A good day to remember @jeremycorbyn was one of the first to denounce Spanish violence on the Catalan rederendum and asked for the UK to intervene for a democratic solution.
A good day to remember that @CarolineLucas of @TheGreenParty demanded a stop to Spanish violence on Catalan referendum day, called unacceptable @BorisJohnson’s failure to condemn violence, asked the UK govt to stand up to violence, and asked the EU to find a democratic solution.
A good day to remember that @vincecable leader of the @LibDems at the time of the Catalan referendum, condemned Spanish police violence and asked @BorisJohnson to summon Spanish ambassador to tell him it was unacceptable.
3 years ago today, Spanish military police Guardia Civil searched a post office in Terrassa, confiscating census card letters for the Catalan Independence referendum.
The assault ended with police violence against the protesting neighbours.
3 years ago today, Spanish police desperately trying to stop the Independence Referendum, raided 41 locations incl gov offices and printing companies, arrested 14 officials, tried to assault CUP’s HQs and shut >140 websites, triggering protests across Catalonia. #NiUnPasEnrere
3 years ago today, we rallied in London in defence of the Catalan Independence referendum in Senate House, where Josep Borrell -current EU FP chief- was holding a talk justifying Spanish police repression against Catalonia.
.@CastellaToni afirma cal que recuperar la unitat estratègica de l'1-O.
-"Vam fer el referèndum i ara cal complir-ne al mandat."
-"La via realista és aixecar la suspensió de la DUI del 27-S."
-"L'Estat espanyol no té cap incentiu a negociar res. Cal la insubmissió col·lectiva."
.@jordisolef, qui ha estat recentment elegit president del @EFAparty del @Europarl_CAT:
- "Hi ha una diversitat en l'independentisme que no només és legítima, sinó que a més és enriquidora"
- "A l'Estat espanyol li és igual si som el 50 o el 51%, però per nosaltres és necessari"
@epaluzie “S’estan veient les conseqüències que té la manca de poder polític per prendre decisions i per ajudar a resoldre una crisi d’aquesta magnitud”.
“I don’t understand why he died. I don’t get that a person like my father who’s been working since he was 15, paying taxes, has now died because there are no ventilators”.