Psst guys, update in a couple of hours once I’m done with work. Have an aesthetic board for Jin’s apartment 💛

Legally Jin 💞 A #Namjin AU

Hey friends, time for some more angst because apparently I have zero chill. ImageImage
Legally Jin 💞 A #Namjin AU

Just a reminder that twitter has a habit of screwing me over so if any of my posts aren’t visible to you please let me know 💛 ImageImage
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Okay, so the following updates 470-473 are where things are getting a bit tougher so all of them are being tagged with a trigger warning. A summary will be available at the end for those who need to skip.
//TW: Homophobia, forced marriage, blackmail, implications of child abuse.
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//TW: specifics above ImageImage
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//TW: specifics above ImageImage
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//TW: specifics above ImageImage
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//TW: specifics above ImageImage
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Summary for those who skipped due to trigger warnings:
Hoseok agreed to get married to protect his sister from his homophobic parents. Chunhei found out he was gay shortly after the wedding but they made it work and later discovered that she was asexual (1/3)
The night Chunhei was murdered Hoseok was in a gay bar, but didn't talk to anyone and doubts there is anything that can be done to prove he was there. Jin isn't so sure there isn't proof but Hoseok will not admit the alibi (2/3)
Hoseok is sure that if he comes out whether or not he is convicted it won't end well. He is determined to protect his sister above all else (3/3)
Yet another angsty backstory for the pile... WHOOPS! I am definitely WAY too mean to my characters but I promise there will be a happy ending for all. I'll try to update soon my lovelies💛💛💛 Thank you so much for all your great comments and for liking and retweeting
Which of our boys' backstories have you liked learning the most? Which one have you connected with the most? Whose story made you feel the most?
Sneak preview of a feature of the next update 🤫🤫🤫 ImageImage
So— am I happy with this next update? Not really no, it ended up way different then planned and the tone is still kind of all over the place and I didn’t even finish everything I wanted to include but OH WELL four rewrites is a LIMIT so let’s get it
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Legally Jin 💞 A #Namjin AU
Is Taehyung a mess? Yes. But he also knows you should stream shadow ImageImage
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Please let me know if any of the posts don’t work 💛 ImageImage
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Done for the night my lovelies. Question, what did Tae say to get Hoseok to forgive him?
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500 posts of Legally Jin done and so much story to go! Thank you to the people that let me use their profiles at the last minute.
Next time on Legally Jin: Jin’s back to work, how is Jang handling his recent behaviour?
Hi friends 💛 new update time! This lil chapter is dedicated to @Chaotic_Hamlet one of my favourite mutes for a slightly delayed birthday present! Happy birthday RJ 🥳
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Okay, it’s nearly 1am so that’s all for tonight 😂💛 I hope you all enjoyed that emotional roller coaster and don’t kill me for it. I keep doing this to you, I probably need to chill.
Anyway, I promise you some softness next time 💛 also #StreamEgo
If you were in Jin’s position, what would you do?
Legally Jin 💞 A #Namjin AU
Teenie update time! ImageImage
Legally Jin 💞 A #Namjin AU
Byeeeee be back soon!!! ImageImageImage
Hey friends! I'm starting a Legally Blonde watch-a-long in half an hour, so come join me on discord for a nice chat as we watch the movie and squeal about Namjin! <-- follow the link.

