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Feb 14, 2020 128 tweets 23 min read Read on X
A #kacchakothread for valentines day! I have a semi-formed idea and hope to keep this short, but we all know my track record so...🤷‍♀️welcome along for the ride my #kacchako lovers!

Prompt: Sweet Surprise
"...Oh god..."

Ochako leaned her elbows against the white countertop in the dorm kitchen at U.A., nose shoved in the crevice of a baking book. The pictures all looked so good, but picking out the perfect treat and following through the instructions was another matter.
Could she whip frosting into that shape? Melting chocolates was too middle school. Cupcakes were too simple, plus she only needed one!

...She could always hand the extras out to her friends, but would the meaning behind her Valentine's Day gift be lost then?
Was an entire cake too much?

Who was she kidding! She didn't know how to decorate a cake!!

"Ugh!" Ochako slammed the book down on the counter, her head following the motion.

What kind of sweets did Deku even like? He seemed to like everything enough, but what was his favorite?
"Is that steam coming out of the oven or your empty head?"

Ochako jumped. Her chestnut hair whipped against her cheeks as she whirled around to find Katsuki standing behind her, a bored look on his face. The only indication he was even slightly curious was the arch of his brow.
"Haha, very funny!" She huffed, turning back around to look at the page of her book. She couldn't help the groan that escaped her.

Ochako stiffened at the feeling of weight on top of her head. "Hey!" She crooned.

Katsuki grunted, his torso pressed to her back, chin on her head.
"Tryin' ta' bake?" He grunted. She had been gradually getting used to his low, gravely voice from all their extra hours spent as training partners. It was a stark contrast to the way he spent the day howling at everyone else.

A calm Katsuki was almost soothing to be around.
"Yes..." Ochako murmured, glaring down at the book dejectedly. "I don't know what to make though. Nothing seems right."

Katsuki shifted, bringing his hands out of his pockets to circle her and flip through the pages of the book. He was silent for a long moment before asking,
"Valentine's Day?"

"Y-...yeah," Ochako admitted. There was no use in pretending; Katsuki seemed like a simpleton with his straight forward approach, but she knew better than to doubt his intelligence.

He grunted in her ear, flipping the book closed on her. "Deku likes fruit."
"Fru-what?" Ochako gapped, tipping her head back to look up at him with a startled expression.

She hadn't even asked him-

Katsuki turned his head, glaring at the far wall. "Fruit, Dumbass. Chocolate covered. Tarts. Those stupid little cakes with fruit on top. That shit."
"B-how did you-I never said it was for Deku!" Ochako exclaimed. The warm blush in her cheeks betrayed her.

Katsuki scoffed. If he stared at the wall any harder it was bound to burst into flames. "Who else would it be for?"

"W-well... that is..." She sighed. "You're right..."
"No shit." Katsuki rolled his eyes to the ceiling. "Don't make it so fuckin' hard. The lame nerd has never had gotten a fuckin' valentine in his life. He's gonna lose his shit over whatever you make him."

Ochako gapped at him. "Never?" She asked. "Why not?" She was the first?!
"How the fuck should I know?!" Katsuki barked, yanking his hands back as if she had offended him. He shoved his hands back into his pockets and snarled - a defense mechanism she had leaned. "Cause he's a fuckin' loser, probably, why else?"

Another defense mechanism. Insult Deku.
Ochako hummed, pressing her pointer innocently to her chin. "Oh...So Bakugou-kun, you've had a valentine?" She asked, her head cocking to the side and doe eyes blinking curiously up at him.

Katsuki's scowl deepened, his shoulders stiffening as she caught him in his own trap.
Katsuki opened his mouth, snapping it closed several times before spitting, red faced, "Who gives a fuck? I never wanted one!"

Ochako's lips curled into a wide grin. "Eeh... So that means you haven't either!"

"Oi, knock that shit off!" He barked, pointing at her curled lips.
"I gave you your damned advice, now take it and stop wallowing in self-pity!" Katsuki clicked his tongue in mock annoyance.

Advice that she didn't ask for, but greatly appreciated. Sometimes Katsuki forgot how much he wasn't supposed to care about others. He seemed to slip up-
-the most around her. He was always yelling at her when she pushed too hard during training or reacted too slowly. He even went so far as to pinch her ear when he learned that she was skipping meals with naps and smacked his notebook on her 'thick head' when she got a bad grade.
She understood that he didnt want anything to hold him back but sometimes he could just be so-!

