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Slowwwly backing away from this place I liked. Ex-WSJ, Marketplace, Guardian. I followed u for pics of your pet. She/her. Hi.
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Jul 22 6 tweets 2 min read
Kamala will be kryptonite to Trump, and I'll tell you why: She's attractive. Trump's form of somatic (body-based) narcissism prevents him from criticizing attractive people. He can't help but admire them. Trump is going to fold quickly whenever Kamala comes at him in a debate.

As an example, his one (1) criticism of Kamala this week has been that she has a laugh that he called "crazy," but then he swiftly followed it with "not as crazy as Nancy Pelosi." Trump will never fully attack an attractive person because he needs to see himself as one of them. As a narcissist, he defines himself by his youthful attractiveness and so he sees other attractive people as his "mirrors," like him. So he will never fully mobilize against another attractive person.
Jun 22 6 tweets 2 min read
I saw a TikTok about some eye makeup that was allegedly so good that "it made her ex cook her a roast chicken" and I was like "because of some colored wax and talc? Come on now. Surely men are not THAT stupid." Anyway I tried it and three separate men have respectfully told me I look great today. We are not here to gatekeep and it's Friday so please go forth and try this this weekend if you are so moved. It's a basic smoky eye but it's very imprecise (and dare I say, French) so it takes literally less than a minute

Jun 15 7 tweets 3 min read
I just want to give this post points for using "déshabille" Pronounced "dess- hab - iyay" by the way, NOT "dish-abile"
Jun 14 4 tweets 2 min read
We also need a real reckoning with the implications of the "one-state solution." After all this, you want Palestinians to share a state with these genocidal psychopaths who support their annihilation? The entire Israeli Knesset and the vast majority of Israel's population not only support the current genocide but consistently say they want it to be MORE violent and have MORE war crimes. That's who you want Palestinians' neighbors to be in a "one-state solution"? Delusional. Would you voluntarily live next door to a genocidal psychopathic white supremacist racist who wants you dead? I wouldn't. Why would you demand that Palestinians work and live with people who have been openly urging their annihilation for 8 months? You can't reform this.
Jun 9 9 tweets 5 min read
I'm really glad I spent some time this year reading/watching things about the Raid on Entebbe, because it really helped me understand why Israel committed this massacre. In the Raid on Entebbe, Netanyahu's older brother Jonatan (Yoni) was one of the leaders of a secret Israeli intelligence troop who was sent to free Israeli hostages from the airport at Entebbe. Yoni is a national hero for the raid -- in which he died -- and he was also his family's favorite son. Netanyahu has been in Yoni's shadow his entire life.
May 16 4 tweets 1 min read
Something that more women should be aware of is that men who were brought up by strong mothers do not necessarily become feminists. Rather, some of those men grow up resenting female power and independence and they often insist on women's dependence and submissiveness as gfs, wives, and partners. Basically you have to learn to discern whether a man who was brought up by strong women respects female power, or resents it.
ln his relationships, is he essentially acting out his need to control his mother and get her to do what he wants...except his female partners have to keep playing that mother role.
May 14 4 tweets 1 min read
I repeat my theory that society went downhill when we stopped having clear instructional dances targeted towards white people.

The lack of dances -- which hived off their energy and made them feel a sense of belonging -- left white people listless and angry and increasingly supportive of fascism, which is an ideology that promises to restore belonging. The M A G A groundwork was laid after the Macarena faded from cultural prominence. Coincidence? I think not.
Apr 26 9 tweets 6 min read
The answer is that the Israelis leading this genocide are not descendants of Holocaust survivors.

Netanyahu's family wasn't even in Europe during the Holocaust. Ben Gvir's family wasn't in Europe. Smotrich's family wasn't in Europe. All of their families were settlers in mandatory Palestine who participated in the first Nakba When you understand that Israel is led by people who have no respect for Holocaust survivors, by people who descend from those who supported the first Nakba, you understand the arrogance and entitlement.
Apr 13 10 tweets 3 min read
The fundamental problem is that there is no "coexistence" with a state whose entire population is trained for psychopathic, boundaryless racist murder through its military. Israel cannot control itself. It is a rogue state. Annihilation of any opposition has been its only consistent goal. We are nearly 7 months into a daily, ongoing genocide that has every characteristic of the slow-moving genocide that has been Israel's purpose for 76 years. It's time to call it. Zionism is a failure. It has cultivated a conscripted military, a government and a settler community entirely populated with psychopathic murderers. No one is safe there, no one is safe near it, no one is safe in the entire world until this failed state is dismantled by international law.
Apr 6 9 tweets 2 min read
My opinion (with all due respect to OP) is that no one should offer an opinion of Mary Oliver until after they turn 35, or until they can regularly touch grass.

Mary Oliver's poetry is about regret and loss and it will mean nothing to people who haven't experienced both of those pretty regularly. It's okay! Just step outside the Mary Oliver circle and come back later. Like June Jordan, she is not for people who have not lived. You're more likely to get it later.
Apr 6 8 tweets 3 min read
This is a good thread but I need to add something for women to understand: When men freak out about anyone's age, they're really freaking out about their own. Many men have an enormous fear of mortality, and with it, a fear of their own age and their own bodily collapse. They project this onto everyone else. I fully approve of giving a thin, watery smile and leaving the table when a man says something ageist or obsessed with looks. But you also must understand that it's not about whoever he's with.

It's his own emotionally stunted insecurity; men borrow qualities they want through their partners.

