Disclaimer: The entire audio was challenging to hear. Dinner happening. Lev left is phoned audio on (how he got away with that is amazing).
My comments are based on what I heard. Wrote.
Let’s get started.
2/The location is a hotel. Based on the convo from Trump, it’s the Trump D.C. location.
Dinner with donors (some I can name)
Before the midterms and the NK trip to meet KJU.
It’s wild and crazy
3/The opening minutes of the audio are someone calling out TEAM and lots of talk about golf. Introductions between people
Discussion with a couple who say they live outside of Columbus and live in Murray, OH. Mention an old golf club from 1916 they have there.
4/A comment that people won’t want their pictures taken to Lev Parnas (so it seemed). He spoke back OK with an accent
Lots of golf
Jack Nicklaus’s son and Grandson attended and pitched the JN golf course to Trump Songdo IBD coming up (later in the dinner) jacknicklausgolfclubkorea.com
5/Trump enters everyone claps. They all talk golf.
Lots of talk about the great economy, talks about rhetoric and sanctions hard on NK. Talks about when you are $500B down in a Trade war, you can’t lose. Then says OFF THE RECORD
6/“If you own a baseball team and the other team scores 32 runs, what do you have to lose?”
$800B down per year
Globalists think it’s OK, they are wrong.
Then jumps to jobs going to MX. Steel is up in OH
U.S. Steel is opening 15 Plants in the U.S.
9/. One person says he’s a steel producer and thanks Trump for the tariffs. Says that steel is at a healthy price and profit.
Complains about backdoor steel from China via Taiwan, SKorea, Thailand and Moscow.
Trump: “How stupid were they to get into a Korean War”.
10/ Laughing and clapping.
T - Who thought that was a good idea?
Calls S. Korea the toughest traders. $32B deficit with them. Generals I asked said they don’t know. It is what it is.
11/ Person talks about Quotas and that it helped to throttle back. He said he was a steel buyer and has to compete to buy it. He wants steel to go up and throttling back helps everyone make money.
12/ Trump says when I do tariffs. The U.S. is taking in billions of dollars. The big thing is we are taking in billions and billions of dollars. Countries are begging to do business with us.
Donor - We were the 1st Co. to ever beat China at the WTO. Throttle back more
13/ it brings in more jobs. If we throttle more I could hire 700-1000 people.
Trump - I have a theory - if we didn’t see Quotas China wins.
Aluminum has gone down. Pretty wild.
When China hears what we are proposing they won’t like it.
Lots of laughing.
14/ Cont’s - The WTO steals everything. Those deal makers aren’t smart people. Stupid people. China didn’t become great until the WTO.
Note; Woman in audience says that’s right.
It’s there fault China grew. They take advantage.
15/ Former leaders aren’t very smart people. They put $7Trillion into the Middle East. We borrowed it from China.
The WTO is the weapon that hurt the U.S.. Enriched others. Just like the EU and they are worse. Barriers. Just smaller.
16/ Congress BEGGED me to terminate NAFTA. They are petrified. Farmers are great but they know what they have.
Shake it all up. Terminate some deals. NAFTA worst deal ever.
China killed us
HRC made a deal with SK. It gave 250K jobs to them. How stupid was that?
Pausing for a moment. Please wait to comment.
17/ Talking about the Ryder Cup, President Cup. How bad tournaments can be around the world.
(Horseshit talk)
Collusion in SK is off the charts
Nicklaus offers up the hotel when he goes there. Says Grandpa was happy to get his letter.
Mocks KJU
18/Now someone asks about a Nobel prize and how he should get it. Bashed Obama because he didn’t deserve it.
Someone says they are supplying fencing to the border wall. Proud to do it. Used to work through Boeing (?) now Gulf and Steel fabricators.
19. This guy continued to say the he was glad Obama isn’t President. He never identified the problem.
Trump says it’s amazing they can shimmy up that wall though. Amazing how the do it. Then says drug dealers are so dangerous there...
20/ and throw 100 lb sacks of drugs over ther top and the land on the heads of people and kill them.
People laughed.....
Then he said, no it’s our guys...
More laughing.
That’s why they want to see through them.
Can’t shimmy with spikes on top.
21/Q - How are we going to win the mid-term elections? Trump says most times you don’t. The economy is good so maybe we’ll do better. Complacency. Win the Presidency that’s how we got it.
93% they lose the mid-terms. Economy is great. Stock up.
22/Then someone gives and analogy about real estate and immigration and water mains and repairs. (Like what?)
Dearborn MI gets mentioned. Unbelievable these cities are changing. Someone says “look at CA where I live”. Caravans are crazy
23/Don Jr - People need to wake up at the voting booth. Complacency. Part of our job is to make people know that he’s on the TICKET.
Trump - Won AZ - 22% by me 6% by her. Won special races - 6. Lost one.