"C-cake!" Ochako balled her hands into tight fists at her side. "Bakugou-kun! Help me make a cake!" Her eyes glinted at him.


"With cute frosting!"


"And fruit on top!"
"Wha-I ain't doin' that!" Katsuki snapped.

"Why not?!" Ochako asked, her lips pursing into a pout that puffed her round cheeks even more.

"The fuck you need my help for?" That was the better question. There was no way he was making a cake for Deku-

Ochako dropped her pout.
She had the nerve to smile at him and confidently state, "I don't know how to make a cake."

Katsuki stared at her for a solid minute. "You're fucking shitting me." It wasn't a question, because it was a statement that. She was joking.

Except she wasn't. "I never really baked."
It took him another minute to wrap his head around that one. "Then pick something easier! Cookies! Or melt chocolate for fuck's sake! He doesn't care!" Katsuki barked.

"But I care!" Ochako argued. "If its his first valentine I-" Her cheeks flushed. "I want it to be special."
Katsuki furrowed his brow; his frown deepened. "Well, then fucking make it yourself. What makes you think I even know how to bake?" He shot back at her.

Ochako's smile reached her eyes as she drummed her fingers on the cover of her book. "Because you're good at everything, ne?"
Hook. Line. Sinker.

Ochako watched the conflicted emotions cross his face as his hands opened and closed by his side. His brow creased, nose wrinkled, and lip twitched into a snarl.

He didn’t want to admit it, but he couldn’t deny it either.

“Well, it ain’t rocket science!”
Ochako stepped aside, fighting back her triumphant smile as Katsuki stomped back over and threw the book open. He violently shifted through the pages before stopping on a white cake with chocolate drizzle and strawberries.

He punched it with his fist.

“We’re making this!”
“That?!” Ochako peeked at the page, clutching her stomach in nervous excitement. “It looks hard...”

“It’s fuckin easy.”

Well, Katsuki certainly seemed confident about it. This looked like something that Sato would make. But, if he said so...

“Okay! If you say so. What first?”
Katsuki rustled through the cabinets for a few moments, pulling out a couple various sized bowls, cups, spoons, and ingredients without even so much as looking at the cook book. Ochako blinked in awe. “You memorized the recipe?”

“Tch. Don’t be ridiculous. The base is the same.”

Katsuki rolled his eyes. “Yeah. Fucking flower, sugar, eggs, vanilla, baking powder...” he slammed a big bag of flower on the counter and glared at her. “You really never fucking did this before...?”

Ochako poked her fingers togeher and shook her head. “No...”
She leaned against the counter, eyeing the ingredients he laid out. “Is it weird?”

Katsuki pauses for a moment and shrugged. “I dunno. I just thought all girls were crazy over this shit.”

“That’s not true! There’s lots of girls that can’t bake. In middle school the most I did —
was melt chocolates for my friends. We would exchange them during lunch.”

She decided that she didn’t need to tell him her parents money was better spent on dinner ingredients than baking supplies. Once in a while her mother spoiled them with homemade cookies. And on New Years —
her father always took her mochi pounding. It was a tradition!

But baking cakes and cupcakes and learning to frost and decorate!? She couldn’t imagine spending money on all the tools that would take.

Katsuki grunted, pulling her from her thoughts. “Whatever. Mix the dry stuff.”
He pushed a bowl toward her and pointed at the part of the instructions for her to follow.

“Just measure it out and dumb it in the bowl. I’ll get the beater and start the wet shit.”


Ochako read the first line, grabbing out the appropriate cup and then followed each step.
Wow, that took a lot of flour! And then she had to add in some salt. Hey, this wasn’t so hard! Next on the list was baking powder...

Ochako grabbed the first container that she saw reading the words ‘baking’ and poured it in. As she put it down, the word ‘soda’ stuck out at her.
Baking soda?

Her eyes widened, bouncing between the book and the jar in her hand. What was that? Was it similar to Baking powder? How different were they?

“How’s it going over there, cheeks?”

Ochako glanced at Katsuki over her shoulder. He added butter and sugar to a bowl.
“Um...” Ochako wasn’t sure. “Okay, I think.”

Katsuki plugged in the beater. Ochako gulped. He was going to beat her. “You think?” He asked.