In the mean time, enjoy part one of this mushy, mushy update.
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Live chatting with the amazing Yelena and my irl's rn, come join in the fun! ImageImage
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Had an amazing time chatting with @WhatsEvenAbias and Maki (a lovely lurker) about Legally Blonde and BTS, thank you guys for an amazing night celebrating a year of Legally Jin!
I'm determined to get a few more posts up tonight so keep an eye out 💛
Legally Jin 💞 A #Namjin AU
It’s nearly 1am but a promise is a promise! ⚠️ Warning— this update includes thirst and Namjoon in suits. They’re both equally dangerous! ImageImageImage
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If it wasn’t clear before this, I don’t actually know too much about Jaehwan or Taemin in real life so their characterisation is literally just the energy I was going for this chapter. ImageImageImage
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Night night all! There's a part three to this update coming tomorrow, just in time for Valentines Day (okay technically IF I can get it done in time, but I'm hopeful) See you guys soon!
And Happy Anniversary to this Fic 💛🥳 Thanks for sticking with me for so long!
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What is with me and 1am updates you may ask? Who knows! Anyway, I barely looked through this one so if it sucks OH WELL ImageImage
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Goodnight all and happy Valentine's Day! I hope you have enjoyed this updating bonanza!
I'm curious! How long have you been reading this story?
Legally Jin💕A #Namjin AU
Hey friends, sorry this update took so long, it's literally been driving me insane. As I say every time but I honestly mean it. ImageImage
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JUST realised that because I cut two massive sections before this, I didn't explain why Jimin is there. Tae called him to give Hoseok a haircut, they of course bonded because JiHope are always besties. ImageImage
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Okay I was going to end it there, but I decided to add a little something because this chapter didn’t end up anywhere near as fluffy as I planned ImageImageImage
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Looks like TaeTae’s blog isn’t so little anymore ImageImageImage
That's all for today my friends! Hope you're looking forward to the trial of the century which should be starting VERY soon. Hope all of you are healthy, safe and AT HOME during these trying times.
So, will Jang figure out that Jin's leaking things to the press?
Legally Jin💕A #Namjin AU
Messed up the formatting (oops) so we reposting this one
😑 ImageImage
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...I thought it would only be like two hours tops for me to be gone. I miscalculated. WHOOPS! Don't kill me 💛💛💛 ImageImage
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Psst, small time jump after this section, not done yet ImageImageImage
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Alright people, next time on Legally Jin *anime noises* the trial begins! What mood do you predict?
I know I haven't been using my CC much lately, but I think everyone could use some more socialisation these days, so if you want to reach out to me, to talk about the story, BTS or anything else you like, you can do it here.
See you next time lovelies 💛
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
Okay, giving you guys a quick preview 💛 because the next part is all social media and it’s going to be annoyingly fiddly. ImageImage
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BYEEEEEE hope to have a full update soon! ImageImageImage
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Thank you for every one who let me use their accounts for this far too over-complicated social media update ImageImageImage
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Legally Jin💕A #Namjin AU
Okay, so I posted like another ten updates before I found out THAT TWITTER IS BEING A BITCH AND IS MALFUNCTIONING AGAIN. So please someone message me or retweet me when each one works because this is going to be a LONG process. ImageImageImage
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Keep updating me people twitter can just d-word ImageImageImage
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Had to re-upload because I got the picture order wrong :(( UGH please keep letting me know, you guys are gems, thanks for your patience ImageImage
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Please work :(( ImageImageImage
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Fingers crossed 🤞 ImageImage
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Thank you for all the people who are retweeting and liking, it really helps me know when the posts have gone up ImageImageImage
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If this works, then I'm back to where I was before. So let's get cracking! ImageImage
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Please keep letting me know if it's up, I'm trying not to put anything up before I get confirmation so that I'm not constantly re-uploading ImageImage
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The way I've been updating for FOUR HOURS. ImageImage
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Okay, that was a ride-- and of course twitter had to malfunction on what was probably my longest update ever! There were over 60 pics in this, I'm not even kidding.
What type of fan would you be watching the trial?
Thank you so much for your lovely comments and for sticking by me while twitter was rude. Thanks again to all the people who let me use their profiles (sorry if any of it was weird 😂). Always here for anyone who wants to chat! Much love 💛
Legally Jin💕A #Namjin AU
Hey friends! You voted to update now, so here we go! ImageImage
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So... I never thought I'd get to post 600, but WELP here we are! ImageImage
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So... that's it for today. Hope you enjoyed the ride and that you're not going to murder me for leaving you here! In my defence I did ask if you wanted to wait for the other bit or not!
So... the red that Jin sees is? Come scream at me here, or pop in if you'd like to chat! I've had a few lovely messages here the last couple of weeks and I'd love to make friends with you guys 💛
So, apparently I've made a few mistakes in my updates, including writing Jang instead of Jin at the bottom of 599 and forgetting I had written these updates that actually were supposed to happen before 412, so you know OCTOBER.
I can't even link things properly apparently, whoops! But anyway, sorry for the delays, sorry for the cliffhangers! It's story time!
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Okay my loves, that's all for tonight. Just one question for you: did you actually think I was going to kill Hobi? You have that little faith in me? Come chat with me 💛 I've also created a ko-fi page, an extra dollar here or there really helps out 💛consider it a tip jar, here if you can, but no pressure if you can't. Have a great day or night wherever you are, stay healthy and stay happy 💛
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VMin are the best besties to ever bestie ImageImage
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Thank you all for all your support on the last few updates, it's honestly been so encouraging to hear from all of you! It's just a short one today before we get into more... infamous scenes.
Come have a chat with me here:
But in the mean time, does Hoseok think of Taehyung as more than a friend? If you like what I do and want to support the story, please consider donating 💛
Legally Jin💕A #Namjin AU
Okay, it’s 2:30 in the AM where I am right now and I only just finished the update, so have this preview of Tae wilding! ImageImage
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Hoseok-Stan twitter and the true crime junkies are rioting ImageImageImage
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The higher Tae’s follower account goes, the more power he wields!
Nighty night lovelies 💛 Image
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Okay, even I'll admit this chapter is a smidge of a disconnected mess, but there's a lot of fun in here so please excuse the slightly rambliness ImageImage
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Just to be sure, you guys can see these right? ImageImage
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I swear I didn't mean to put angst in this chapter, it just kinda happened. ImageImage
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Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
Kind of didn't know how to end the chapter, but I hope you guys had fun anyway! ImageImage
SO! This chapter was a lot of fun to write even if I don't feel like it's my best work, I honestly got way too into the hypothetical alternate version of my fake movie. I'm back to work now so updates may slow down a little but I'm gonna to keep giving you guys more because I