24/ Then someone says “what’s wrong with working with your hands? Trump did it, right? Goldman Sachs got texts from me telling them. Best sporting event in history when you won.”
Talks about crazy press getting crazier.
25/ Trump - I think we’ll do better than people think. Low life. Maxine Waters. Low IQ Person (all men laughing, agreeing)/
Women speaks up: I want to talk about pop culture and Kanye stuff. Charlie Hersch (spelling problem). I travel with both of them. Brilliant. Then says:
26/ Dems are losing their hold on millennials. Kanye is brilliant. I’m from Canada and my kids in the U.S. They send me texts about his music.
More talk about the benefits of Natural Gas, Fracking. How they hate OPEC. West Texas BIG. Trump asks how big compared to Saudi?
27/ The guy says West Texas output around 60%.
How about VZ?
They said the problem is refining it. Need better refineries for VZ oil
28/ Here’s where Parnas jumps in:
LNG would be a game changer. We could beat Putin. He’d be done.
Ukraine loves you. Great fighters. They are waiting your direction. Good opportunity. Javelin missiles. Yes they are getting it. Will Russia get Ukraine?
29/ He continues:
“They would love to, but are scared of you Trump”.
They want Ukraine. Ukraine is a sore throat in their throat.
Trump - Ukraine has oil?
30/Yes, lots of it. Someone chimes in that the geology of Texas is the same as Ukraine.
Parnas - Potential is incredible in Ukraine. They are waiting for your support Mr. Trump.
Says it’s too risky. They supported the Clintons and Biden is a big thing over there.
31/ Trump - How long would they last in a fight with Russia?
Parnas - Without us they would lose. Putin won’t push. Syria was a great job.
Trump - Ukraine? They support me? How’s the leader?
Parnas - He’s a good guy. They need the U.S. Germany has turned their back on them
Parnas - We have to get rid of the Ambassador of Ukraine. She says “He’ll be impeached. Impeached”. (In part).
People seem to agree with him.
Trump then says “Get Rid of her”
Get her out tomorrow
Get her out tomorrow
Do it.
(In part)
33/ Pause. Thanks for staying with me.
34/Trump - It’s a deep state deal. The stuff they have is so bad about the other side (not sure what he was referring to here)
Someone asks: “Are you waiting for it?
Don Jr. (I believe) - Yes, the right time. Comey. Guilty. Clinton. Guilty.
Someone toasts something.
35/Trump back at the table with Parnas:
Lev asks about cannabis and banking and why can’t we do banking? Need a non-partisan committee to discuss it. People would like to see that. Need to get ahead of a good opportunity.
Trump says you think marijuana is good?
36/ Parnas says yes. Trump mumbles, It will all work out. We’re working on it.
Parnas - the reason why is that we need tor help with the mid-terms. ?
Marijuana thing is good . Trump mentions IQ problem with cannabis.
37/ Someone say it’s good for opioids. Better. Audience member agrees.
Don Jr - alcohol does much more damage. (No one listened much)
Parnas asked for a committee. He has professionals, statistics and information he’d like him to look at. 30 states legalized it. It’s growing.
38/Parnas - I have friends in the business that could be helped.
I live in FL.
Trump - Will Rick Scott win? Parnas - think so.
Parnas - I met with Pam. Bondi. Met her last week.
Says, it’s complicated and controversial and a committee would look good to others.
39/ Trump - who is this?
Parnas - my partner in the Energy business, Igor Fruman.
Trump - You’re in the gas trade?
Parnas - yes. Turkey, Poland, Ukraine,etc.
40/ Trump moves back to Nicklaus kid and asks about Milstein helping Jack with the course. Says he’s hard headed but are trying to work together. 5 yr. non-compete.
Trump says. I know him well.
41/Moves on to cable TV? It’s OK, right?
If we ever lost an election it would be dead. If they had a normal candidate (HRC) would be 1/5 the viewers. Everyone knows me.
Someone yells:
“You are the only one who could beat her”!
42/ Person continues:
“Her lies. Her constant talking. No one else would have been that polite”.
Then something I didn’t quite get:
Trump says:
His mistake was in Boca with the Spanish tape. They rigged it. Bernie could have beat HRC. There was no hatred.
43/ He continues
I got 20% of the Bernie Vote
He she picked Bernie it would have been tough for me.
Someone point out:
Democrats do well because they stick together. Bernie hasn’t gone crazy yet.
44/. Trump:
“I hope Biden runs.
Pivots to questions about wind/solar vs electricity and CNG.
Someone shits on Tesla. Wishes they could use Natural gas to run cars. CNG doesn’t work for big rigs, not enough power.
45/ Then:
“Tesla is broke. He ran out of money. They can’t produce the vehicles. Other companies have caught up to him. He’s subsidized $25K per vehicle. The carbon footprint on my phone is the same as a refrigerator.”
46/ Elon Musk is dead. Why is his stock price so high (trump)
That sock is history. He’s a very smart guy. Off socially, but the company is done.