“Yeah. Well. Baking powder and baking soda aren’t that different, right?” She giggled sheepishly into the silence that enveloped the room.

The way Katsuki glared at her was beginning to make her think otherwise.

“This better be another stupid fucking lame joke of yours.”

Ochako gasped. “Excuse you, my jokes are always funny!”

She was serious.

Katsuki slapped his face, slowly dragging his hand down.
“Holy fuck. It’s written on the fucking container! How did you mess that up!?” He pointed animatedly to both containers which were clearly labeled: powder and soda.

Ochako scratched her cheek, rocking on her heels. “I didn’t read it...I didn’t know there were two baking things!”
Katsuki took a moment to grind his teeth, opening and closing his smoking hands.

Ochako gulped. “ bad is it?”

“Depends. Do you like your cakes flat and salty or fluffy and sweet?” He barked.

Okay, yeah she messed up.

Katsuki huffed, grabbing her shoulders.
He moved her in front of the eggs instead and pushed a small bowl into her hands. “Here. Just separate the fucking yolks and I’ll fix this.” He decided.

Ochako blinked at him as he walked over to fix the dry ingredients. She looked back at the eggs. You could take the yolk out?
She picked an egg up, holding it in her hand, then looked down at the small bowl. Uh...

Well she clearly had to crack it first. So she smacked it on the counter and dropped it into the bowl. She stared at the yolk surrounded by whites. “Do I use a spoon or something?” She asked.
“What?” Katsuki paused time look back at her. “No you—are you fucking with me?” His eyes fell on the bowl in her hands, yolk and all. “You’re a fucking egg head!” He snapped.

Ochako bristled. “I am not! I just never did this before!!”
“Clearly!” He snapped, throwing his hand to her and sprinkling her with powdery mixture.

“Hey!” Ochako squealed, looming down at the flour that now covered her shirt and neck. She glared at him.

Katsuki stiffened as if he was guilty but quickly brushed it off. “Do better then!”
“Well teach me instead of being a jerk!” Ochako found herself snapping and in a moment of heated fury she snapped her wrist toward him, pegging him square in the center of that hard forehead of his. “There. Whose an egg head now?!” She barked.
Her moment of triumph was short lived. She watched as the eggshells dropped to the floor and yellow yolk and white goop dropped down the bridge of Katsuki’s nose. The tips of his bangs were wet with egg and his eyes burned with rage.



“You’re fucking dead, cheeks.”
Katsuki grabbed his flour bowl off the counter and Ochako lunged for the carton of eggs to use as ammunition.

It didn’t do her any good.

The kitchen was spacious enough for a couple people to work at once, but it wasn’t large enough to go very far. Katsuki caught her instantly.
He crashed into her, catching her with one arm around the waist and dumped the bowl of flour over her head. It was a counterproductive measure because it got all over him too, but that didn’t stop Ochako from whacking him with the carton of eggs.
The carton exploded, eggshells and yolk guts splattering across both their faces. Katsuki wrestled the package out of her hands, somehow managing to smear a glob of egg on her red cheeks while she aimed for his head, ruffing flour and egg into his blonde hair.
They pushed and shoved one another, tangling their legs as she stepped in while Katsuki tried to move to the side and in an awkward pull, the two went crashing to the tiles.

“Gah! You fucking klutz!”

“You jerk! You started it!”

“No, you did!”

“You threw flour at me!”
The mess they were in now thanks to their stubbornness was much worse than some flicked flour and a stray egg to the face. Egg streaked their faces like war paint. Their clothes were dishesvled, Ochako’s hair stuck up in weird directions, and she was no closer to having her cake.
She pushed and pulled his shoulders, her legs locking around his hips as she tried to flip him over and he was adamant about keeping his position over top of her.

“You...are absolutely...impossible!”

“Tch. Look in a mirror!”


She pushed his arm out from beneath him.
Katsuki lost his leverage but instead of letting her get away he rolled with her and locked his own ankles around her hips.

“Gah!” Ochako yelped as he squeezed her.

“Give up!” Katsuki barked.

She attempted to huff some flour out of her face. Only he would make this a contest!
She went to push one hand against his chest to give herself purchase and another to push his chin up and away, but Katsuki caught her arm, yanking it above his head.


“Um...ugh... damn it...!” She grunted.
She cast him an evil glare, fingers lifting off his chest and pinky uncurling threateningly. Katsuki narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you fucking dare. That’s dirty play.”