Men often want performatively "beautiful" women (often with open evidence of plastic surgery) when they think that they themselves are ugly or nerdy; they often want tall women when they are insecure about being short; they want young or young-looking women when those men fear they are getting old.

If you know a man is emotionally unevolved, you can tell a lot about his insecurities by the partners he chooses.
Apr 2 5 tweets 2 min read
I do think that more women need to be aware that a lot of men don't want them for who they are, but for what they represent. And for a lot of men, what women represent is not someone to love, but an answer to the man's own discomfort and pain. A relationship not as emotional sustenance, but as a crutch.

The promise of a cessation to his problems. And obviously anything contracted under those expectations will never work. It's not that men want to be rescued (though many, if not most, do), it's that they want a relationship to make themselves forget what they need to be rescued from. And that is often themselves.
Mar 27 12 tweets 4 min read
One of the things NY Mag mentions about Huberman is that one of his girlfriend's friends called him "breadcrumbs" for his inability to sustain consistent attention or presence towards her, and it occurred to me that many women don't know how to identify breadcrumbing. (lil thread)

nymag.com/intelligencer/… Here's a checklist of breadcrumbing behaviors (sorry, forgot the source).

Pay special attention to "showing interest when you pull away," which is on here twice. It's important to understand that the breadcrumbers' primary goal is to keep you on a string without investing time in you specifically.

Note the texts in this screenshot: Vague, low-investment, standardized.Image
Mar 16 6 tweets 2 min read
Listen. I think the way to think about this that your mind is like your body: It will do whatever it needs to do in order to keep going. You know how if you break an ankle, you will start relying on your hip more to push you forward? Your personality flaws are like that. They are all coping or overcompensating for some underlying issue and your mind did that so you (and it) can just keep going. A good example of this is addiction. Addiction is bad. But it exists for a reason: There is some underlying psychological trauma so noisy, so active, that the addict would not be able to function if that trauma were live and online all the time. So he drinks or does drugs to medicate the trauma. Then he can keep going, often at a pretty high level. (Until the drugs or alcohol cause more trouble for the body, then the addicted person is back where they started: Traumatized.)
Mar 14 8 tweets 4 min read
We've come so far in European monarchies since the days when royal bastards were common and Queens knew better than to actually fall in love with their husbands.

Actually expecting the King to stay faithful (mistaking the nature of the transaction of marrying the future King, in other words) is very Catherine de Medici. Catherine de Medici is known for many things -- among them, she hired Nostradamus as the court astrologer and was known for a series of mysterious royal poisonings of her enemies -- but the one least discussed is that she was actually foolish enough to genuinely love her husband, the King, and she waged passive-aggressive war against his mistress Diane de Poitiers. Who looked not unlike Rose Hanbury, actually!Image
Feb 1 4 tweets 3 min read
The reason this dress fits like that is twofold: One, it was tailored for her. And two, perhaps more importantly, the construction of this dress is something called "cut on the bias" which was popular in the 90s and aughts, and which is really rare in mass-market fashion. Bias cuts require extreme skill and you will almost never see them in mass-market fashion. In the past, designers like Emanuel Ungaro were famous for these kinds of cuts. It gives a dress a lot of movement and stretch, even when working with delicate fabrics. Image
Dec 6, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
today's cooking experiment: making a giant lentil bolognese sauce to both enjoy today and freeze for like 10 future meals Image The recipe calls for tomato paste but I don't have any handy so I used kalamata olive paste and rehydrated mushrooms for umami. It's amazing already. Lentils and walnuts just went in for more flavor. (The recipe calls for red lentils but they're creamy and I want the bite)
Nov 11, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
As literally all the quote tweets say:

Falafel is a Coptic (Christian) Egyptian creation (made with fava beans and chickpeas) and Palestinians adapted it with chickpeas, and Israel took it (like the land) and named it the "national dish." They even illegally occupied the food. Add this to Debra Messing's ignorant claim that Gaza was part of ancient Israel. (It wasn't. Ever.)

It's extremely funny* that Israeli leaders are like "we must kill all the Arabs" when they are stealing the food, culture and history from their Arab neighbors.

*not funny
Nov 6, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
I keep seeing people talk about a one-state solution and that is frankly impossible. After seeing Israel commit a genocide, besides 80 years of torture, dispossession and murder of Palestinians, you cannot ever want Israel in Palestinian territories unless you're a psychopath. Netanyahu is a psychopath but he was elected to do *exactly* this. Torture and bullying and murder of Palestinians has been Israel policy under multiple governments. Human rights advocates and the UN talk themselves hoarse about Israeli war crimes. You cannot have "one state."

Nov 3, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Here's the thing about double standards:

You do not have to accept them. You do not have to abide by any bigoted "rule."

The way to make speech safe is to keep speaking and encouraging others to speak.

The bigots cannot fire everyone.

Let them hear how wrong they are. When you behave in accordance with a double standard, you are assenting to the double standard.

If everyone speaks up and rejects the double standard, it falls.

Speak up and tell everyone in your workplace and your life to speak up too.

Don't let bigots make the rules.
Oct 18, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I think it'a time for people to understand how narcissists work (and this PM is definitely a malignant narcissist).

They lie as a game, to see if you will allow them to control your reality. Their only goal is control. To do that, they like to embarrass and humiliate targets. So, the interesting thing about how many malignant narcissists lie is they will *later admit it*, just to prove to you that they won the game, that they got you to lower your standards and believe the reality they made up. This is a victory for them. And they want you to know.