I felt pretty pumped about that and felt like it validated my idea... but the more I thought about it, waitlist users is not a huge validation.
- 40 opens
- 11 clicks
- 4 payments
So pretty early results... but I'm stoked because some people are starting to pay me upfront for something that doesn't exist yet... and people don't even have a launch date yet.
I'll share more results later!
- 119 opens
- 28 clicks
- 11 payments
I was really hoping to hit 15 payments and get a 3% conversion on the email blast... but I am going to have to figure out if this was a good enough result or not.
Curious if anybody else had some validation results they could share? #indiehackers
- 145 opens
- 36 clicks
- 16 payments
- 43 clicks
- 21 payments
One thing I changed is by adding an auto-drop to new signups. This has dramatically improved the results. It's a slow tickle of new signups, but the conversion rate is much higher than the initial 500 list. 10% instead of the 3%
unroll for me this great thread!