i've been holding off on this because Fuck Cancer but that spectacle was way, way too much.
so let's talk a bit about the guy who just got what at least is supposed to be one of the most prestigious awards our nation can give at one of the most high profile events
let's start with the basics, like how he's defended slavery
Or maybe hate speech is your thing
Here's Limbaugh on children
It got so much attention that it turned kind of rote, but his takes on Sandra Fluke are genuinely shocking, even today
As Angelo notes, we've obtained a lightly redacted copy of Dominion's motion for summary judgment in the case against Fox News/ I'll be noting some excerpts here
This is pathetic. Fox News essentially changed a quote of John Fetterman answering a question about the "gun lobby" where he rails at NRA talking points being out of touch. The "lunatic fringe" was in reference to the NRA's extreme positions that are different from gun owners.
There have been plenty of people who have noted over the years that a strong majority of gun owners -- even NRA members -- favor things like stronger background checks. Here's a piece from Time. There are many more. time.com/5197807/strict…
Here's transcript of the full exchange -- he even refers later in the answer to gun owners who may not support him.