800s (The Bostonians, Henry James), its definitely not new. It is an addiction to feeling like you are saving something and protecting it from others.
Jun 6 7 tweets 4 min read
I have viewed maybe 200,000 historical photos from the 1800's to today, across all kinds of archives. The neoteny effect is very real and began probably around the 1920s for some people.

Interestingly historical men resemble modern men more (vs women) in a lot of ways. too many observations to ever state but one funny one is that the zoomer perm was alive and well in the 1930s

1933, us national archive: Image
May 23 9 tweets 2 min read
wait this is just my company. I already live like this ohhhhhhhh
now it makes sense

Mar 19 5 tweets 2 min read

I would just say BEHEAD HIM at this point but the sad fact is that he does not even realize what's going on

It is quite possible to solve in individual cases. If you can solve broadly, you can unlock great human happiness there is a great affliction of people not realizing that life has a point, a plot, and they play a part in it. That it is more than endlessly renewing your streaming subscription services and getting better at rock climbing
Mar 4 11 tweets 3 min read
It's a movie about the forces of evil, boredom, and aimlessness and what they do to an otherwise promising person. It's like a vampire movie without vampires. Also a very tight script, no line of dialogue is wasted.

And it has an accurate depiction... of what it feels like for a bright person when everyone older than you in your life is checked out, unaware, and kind-of an imbecile, especially wrt the future.

No one actually helps Benjamin. They lob "advice" at him, berate him, seduce him. But they don't think about him.
Feb 28 7 tweets 2 min read
yeah after food health shelter family, what is there? I mean beside RESHAPING OF THE WORLD, and ART TO VENERATE THE DIVINE and sure I guess being the HANDMAID OF INVENTION and little other trifles in pursuit of glory and theory and beauty and all that. yeah diminishing returns guys used to get up in the morning and say to each other Lets build a cathedral so beautiful and so grand that all who come after us will think us Mad

now people talk about "diminishing returns"
Jan 30 6 tweets 2 min read
A lot of replies say versions of "you need to be telling not asking" or "you need to disallow video games"

I think both these miss the mark widely. The fundamental issue is that we have created a world for kids that is so circumscribed that they feel they can't do much in it. There are two failures here:

One is that children are not allowed to do very many things at all, fewer than ever in some cases.

And the other is a failure of imagination on the parents part, of showing what they *can* do.
Jan 19 5 tweets 2 min read
With knitting, Simi picked it up because having 2 babies gives you many small periods of time where you can semi-consciously work (but no more) and knitting fits perfectly into these.

She knits while reading to Lu, in the car, while baby asleep in lap, etc now hats for the whole family, sweaters and cardigans for both babies, mittens for them too were all made during these periods. It's a great way to make things where before you didn't think you had the time.
Nov 16, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
This is one of the most terminal business behaviors that I've seen in my life, and it happens even in families. Incredibly stifling. I think it may be part of why the fertility rate is so low. There are 50 year olds living under thumb of their 75 yo father who is unable to relinquish serious control of anything.

Others much younger opt out of the family biz instead. Can't blame them, they see that it means less agency that climbing a random corp ladder.
Nov 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
this is still one of the wildest graphs I've seen in recent times

why women and men go to college and what they expect to get out of college may have very little overlap, which explains (to the first order) a lot of differences in attendance, use, etc Image just why they have such different expectations of college's purpose is harder to pin down
Nov 2, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
I put it here to heat the house and use with cooking. The whole house is heated by the wood stove, though the north bedrooms are supplemented a bit.

It makes the floorplan more open than I think is ideal, but given our budget constraints I think it was the best choice.
Image We just have the one couch. I'm not crazy about it either. We need a lot more comfy seating but all the armchairs I like are pretty expensive. We're probably going to buy our first this December. And if we really like it get another.

Oct 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Children need and desire to be attached to the world at many points of contact. They want to work and help and make things. They crave it.

Secret fact: many adults are unhappy because they have so few points of attachment with the world. They would be happier with more work. I rt'ed this the other day and didn't comment then, but it's the same thing. Many adults come to see work as a very small and specific set of things. Come to resent it. And this view hurts their relationships, how they use all their time, their whole life

Oct 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
working on draft for my home design series, the part on my kitchen.
Is there anything you want answered? slightly related we've finally bought a runner for it (not the best pictures just some that I had)

I was looking over old photos and its very weird to see so many for years without any shelves at all in the kitchen. It's starting to feel fuller.
Sep 22, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
thread of some advice on finding a wife Step 1 you have to learn to love women. Not *a* woman, all women. You have to have affection for the entire sex. You should cherish the very thought of women, have a fondness and a sympathy overflowing for them. This is table stakes.
Sep 7, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
if a country wanted to increase the birth rate there's plenty of things they could try:

1. Ban full-time education after 18. Part time is fine. This stops ppl delaying their lives via the worse-than-unpaid internship. The sooner people make money the sooner they can have babies. 2. gov pensions (eg social security) are very small and only substantial if you've had children. People complain that social pensions require a growth pyramid of population, so just formalize that.

No children? Nearly no gov pension.

obviously #2 has a serious flaw...
Sep 2, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
THREAD OF SECRETS as I think of them

The secret to good sleep is to only use 5-15 watt incandescent bulbs on dimmers in the upstairs of your house, in sconces and table lamps. It should feel darker than downstairs. I wrote about my own setup here with more recommendations…
Aug 18, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
There's something I find deeply disturbing in the modern world about the concept of jobs.

When people say "no one wants to work [hard] anymore" I actually do think they're on to something.
The problem is that a lot of (mostly liberal?) people seem to treat jobs *not* as an instrumental thing - a position for getting serious work done - but instead as a kind of reward or perk.

Jobs are things to be handed out. And if you don't like someone they should lose it, etc.
Aug 3, 2023 24 tweets 8 min read
it is time to read the works of the ancients (late 1700s) coffee obsessed Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford

perhaps he holds some long forgotten secrets Image specifically we will be contemplating the prosperity of mankind in this innocent enjoyment! Image
Jun 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
My main criticism of these studies is simply that "measurable outcomes not impacted" almost certainly means they measured too few things and probably too poorly. I do not think we should take that phrase at face value. I think it's transparently false when you scratch at it. This is crystal clear at the bookends. Parenting that is extremely negligent causes children to starve to death. Parenting that demands a certain (insane) excellence is responsible for the entire Olympic gymnastics team, where starting training at age 7 is considered "very late"
Apr 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
the first date should be chatting online for a month. If you can't chat online for a month first it's probably not going to work

the second date you should go on a weekend trip to Montreal together I'm not surprised people find coffee dates to be in the uncanny valley.

Coffee shop is a place you relax and you're introducing a forced tension (all modern "dates" have some of this), and at the same time they are too low stakes!
Mar 30, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
something I think very important, but difficult to articulate:

most young-ish people with economic anxiety of one stripe or another are actually misidentifying a fundamental problem. It's actually almost solely one of being unable to find a truly committed mate A simplistic example: There's plenty of cheap housing outside cities. But without a truly committed mate it is difficult to leave a city for a smaller town which has an immensely lower cost of housing. Difficult to find mate and possibly difficult to keep, in a sense.