know many of you are still quarantined and deserve the distraction of something to read. Plus there's so much juicy stuff coming soon!
So, message me the movie you'd LOVE to see a far gayer version of here:
And tell me, what do you call a slushie? If you want to support me and my writing you can leave a tip here 💛
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Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
So, the world is in desperate need of some kindness, so I figured soft Namjin would be a good distraction.
Also thank you to the anon in my CC who reminded me they missed their parents, it was very valid. ImageImage
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Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
I know many of you have already read this chapter, but I realised I actually missed two pics and they were too cute to not skip back to fix the thread. I'm sorry to all those who have already retweeted and commented on this but it was NECESSARY ImageImage
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Please ignore the reposting uwu ImageImage
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And because I can't not post things back to front, here's take three ImageImage
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Okay, let's try this again-- I would have cried if it was too late to go back and post that bit it's the softest thing I've ever written. It would be a travesty to keep it hidden. Hope that didn't mess up anyone's efforts to bookmark this fic.
Was it worth it? And once again, please if you have the resources please donate to the Aboriginal Legal Service fund. It's truly an important organisation doing great things in such troubling times
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The devil's post uwu ImageImage
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Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
Sorry, reupload to include trigger warning.
tw:// brief references to homophobia, domestic abuse and underage relationships ImageImage
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Okay, I had a TONNE of fun writing this chapter, it's the softest thing in the universe and I love my babies. I've been cooing the whole time. Next time, we go back to the trial, but tonight is for them. come squee over them here with me uwu 💛
If you'd like to support my writing you can throw a dollar or two in the tip jar here:
But, for now, farewell my lovelies! What do you predict will be the mood next time on Legally Jin?
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
I am forever a tease and also don’t want to focus on spending time with my family so... SNEAKY UPDATE TIME ImageImage
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Tiny update complete uwu ImageImageImage
Is Tae being gone going to be a problem going forward?
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I am intermittently fighting my wi-fi so if this takes a bit I apologise and blame the robot. ImageImage
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Wonshik isn't perceptive. ImageImage
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Not gonna lie, this may be one of my favourite screen shots of the entire fic so far. ImageImage
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I'm baaacccckkk ImageImage
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So... there's the end for today... don't kill me please. LOTS going on right now and the drama is only going to increase! Why is the girl claiming an affair? What's freaked out Yoongi? Has Namjoon always been this savage? Please send me your thoughts 💛
If you want to support my story you can donate here:
But until next time-- we know Jin is going to have Hoseok's back, he knows that Hoseok is gay, but will the rest of the legal team believe the witness?
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
So, I ended up writing about 1500 words in one night, so time for a fairly small update that won't make yesterday's cliffhanger much better tbh ImageImage
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Fun fact this story now consists of over 1500 screen shots ImageImage
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Okay, so I was going to leave it there, but I decided we needed to check in on true crime stan twitter ImageImageImage
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And because we all know Tae would never leave his man hanging, he has prepared a little speech. ImageImage
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Seems some people agree with him ImageImageImage
Okay done for today, no idea when I'll be posting again but I am WAY too excited for everything to come so I hope it'll be soon!
Until then, why is Yongsun claiming she had an affair with Hoseok?
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It's a smaller update tonight, but the next part might take a bit so I hope you guys enjoy! ImageImageImage
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Okay, cliffhangers are rude but I can't help it 😂 Please do come talk to me, I ALWAYS love hearing what people have to say:
Until next time, has Jin figured out why Yongsun is lying?
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Does it count as a twist if this is adapted from a movie? Because I still think this is a fun twist either way ImageImage
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I don't exactly understand how twitters new thread thing works, so if anything looks weird, please tell me ImageImage
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Post Seven. Fucking. Hundred. ImageImage
Okay, that's it for tonight! Jin's back on his bullshit but Jang isn't having it even though Namjoon may have plans of his own. Maybe Jin is crazy, but maybe Yongsun is gay.
So, tell me what do you think is Jin's most compelling evidence?
And as always, I love chatting with people, so always reach out whether its about the story or something completely random:
Also, if you like the story and want to support me, tips are very much appreciated:
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
Hello my lovely followers, time for the trial of the century to resume! I've gained quite a few new readers since last time I posted, so please feel free to interact, you're always welcomed and loved here 💛 ImageImage
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So... i posted the wrong photos with the last one... you saw NOTHING ImageImage
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Apologies for deleting, it occurred to me that this should have a trigger warning, it might seem minor but I felt like it was important to include.
TW : // outing and references to homophobia ImageImage
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TW : // outing and references to homophobia ImageImage
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Understandably, the internet is having a reaction ImageImageImageImage
Okay my loves! That's all for tonight, but the other half of this scene is coming soon I promise 💛 No poll this time because we're still half way through. Oh, and in case you missed it, earlier this week I had fun with a Namjin, Sope and VMinKook prompt
Hey friends! This is a big dramatic chapter, which means it’s trigger warning time. As always, a summary will be available at the end of the update for those who need to skip.
//TW: outing, homophobia, toxic family dynamics, blackmail, institutional abuse of power
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
//TW: specifics above ImageImage
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//TW: specifics above ImageImage
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//TW: specifics above ImageImage
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//TW: specifics above ImageImage
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//TW: specifics above ImageImage
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//TW: specifics above ImageImage
Update summary for those skipping due to trigger warnings:
Yongsun revealed that she told her homophobic parents that she was having an affair with Hoseok after their attempts to pressure her into dating men had become dangerous. She agreed to testify that she was having
the affair after the prosecution threatened to make her text messages public, something she believed would out not only herself but her friends as well.
Namjoon exposed the prosecution’s shady tactics and had the testimony struck from the record.
Yongsun stated she has never believed Hoseok is guilty and that she trusts him and believes him to be a good person.
So, that was a heavy chapter 😬 but with Namjoon in boss lawyer mode what could possibly go wrong? Yongsun’s motivations have been revealed and I hope you all understand her choices.
So for next time— did Yongsun know Hoseok was gay?
Thank you as always to all those who support this story, I’m always here for you to talk to:

