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Ist "»Demokratie« tatsächlich noch zur Beschreibung »unserer Politik und unseres polit. Systems« angemessen… oder handelts es "sich bei der Verwendung dieses Begriffs lediglich »um eine zynische Geste« …, »mit der eine zutiefst manipulative Politik getarnt werden soll«
Wolin Image
Kein neuer Diktat-Frieden von Stralsund!

Ukraine-Krieg: Friedensgespräche im Rathaus? Die spinnen, die Stadtverordneten der Hansestadt. Dank kritischer Medienberichte muss man sich um die Demokratie wirklich nicht die geringste Sorge machen. Eine…
Give Peace a Chance

Kein Ende des Tötens und Zerstörens im Ukraine-Krieg: Wie bestimmte Narrative Friedensverhandlungen…
Read 34 tweets
#BernieSanders is now the front-runner to be the US #Democratic challenger to #Trump. He is popular because, like #JeremyCorbyn, he is serious about social democratic reforms #ForTheMany at the expense of the billionaire class... /1
...serious action to address the #ClimateEmergency & reigning-in US military adventures. For the same reasons the US ruling class are out to destroy him politically, either in favour of one of his #Democrat rivals or, if that fails, if favour of #Trump. /2
Like the campaign against #Corbyn they are using every smear & dirty trick available to them. However #Sanders has shown he has learned from Corbyn's mistakes in capitulating to his dishonest critics:
"His campaign has also been rather sure-footed in the..." /3
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A good day to remember @jeremycorbyn was one of the first to denounce Spanish violence on the Catalan rederendum and asked for the UK to intervene for a democratic solution.

#ForTheMany 🌹 ImageImage
A good day to remember that @CarolineLucas of @TheGreenParty demanded a stop to Spanish violence on Catalan referendum day, called unacceptable @BorisJohnson’s failure to condemn violence, asked the UK govt to stand up to violence, and asked the EU to find a democratic solution. ImageImage
A good day to remember that @vincecable leader of the @LibDems at the time of the Catalan referendum, condemned Spanish police violence and asked @BorisJohnson to summon Spanish ambassador to tell him it was unacceptable.

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Sad to hear @GarySambrook89 say he thinks it's "fantasy politics" for children to have free nutritious school meals. As @RichardBurdenMP says, it's a moral policy. Gary squarely in tradition of Thatcher who began onslaught on nutritional standards of school meals in late 70s.
@GarySambrook89 @RichardBurdenMP Consensus at #NorthfieldHustings about importance of international aid apart from Keith Rowe BXP who doesn't accept moral responsibility to support aid & development. Absence of compassion and, as LibDem candidate points out, there's also international security argument for aid.
@GarySambrook89 @RichardBurdenMP Odd intervention from @GarySambrook89 now in which he seems to vehemently disagree with his own govt's housing policies which have created a housing and homelessness crisis in Birmingham. Right to buy started in 1980s & councils didn't get receipts to build new homes.
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I'm so glad to have the backing and endorsement from this young inspirational woman @SuhaAbdul_ who is Womens and Vice chair of @LDNYoungLabour. #ForTheMany
#Apsana4PL Image
I'm also excited to have the endorsement from the chair of London young labour! Image
I'm humbled to have the support and endorsement from @LDNYoungLabour
Young people have it tough under Tory cuts and austerity. We need to stand shoulder to shoulder, in solidarity fighting for transformative change and against destructive tory policies #Apsana4PL Image
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I'm so delighted to have the endorsement from
Cllr Abdul Mukit Chunu MBE

#Apsana4PL #ForTheMany Image
"I would like to request all the members of the Poplar and Limehouse constituency to support Apsana Begum.
She has born and brought up in Shadwell and has lived and worked locally, educated at Queen Mary University and brings experience from campaigning on issues such as saving public services."
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