My favorite part is coming up and we’re almost done.
47/One guy talks about his business and the CNG, Ford Trucks.
He says when asked by Trump:
“I haul mail for the postal service. You need diesel for that.
Trump asks: Why?
Compression, etc.
48/He cont’d to say that the problem is a shortage of drivers. We can’t hire enough people to do it.
We need drivers.
Someone says, “Oh, they are like pilots”
Truckers can’t work 24 hours, e-logs, etc.
Don Jr. - “So, then people who want to work, can’t because they can’t work because of regulations. People used to want to work 14-18 hours a day. What a pain.”
50/ The owner of the business stops him and says:
“It’s about safety”.
Don tries again to suggest that if cars were autonomous they could sit for 14-18 hours and make money.
Only to be told it doesn’t work that way.
51/Trump asks about Amazon. Doing great. Someone complains about them taking over freight businesses, Trump suggests they are ripping of the USPS.
Someone tells him NO. It’s managed really well and doing really well. Trump tries to throw out his fav 40% number
52/ He’s told 2%. They wrangle and move on.
Autonomous is safe if we have roads to help.
Moves on.
53/Parnas -
“The head guy in Ukraine and the head rabbi in Israel likes you. Something about how both Trump and the Messiah translate to the same number 424? People think he’s the Messiah.
Trump doesn’t get it.
Parnas said. Ask Jared.
54/ Talked about location in Jerusalem’s embassy they moved. Saved money and almost open. Everyone wants to move there now.
Trump says. THANKS FOLKS, gotta go
55/I’ll be back. Secret Service does a great job. 115 guards.
Rules again
Like this hotel? We love it too.
Good location.
Someone gives him a framed speech by Teddy Rosevelt that everyone will sign.
Mentions Karen and Tom Waver?
56/ Everyone stays in the room.
He leaves saying “don’t believe those idiots in the press”
People thank Johnny, Brian, Tom.
Don Jr for doing a great job.
Parnas says: That was good. Great
Hey Baby
C’mon johnny.
57/ Thanks for listening if you’re still here.
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want to hear my new theory on blackouts at certain agencies?
Here it is in a nutshell:
1. Hard to get rid of published info. 2. Easy to just stop the flow. 3. Need time for loyalties to be seen and chaos is exactly how you do that. Anger, outrage, loss of income and lawsuits
4. The lack of access starts to show its head when you can't investigate a story or a product. 5. Pretty soon the media can't deliver the news accurately b/c the information they have may not be up to date. 6. A uniformed public begins to understand when their access to health information is limited and they can't make informed decisions. 7. Big pharma becomes the truth teller in all things, and without regulation they don't have to tell you the bad things too. 8. Deregulation is only good for big business.
9. Then you appoint a guy as the acting head or maybe the idiot gets confirmed. They clean up the information they want to reflect their bias but we have no way of checking it. 10. Big Brother is now intact and after repeating a lie enough...people start believing them and facts aren't important.
Each conservative state gets funded by Leonard Leo/KOCH for creating legislation specific to their states. The legislation was already written by Leo and Friends. Put into action, signed by the GOVS and they wait
They wait to see who will sue them and how the argument is positioned. They fight back based on the nuances of the law in each state and hope to win. All backed by Leo/Koch $. If they win, they continue and get more draconian.
If they lose, they find a new way to fight for the same argument or a slightly different one (i.e.,6 week bans, 15 week bans, trans and gay discrimination and more). Once one state does it, they all start it. AL/LA/FL/OH/MO go first
I’m just going to put some information out here because I could and so you don’t have to. Of course, this is my opinion only and my thoughts about Covenant Eyes.
🧵👇🏻 1/
Meet Ronald DeHaas.
Ron is the CEO of Covenant Eyes based in Owosso MI. He has been the CEO of Covenant Eyes since 2000. Why was Ron picked for the job since he has no experience with a company or app that promotes accountability, especially related to porn. 2/
Here are 3 of the 211 employees that work (ed) at Covenant Eyes.
These members were present at this hearing and Hidden Lake Academy is identified as HLA. If these allegations in the committee hearing were known, why would Thomas send a dependent of his there with someone else’s money?
Did he vet the school? 3/
Wait, so if they run out of ballot paper, then can overturn the election in Harris County ONLY? So, who owns the company making the ballots? Why would they run out of ballots?
Or am I reading this wrong?
Because Harris County bought new machines in 2021.
Because on the day of the election and the long lines and what was unfolding , they were concerned they would run out of ballots.
Contacted Admin office for more ballots and told they’d be sent. No response after several hours.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, Shasta County is now the Petri Dish experimental county where MAGA white men come to create chaos. This is a feature for Redding, CA, not a bug and it’s only going to get worse. @anewscafe2007
Our excellent local reporters. Chriss Street wants to gather all rural counties to secede from CA because they don’t like liberal politics. Another State of Jefferson supporter under a new name.