“I call it resourceful.” She smiled at him.

Katsuki snorted. “Fine, but whatever happens next aint my fault.”
As if to prove his point, his palm started to warm up, preparing for retaliation.

Right. Explosive spar in a tiny kitchen. Bad idea. Sometimes Katsuki’s desire for a fair fight was just not fun.

Ochako made a face, curling her hand into a fist. She punched him in the chest.
He held her glare for half a second longer before his gaze softened and he tightened his grip sucking in a deep breath before letting her go. If Ochako had blinked she would have missed it.

Before she could think too deeply about it Katuski pushed her off and sat up. “I got it.”
Ochako blinked, righting herself. “Got what...?” She asked, sitting cross legged as he pushed himself up.

Katsuki gave her an exhasperated look. “The cake, genius. I’ll make the cake and you just pay the fuck attention, got it?”

Oh. Ooh...!

Ochako nodded, hoping to her feet.
She flashed him a mock salute, her smile returning. Her heart was beating a bit fast in her chest but she blamed it on their tussle. “Yes, sir!”

His lips quirked in the corners. “Good.”

For now, they cleaned a space on the counter to resume working.
Ochako watched him, hovering over his shoulder like a shadow. Practically adhered to his side, she watched as he showed her how to shuffle an egg between its shells to separate the yolk and then dropped it into a separate container.

“Ooh...” she cooed, she should have done that.
The rest was fairly straight forward. Figuring that she couldn’t fuck up pouring it into a pan, Katsuki passed her the bowl of batter and she spread it evenly, earning a nod of approval before sticking it in the oven. Katsuki set a timer on his phone and the two spent the half-
hour in the kitchen cleaning up their mess.

By the time the cake came out of the oven, it had to cool before they could frost it, much to Ochako’s impatience. They passed the time by returning to their respective showers to clean up and change before regrouping in the kitchen.
“You wanted a white frosting right?” Katsuki asked, lifting the pan and slamming it face down on the square cut of wax paper.

Ochako jumped with a small startle. “Uh-yeah,” she nodded, watching as the cake came out perfectly. “Wow, you’re so good at this.

“It ain’t that hard.”
Said the one smearing fresh frosting around a cake without a single lump. Clearly for him it wasn’t.

“You got the chocolate?”

“Oh!” Ochako nodded, ducking into the fridge for the strawberries and chocolate dip. “Here!”

“You can handle that, can’t you? Dip eight of them.”
Eight? She watched him make snap swirls evenly spaced around the top. “I got it!” She nodded.

She tipped each tip into the chocolate and let it dry before pressing it into each swirl. By the time she got to the end she was positively beaming. “Wow! We-well mostly you-did it!”
“Oi. Don’t you fucking tell anyone I did this, you got it?” He snapped at her, head whipping toward the entry way as if just now realizing they were in a public space.

Ochako rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t dream of it. It definitely wouldn’t be good for your reputation.”
“Damn right. And especially not for Deku!” He felt the need to announce.

Ochako shook her head, “Oh no, definitely not. Only for me!” She teased with a playful wink that made him choke and look away.

“Yeah, whatever. As long as you got it.”

Ochako smiled at his pink ears.
She reached over, grabbing a strawberry by the green stem and dipped it into some of the leftover chocolate.

“Bakugou-kun,” she called, catching his attention. She held one hand beneath the strawberry to catch any chocolate that dripped. “A thanks, for helping me!” She beamed.
Katsuki stared at the fruit in her hand longer than necessary, as if confused on what he was supposed to do.


“Oh-do you not like...”

Before she could finish her question, he leaned forward, opening his mouth wide and chomped down around the berry, leaving only the stem.
Ochako blinked down at the stem and up to Katsuki as he aggressively chewed the treat. “Whatever, just don’t forget it tomorrow!” He barked, turning on his heel and storming out of the kitchen.

Ochako stared after him, finally lowering her hand. “His face was awfully red...”
Valentine’s Day had Ochako’s stomach in all sorts of knots. Tucked safely in her bag was a small box containing her cake for Deku. Most of the other girls in class stuck to traditional chocolate baggies to pass around to their friends (and maybe a secret crush).
Was presenting a whole cake to your completely platonic friend, who you might have the smallest crush on, but would definitely not be interested in pursuing, too much?

Ochako glanced over to Deku, who was scribbling away in his notebook with a focused look on his face.
Katsuki said he never once received any chocolates before, right?