And if you have the means and would like to support my writing endeavours, my tip jar can be found here:
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
Hey friends, I'm back, this update has been a PAIN to write! ImageImage
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU ImageImage
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU ImageImage
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
Last one for now, I'm gonna try to write the rest of the chapter today so hopefully I'll update more tonight, but forgive me if it's not up in time 💛 ImageImage
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
Okay, more delayed than expected but... you guys ready for MORE feelings? ImageImage
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
Hobi sees the world through Shōjo goggles and I won't be corrected. ImageImage
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Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU ImageImage
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU ImageImage
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU ImageImage
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
Softies. Soft sunshine babies. ImageImage
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
A little later that day ImageImageImage
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Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU ImageImageImage
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
So 😊 Image
Okay SO. I have been building to this for FAR too long and I am VERY happy with it. Yongsun's girlfriend is the very same Moonbyul from the boys' movie night. So tell me, did I actually surprise you? Or if I didn't, how long have you been suspicious?
Okay my lovelies! I hope you enjoyed this update, more to come soon I promise! And as always, come chat with me here: I always love to talk to you guys!
And if you want to support me further, my tip jar can be found here:
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
If you're expecting anything other than me just crying over Moonsun then you may want to look somewhere else. Because I have FEELINGS about them god damn it. ImageImageImage
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
The usual reminder that outside of Bangtan, I don't really know idols personalities, so if it doesn't line up, don't sue me. ImageImage
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Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU ImageImage
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU ImageImage
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU ImageImage
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
Last one! TaeTae getting ALL the clout!
Why did I write this update you ask? Was it entirely self-serving? Was it for the meme? Was it for the gays? Was it to embrace the last happy thing before a massive tone shift? WHO KNOWS. ImageImage
After today's trial and with more people coming out in support of Hoseok, what percentage of the population do you think believe he's innocent:

• • •

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More from @YaGurlSunshine

Jun 30, 2023
Just making a few things clear: there is basically nothing BigHit and Hybe can do about Billboard’s bullshit. Like correct me if I’m wrong, but suing Billboard and winning would be almost impossible. It’s why Billboard isn’t even trying to be subtle. They know that no matter how
obvious it is that they’re targeting BTS, there’s nothing that can be done to stop them. And unless Hybe starts paying for radio play and playlisting, they will continue to sabotage BTS as much as possible. It’s blatant extortion at this point.

And for the people who seem to
think that Hybe should start engaging in Payola— because god knows Mantis and Solos LOVE to claim that the company is sabotaging BTS by not doing it— are you fucking stupid?

First of all, payola (paying for radio to play a song without the station disclosing that the spins were
Read 22 tweets
Jun 20, 2023
You ever think about what the people who are always demanding Bighit & Hybe "step up" and "do more to protect BTS" are actually asking for? Like, the company is KNOWN to sue people and refuse to settle. BTS travels with 200+ bodyguards. The company paid out of pocket for the
Busan concert to make sure that BTS and Army were safe because the city wasn't doing shit. Weverse Magazine shades the fuck out of every facet of the entertainment industry whenever they start acting up. I'm not a company stan. I don't blindly support Hybe & Bighit and they've
fucked up before-- like that weird article that shaded Jimin, like wtf was that. But I genuinely want to know what these people want BigHit and Hybe to do that doesn't involve impossible tasks and compromising our boy's autonomy.

Like take the situations where they've been
Read 28 tweets
May 26, 2023
In 2014 Kim Taehyung was presented the choreography for a four and a half minute song in which he got to spank Jimin twice.

With water breaks, that’s about twenty times in an hour.

In their rookie years BTS were known to be practicing 12-15 hours a day
We don’t know when WOH was written or when they started working on the choreo but we know their last promotion before it was Just One Day in April 2014.

It was first performed August 14th 2014, that’s around a 3.5 month period in which they had to perfect the choreography.
But at least a month at the minimum.

Two months later, WOH was promoted as a single starting October 17th, 2014. Promotion length is hard to find but in K-pop it’s usually 2-6 weeks.

Now time for gay math, the only kind I care to do!
Read 7 tweets
May 5, 2023
AU where Namjoon accidentally ends up with six boyfriends by just clutzing out in public followed by a terrible joke/pick up line and every single one of the members is WAAAYYY to into it
Namjoon on the bus and goes flying when it stops suddenly only to be caught by Jin’s ridiculously quick reflexes. Namjoon blushing ridiculously and staring up at the most handsome man he’s ever seen in his life.

“Wow, I think I just fell for you.”

Jin staring at him for a
second too long before saying, “that was terrible.”

“Oh my god, I don’t know why I just said that, I’m sor—“

“Do you wanna makeout?”

Namjoon unable to believe his luck even slightly, “wait, really?”

“You’re really fucking cute.”

“…Well, I’m not going to say NO.”
Read 58 tweets
May 4, 2023
I have curated my timeline relentlessly, but I want to make something clear to EVERYONE. If I see you going to an airport, sharing unauthorized photos or information or supporting any stories about people who actually talked to the members on their private time, I'm blocking you.
If I see anyone CRITICISING JUNGKOOK for calling out the assholes stalking him, I will be blocking you. If I see you sharing photos or information about their family members I will be blocking you. If I see you sharing ANY information about the enlisted members they didn't post
themselves I will be blocking you. I don't care if the military made an app for this bullshit, we know damn well it's completely disrespectful of everything the boys have asked for. The fucked up government that enforces mandatory enlistment is the one that profits.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 30, 2023
Your local queer army swinging by to remind people that “don’t assume my sexuality” was a term coined by the queer community to deconstruct mandatory heterosexuality. Assuming someone is straight is still assuming someone’s sexuality. Stop stealing our words to try to silence us.
There is harm when someone is considered straight until they directly stare otherwise. It creates a culture where if someone isn’t ready to say those words, they feel like they have to hide. It creates a situation where if someone is unsure of their label, they feel like they’ll
be called a liar if they come out as one thing and then figure out another label fits them better.

Many people live in environments where coming out is dangerous, where their safety would be compromised, their livelihood damaged, their families and friends may turn on them.
Read 23 tweets

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