Opinion surveys are published each few weeks by a respected #PalArab pollster. In repressive regimes like the unelected #PalAuthority, polls tell truths otherwise unrevealed. We're reminded of this by how "categorically rejected" and #MahmoudAbbas appear in the same sentence.
Quote: Satisfaction with the performance of #Abbas as president is 40% among residents of the "West Bank" and 24% in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.
In December 2019 polling, 61% of the #PalArab public (based on polling in the West Bank and Gaza) wanted #Abbas to resign now, the same percentage as three months earlier.
The opinions of #PalArabs are, to a great extent, a puzzle. We don't mean what their elites say they think. Or what outside reporters guess are their opinions. It's not a free or open society. It doesn't have unrestricted media - quite the opposite...
1/5 This account is a joint effort by @FrimetRoth and @ArnoldRoth. Our daughter Malki, an American, was murdered at 15 in a massacre. The woman charged in Washington with spearheading it lives free in Jordan as a celebrity. X.com
2/5 Please share this link and the two that come after it:
Raised from childhood to incite and provoke, #AhedTamimi's arrest overnight might be related to her delicate calls for Arab-on-Israeli "activism":
"We are waiting for you in all the West Bank cities from Hebron to Jenin. We will slaughter you and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a joke... We will drink your blood and eat your skull. Come on, we are waiting for you." []
#CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) knows #AhedTamimi has been explicitly calling for the murder of Israelis (she calls us “settlers”) and that “what Hitler did wasn't enough”. Its response is to demand the US push for her release from @IsraelPolice arrest, declaring “no Palestinian is safe”. They’re right: when incitement to murder is normalized, no one is safe including #PalArabs. Yet that's what CAIR is doing. In a sane world, its voice would be shunned - but these aren’t normal times.
Only 24 people are currently @FBIMostWanted terrorists. She's the most wanted. Yet while American officials keep heaping praise on "valued ally Jordan", the people who run "valued ally Jordan" keep this barbarian free, influential, toxic and in Jordan's public spotlight.
The #AhlamTamimi photos worth seeing are these. "Valued ally Jordan" has kept her safe from US law enforcement since 2013 when US terror charges were issued; they stayed secret till 2017.
This poster isn't displayed publicly anywhere in Jordan.
The sickening freedom of #AhlamTamimi, who brags that the Jewish children murdered when she brought her exploding-human bomb to a @Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem is "a crown on my head", continues because most Americans know nothing about it.
"Fearless" journalists and their "all-the-news-that-fits" editors keep this scandal away from the attention of Americans whose gov't could push Jordan into extraditing the savage but chooses not to (while denying it).
It's a big deal. The US treaty with Jordan obliges Jordan to hand over the @Sbarro bomber for trial in Washington. The US has been clear all along that the treaty is valid and always was. Trashing a treaty to keep a bragging murderer of children free should have consequences.
But for Jordan, it has had none. A senior US official wrote us last October in the name of @POTUS and @SecBlinken. The letter told us that getting the killer to US justice is "a foremost priority" for the US. Yet both of them praise Jordan's king publicly as "loyal friend"
Our pursuit of American justice continues, years after it began, to get the silent treatment from a long line of influential executives, leaders and politicians in the US. It's time this got better known...
Jordan benefits from lavish assistance from the US, its far-and-away largest provider of aid. That it gets away so easily with harboring a killer of Americans shames all those involved. That certainly includes the news industry, the think-tanks and the analysts who cover it up.
2/ So where's the outrage? Americans including our child were murdered in an act of savagery for which a fugitive terrorist takes open credit. Years go by and most of America's senior political figures pretend not to notice that #Jordan shelters #AhlamTamimi. This is bizarre.
3/ Both sides of US politics ignore it. The fugitive says it's about religion, yet most human rights orgs steer clear. We're not into conspiracies but this is black and white. Justice is trampled and the silence from the many we've approached for support is crushingly consistent.