there's a man across from me dictating a text out loud to his girlfriend where he says he will not give her a ring or make it official but "you have my love" and quoting scripture then saying "as a male I have privileges that the female does not have." i would like to throw something at him on her behalf
"you are loved by me ... you took the necessary steps to earn my love" brother I hate this guy soooo much.
apparently she proposed to him. "Because we are not next to each other, I can't prove my love to you." I can't believe how long and detailed this text is and also how much he has raised my loathing
I don't want to freak anyone out but personally I do not think this crash will go away. I've reported on tech crashes (and financial crashes) in the past and my take is that this is going to drag our unofficial recession into a real recession really fast. More layoffs in tech, higher unemployment generally, not great times ahead.
Usually sudden shocks (like China releasing DeepSeek) don't lead to longer crashes or recessions... UNLESS the shock is letting the air out of some very overinflated tires. We've had overinflated tires for years now.
The market has been at record high after record high for a long time. The tech bubble never popped, or even paused, even when Silicon Valley Bank collapsed.
To me it feels like the long, slow grinding crash of the 2008 financial crisis, which actually started in 2006 with a VERY high peak followed by lower valuations on mortgage instruments, and then came to a head only after two Bear Stearns hedge funds collapsed in mid-2007. (The shock that revealed the overinflated tires). From there it was bailouts and a slow roll to disaster until March 2008 when Bear Stearns itself collapsed due to lack of market confidence.
This is how real crashes come: Slowly, then all at once.
The Bear Stearns hedge funds for those who want to walk down memory lane
I didn't tweet this at the time (because the K h i v e is comprised of psychopaths) but my strong feeling was that Doug would leave K a m a l a after she lost. I don't think she's initiating anything. My impression from the stories he told about them meeting -- how dazzled he was about her job, how he mentioned it constantly -- is that he was hooked on the status her career gave him and without that status, he would seek it elsewhere.
Not that she's not insufferable (as we have now seen) but he is sketchy as hell imo.
The energy they always gave me was of those couples who say they "love to entertain" and the meaning is that they can't stand spending too much time around each other.
You do not, under any circumstances, have to hand it to Amanda Palmer.
I'm seeing some reluctance to attribute responsibility to Palmer, because her entire shtick is using feminism as a cover for her self-interest.
But now we have more information about how she moves. She is not a feminist.
She exploits other women financially, taking their labor and not paying them.
She earned their trust and swore to be their friend and advocate, then sent over a dozen women to a rapist who she knew to be a dark, abusive monster.
She is a rape survivor herself, and built her public image and her art around the pain from that -- but when a woman who was raped BY AMANDA'S HUSBAND came to her, she told her she was basically just one of 14 other women who had the same experience -- meaning Palmer knew Gaiman was an alleged serial rapist and an abuser -- and dismissively, dehumanizingly called her "another suicidal mass left on my doorstep."
Then she refused to talk to the police, so that the victim could never receive justice.
The allegations against Gaiman are that he's a rapist. Palmer would be the accomplice.
All this horror ...why? So that Palmer keep her social position and her big houses. Which she has now lost to the same rapist she spent years covering for and enabling.
Amanda Palmer is not a fucking feminist. Do not defend her on feminist grounds. She should be in jail.
Leave aside the fact that she knew her son would be in the same room as Gaiman when he was raping women, and her only fucking question about it was "was he wearing headphones."
Amanda Palmer is not a feminist. She's an abuser of women. She earned their trust specifically in order to lead them to physical harm. That is the behavior of a misogynist and a woman-hater, not (ever) a "feminist." Let's get that part VERY straight.
Indigenous Americans -- Navajo and Apache -- created an effective way to limit wildfires. It worked for centuries.
Their method would have addressed the same conditions that led to the Palisades fires: Overgrown brush from several wet years becoming tinder in a dry year.
The U.S. government has never adopted their methods.
I think the way New Orleans officials are emphasizing the safety of tourism while several local citizens died is gross. But I also understand where their fear comes from. After Katrina, New Orleans was completely abandoned by the government and by tourists for years. It made it that much harder, and took that much longer, to rebuild and repair the city. The trauma of being financially abandoned is really strong in that city, and it's for a reason imo.
Tourism brings about $10 billion a year to New Orleans, and accounts for around 75,000 jobs there. It's close to half the city's overall revenue -- an enormous percentage. A drop in tourism would be catastrophic for many New Orleans residents who work directly in hospitality -- and that's before you get to store owners, who are mostly mom-and-pop shops especially in the French Quarter.
After Katrina, there was the same intense focus on bringing back tourism above all, because so many people's livelihoods depend on it. This document below, hyping up tourism in NOLA, is from 2006.
But I can tell you that the first time I ever went to New Orleans (and fell in love with its soul instantly, harder than I'd fallen for any city except Paris) it was 2008, and the city was JUST getting back on its feet. I stayed at the Sheraton downtown for something like $89 a night. (Prices were usually more like $300 a night, and they're currently closer to $400 for the kind of room I had on an upper floor, overlooking the Mississippi).
In 2008 there were still water marks from the flooding on the buildings on Canal Street. Conferences (and festivals) were JUST again getting organized there. The houses in the Bywater and other parts of the city still were physically broken down and had Xs on them to mark how many dead were found inside. Three long years later. Because the city's economy was so devastated by the lack of money being spent there. The city was, in every way, still very much haunted and struggling.
By 2012, New Orleans was fully back on its feet and tourists from the rest of the South. But that was 7 long years later. Everything took longer because tourism had stayed soft for so many years after the disaster.
Now, a terrorist attack is obviously not the same as a major collapse of the city's infrastructure. But the attack today was right at the center of the French Quarter, the hub for all tourism in the city. Most tourists never leave the French Quarter. Especially Bourbon Street and the area around the St. Louis Cathedral, where the attack happened.
New Orleans has spent years portraying and marketing the Quarter as a kind of Disneyland, a place of soft edges that is totally cozy and safe. (Even as crime proliferated in other parts of the city during many years). So that's why the officials are being so desperate imo. Just something to keep in mind. New Orleans has never, at its core, stopped seeing itself as that city abandoned after Katrina.