Ochako took a deep breath, patting her bag with four fingers. This was okay then! He deserved it! A special treat for her — her special friend!

“Deku!” Ochako called when class ended. She placed her bag down.
“Oh! Uraraka-san! What’s up? Did you understand Ectoplasm’s lesson? I’m definitely going to have to brush up on the notes from today!” Deku closed his notebook and started tucking his things into his bag for lunch break. “Do you want to study togeher later?”

“Sure!” She chirped.
Before he could get far, Ochako sent a glance to the back of Katsuki’s head as he gathered his things. His sour pout was glued to his plump lips. She caught herself staring for a second longer than she should have been before turning her attention back to Deku.

Katsuki brushed past them to get to KIrishima and their normal lunch group.

“I have something for you...” she exclaimed breathlessly. Her heart pounded in her throat as she reached into her bag.

“For me...?” Deku blinked and tipped his head owlishly.

Ochako pulled the box out.
She placed it on the corner of his desk and pushed it toward him. “It’s...well, I made this and I’m not sure how good it is, but...” Ochako felt her face grow warm and she carded her hand through her hair, making it levitate from the back.

Curious, Deku opened the box. “A cake!”
His eyes grew three times in size. “Uraraka it looks great!” Deku beamed at her and it felt like she had just sent herself into orbit. “I bet it tastes amazing. Did you make this yourself?”

Did she-?

Her eyes flickered over to the abandoned seat in front of Deku.
Actually, she barelly made any of it. Katsuki refused to take credit, though, and she swore to keep his involvement a secret. She smiled innocently. “Yeah!” She lied.

“Midoriya,” a quiet, deep drawl came from beside them. “Are you ready for lunch? Oh, what’s that?”
Todoroki came up beside them, gazing in interest at the sweet cake topped with chocolate dipped strawberries. Deku beamed. “Ochako made a cake for Valentine’s Day! Isn’t that nice? We should share it at lunch.”

Ochako parted her lips, but the correction died on her tongue.
The cake was specifically for Deku. It was his Valentine’s Day cake, but he didn’t seem to make the correlation. If she corrected him now, it would be awkward wouldn’t it?

Besides, it was a whole cake. Of course he wouldn’t eat it all alone! But still...the meaning was lost...
“Uraraka, are you okay?”

Ochako gasped, lifting her head. “Huh? Oh!” She realized she had zoned out. Pulling the smile back on her face she nodded. “Yeah, I’m great! Sorry. What were you asking?”

“We asked if you were ready for lunch?” Deku repeated.

Ochako nodded. “Sure.”
She held back as they got up to walk past her. Deku grasped the cake in his hands to bring to the lunch room with them. Her gut sank as she stood behind them. “Go ahead! I just have something quick to do and I’ll be right there!” She promised.
Deku and Todoroki went ahead without her. Ochako let out a soft breath, scuffing her toes into the tile. “That was supposed to be for you, dummy,” she muttered to the empty room.

Reaching back into her bag, she plucked another, smaller bag of treats and placed them on the desk.
Closing her bag, Ochako placed the straps over her shoulders and hurried down to lunch before she missed her chance to eat.
After lunch, Katsuki trudged back to the classroom with Kirishima. Sero and Kaminari trailed behind them.
“Man! I can’t believe I didn’t get a single confession today!” Kaminari complained, scratching the back of his head.

Sero shot him a side glance. “What were you expecting?”

“Come on. After everything we’ve been through? You think the ladies would be lining up for a piece of—
Chargebolt!” Kaminari proclaimed, tucking his pointer and thumb across his chin.

“I think you’ve been spending too much time with Mineta,” Sero chortled. “Come back to earth and maybe the ladies will actually give you a chance.”

“Hey! Not cool...” Kaminari pouted.
“At least I have more of a chance than someone we all know.” He shot a pointed look at the back of Katsuki’s head.

Feeling eyes on him, Katsuki tuned to find Kaminari’s statement directed at him. “Ha?!” He snapped. “The fuck are you getting at, you glorified phone charger?!”
Kaminari sighed, shaking his head dismally with a shrug of his shoulders as he brushed past Katsuki to enter the class room. "Exactly what it sounds like. With your sour personality, you're the least likely one of us all to have a secret admirer!"

Katsuki glared. "Who cares?"
His lip furled as he widened his gait to shove Kaminari out of his way. "I don't give a fuck about stupid shit like that." Valentine's Day? BAH! Who needed a special day to confess their feelings for someone?

Besides, he didn't like anyone any way. He didn't need affection!
Romance wasn't for the next number one hero, damn it!

Deku could take it, with his stupid cake, and shove it right up his ass, and --

"Hey, Bakubro!"

"What?" Katsuki snapped, following where Kirishima pointed.

There, sitting on his desk, was a clear wrapped bag of chocolates.
Kirishima beat him to it.

"No way-!" Kaminari gaped. "Tell me it's a gag gift!"

Kirishima twisted the small parcel and found a tag. "They look home made and there's a note!"

Kaminari slid himself across Katsuki's desk for a better look. "Let me guess," he cleared his throat.
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You're a psycho,
But I still love you!"

"Dude..." Kirishima winced, grimacing as Kaminari leaned off the desk howling with laughter. Katsuki silenced him with an explosion to the face that sent the electric blonde tumbling to the floor.

"It doesn't have a name..." Kirishima stated over Kaminari's complaints. "It just says 'Thank you so much, Bakugou. I owe you!' and theres a drawing of...mush?" Red eyes narrowed into a curious squint. "Huh..."

Katsuki's own brow furrowed in thought until he heard it.
His ears picked up on the sound of a sputtering snicker just outside the door, laughing at something stupid, no doubt.

"Iida, you're so dramatic!"

And there she was, entering the classroom with a wide toothy grin on her face. Katsuki ignored the extras walking beside her.
She turned her head toward him, and he quickly averted his gaze before she caught him staring. He glared down at the chocolates in Kirishima's palm.

Thank you, chocolates.

There wasn't a damn romantic thing about them, and yet-

"Well, since we don't know who they're from..."
Wait, what?

Katsuki tuned back into what Kirishima was saying.

"...and since you don't care for sweets, I'll take them-Wha?" Kirishima jumped as Katsuki reached out, aggressively snatching the bag of chocolates out of his hand. "Huh?"

"Who said you can have them, Shitty Hair?"
The look on Kirishima’s face was comical. “Huh? But didnt you just chuck the bag of chocolates Mina gave you at my head saying you didn’t eat that junk?!” He rubbed the spot on his forehead where the chocolates had hit him earlier.

Katsuki gritted his teeth. He did say that.
This was different though. Katsuki stared down at the bag. The candy wasn’t perfect. Some had burnt edges and the cut wasn’t just right. He would bet his soul they tasted like shit.

“Do you know who they’re from?” Kirishima’s eyes widened in curiosity as Kaminari stumbled up.
Katsuki’s eyes drifted to the tag. The messy, loopy hand writing was one he saw nearly every day while writing reports. He responded with a grunt, throwing the candy into his bag.

“Wait-?” Kaminari’s eyes darted back and forth. “Is this for real?!”

“I think so man!”
“Bakugou has a valentine?!?”

Ochako greeted him at their work study with a big sheepish grin on her face as she ruffled the back of her hair. “Guess I should have left that chocolate in a more discrete location, huh?”

Katsuki pulled on his glove and fastened his bracer from the bench he sat on.
“Woulda saved me a lot of grief...” Katsuki grunted.


Katsuki shrugged. “How’d the nerd like his cake?” He asked as non-challantly as he could while standing up to stretch his arms.

Ochako sighed. “The meaning went right over his head. He—I mean over all, it was good!”
Her smile faltered, brow twitched, and smile morphed into a grimace.


“Whatever. Not like I actually care.”

Dumbass Deku.

“Did you try the chocolate I made you?” Ochako asked curiously.

That’s right. Katsuki looked down at his bag. “Not yet.”
He pulled the treats out and plucked a star shaped chocolate from the bag. Ochako watched him with anxious eyes as he popped the whole piece in his mouth and chewed.


“H-how is it?”

“You used cyanine?” He arched a brow.

“Yeah. You like spice right?”

Ochako waited a moment more before she had to ask.


Katsuki shrugged. “Tastes like shit.”

Her jaw dropped to the floor, her eyes hallowing in defeat as he smirked deviously. He pulled another heart shaped chocolate out this time before throwing the rest into his bag.
“Wh-“ Ochako gapped at him. “Why are you eating more if it tastes so bad?!” She exclaimed, stomping after him as he headed to get their assignment.

She only received a shrug in response.

“You could have given them away.” She had over heard his earlier exchange with his friends.
He couldn’t have.

Katsuki was too selfish to let anyone have what was specifically made for him. She didn’t make obligatory chocolates for the rest of her friends. He tasted the remnants of the spice tingling in the back of his tongue.

“I’ll show you how to do it next time.”
Ochako blinked up at him, her eyes wide and jaw dropping for an entirely different reason. “Next time?!” She fumbled, her boot caught on the back of her heel. “What do you mean next time?”
Katsuki smirked back at her. “Exactly what it sounds like, Cheeks. Next time I’ll show you something really sweet.”

Ochako took a deep breath, feeling her cheeks grow embarrassingly warm. “I-I don’t know what that means!” She exclaimed trying to ignore the racing of her heart.
She wasn’t getting flustered! What was there to be excited about?! Absolutely nothing. It was just Katsuki. It was time...

Alone in the kitchen with him. Baking a sweet surprise.

...maybe, if she was honest with herself, she was looking forward to it a little bit.


Scroll back up to here for the real sweet surprise that I’m going to be adding. A branched off side special for the alternate kitchen scene I was debating 😘
💥Alternate Scene💥

Feisty little Mochiko. Katsuki never got over how soft and round Ochako was, and yet she never failed to hold her ground against him. He didn’t intimidate her any more; she wasn’t scared of him and met him head on with her fierce determination.
She was so damn perfect and she didn’t even know it; and neither did that damn nerd her eyes had been glued to since first year!

Except right now her eyes were on him. Her chest rose and fell with heavy breaths and a quirk to the corner of her plump, kissable lips.
“Oi...” Katsuki heard himself growl down at her. His eyes followed the way her lips closed and pursed as she gulped. Her bottom lip tucked between her teeth, eyes batting bashfully.


He should get up. He should pull himself off her and go clean up so they could finish.
Katsuki wasn’t always known for doing what he should. He made his bed and did his laundry, cooked and brushed his teeth, got his homework done and studied, but when he wanted something...

...and right now he really wanted something...

...he did whatever it took to get it.
Turns out he didn’t have to do a whole lot this time.

He simply cupped her cheek, dipped his head, and captured her lips when they parted and the words she was about to say died on her lips. A surprised, muffled squeak was the only sound she made.

He expected her to shove him.
Instead, she surprised him. One hand grasped his shoulder while the other snaked it’s way through the short ash-blond spikes at the nape of his neck. Her lips moved and she was kissing him back.

Katsuki felt like he was starving. His teeth scraped against her bottom lip.
Ochako responded with a gasp, her lips parting enough for him to pepper them with bold nips. She didn’t resist, and when her tongue brushed against his lip as he suckled her bottom lip he didn’t hesitate to meet her half way.
He pushed her tongue back into her mouth, groaning at her taste; like chocolate and flour.

Katsuki supported himself on his elbows, his stomach tight as he hovered above her, but the moment she arched her back with a feverish moan, he nearly crushed her beneath his weight.
Her hands tightened in his hair, soft huffs of breath leaving her parted lips as her brow furrowed and she tried to wrestle him back into his mouth.

Katsuki smirked against her lips, curling his tongue around hers and scraping the back of her teeth.
Somehow her leg ended up wrapped around his thigh, his arm lifted her back inches off the floor with their chests pressed tight and his other hand tangled in her hair.

He could kiss her forever. He would, too, if it were possible. Ochako shifted, her hip bone brushed against a—
sensitive organ below his belt, and Katsuki was forced to break their dizzying kiss with a wet smack. He painted, licking the saliva off his lip as he stared down into her flushed face eyes blown wide in a hazy daze.

“Fuck me...” Katsuki whispered to himself, committing the —
image of her to memory. Her round, flushed cheeks, swollen lips, and glossy eyed stare was going to haunt his dreams tonight.

“H-huh...?” Ochako squeaked breathlessly.

Katsuki cleared his throat, detangling from her. Her hands fell back to her chest and legs curled at her side.
“Nothing,” Katsuki grumbled lowly. He took a deep breath, averting his gaze and willing his blood to cool it’s hot path south.

Out of the corner of his eye, Katsuki caught the movement as Ochako sat back up and brushed her mused hair out of her face.

“We should clean up...”
“Y-yeah...” Ochako’s voice had nervous, confused tremble to it.

He didn’t have a good explanation for why he did that. ‘I like you,’ was probably good as any excuse, but he didn’t see the point in a confession. His eyes fell on the flour powdered cook book.

She liked Deku.
“I’ll meet you back here in half an hour...” he grumbled.

He shouldn’t have done that. Fuck. He was an idiot. He should have never tempted himself with a taste of her lips to taunt him the rest of his life.


He paused by the kitchen entrance at her call, waiting.
He could feel his nerves on end from the silence that followed until he grunted, “hah?” over his shoulder.

“This...that...” he knew what she meant, “it doesn’t change things between us, right? We’re”

Katsuki turned back forward, rolling his eyes at the ceiling.
“Yeah,” he clicked his tongue. “We’re still friends or whatever.” His jaw locked as he pushed through the door. “Doesn’t mean a thing.”

He crushed the voice on the back of his mind whispering, ‘but she didn’t hesitate to kiss you back.’

He knew better. Now wasn’t the time.
As badly as he wanted her, this was the one thing he would have to wait if he wanted it bad enough.

Wow sorry this took me a while to wrap up. I had to get in the mood for that make out and still tie it in with the rest of the thread! I hope it worked lol

• • •

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More from @italian_lily

Sep 28, 2022
I am super excited to share my @kacchakobigbang piece with you all! I had the lovely honor of working with both artists @Larabeedrawin and @2DKeepsMeSane, and my helpful beta @BitchyBunny123!

Thank you to the mods for putting this together!

⬇️Checkout my fic: Brimstone Heart⬇️

Also please see below for the accompanying artwork links…!
Read 4 tweets
Sep 23, 2022
🌹 🌹 🌹

On their first date, Katsuki gave Ochako a rose. It was a simple, red flower with velvety petals and a sweet aroma that made her shoulders curl up to her ears as she held it against her chest.

A year after they had been going steady, Katsuki surprised her with two.
The following year, the number grew to three, then four, and five.

Eventually, 6 roses sat on the table in a faux crystal vase because Ochako would kill him if he ever spent the extra money on a real one that was just going to sit under the counter for another year.
Seven the following year, and Ochako admired the way they bloomed full beneath the suns rays trickling between her kitchen blinds.

Eight. Wow. Her heart felt as full as the blooms in her arms as she counted each stem she placed into the vase.
Read 44 tweets
Apr 13, 2022
“Want to share a Quickie?”

Cw: sexual implications, misunderstandings, short drabbles where I think I’m funny

“Mina! I need you to cover for me!” Ochako called in a favor in the middle of her patrol.

She knew it was irresponsible and irrational, but she just got a text from Katsuki asking her to meet for a quickie.

During work hours.
Mr. ‘no fraternizing at the work place EVER’ was breaking his code and Ochako could not miss the opportunity to finally tear into that fitted black spandex top that tormented her every time her boyfriend so much as flexed — which was a lot!
Read 15 tweets
Sep 18, 2020
Stole this from @crystymre ! It seems like a fun way to spend my lunch break today 🥰 Image
1️⃣This is tough because I love so many! I would have to say my top three are FWB, soulmates/arranged marriage, and forbidden love. 🧐
2️⃣Tropes I don’t love... 🤔 probably Yondere, perfect matches, and...fuck this is hard 🤣...harem?
Read 15 tweets
Aug 29, 2020
PSA: please check your interest rates and how it’s being applied to your college loans. I just recently was taken advantage of by Discover🙃 my new job helped me realize what was happening and got my into a program where I’ll now all my loans paid off in 3 years instead of never.
Make sure they aren’t treating your interest like a CREDIT CARD. I guarantee you that’s exactly what happened to these girls here. Rather than “refinancing” my bank was OUTRAGED when i explained my situation and they transferred my personal student loan into a private loan with —
FIXED END TERMS. If you do not have fixed end terms THEY ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF YOU. Check your loan programs. The interest should be applied throughout the life of the loan, not reassessed every fucking month on your $100,000 debt. You’ll never realistically pay it off.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 6, 2020
A #kacchakothread post.

You guys asked for it

I’m finally going to start it.

Prompt: ☄️ Bakugo to the Future
a sequel to my 💫Glimpse into the Future thread.

Thank you for your patience with me 🥺💕 I’ve decided to write as I go so updates will be irregular!

NOTE: if you have not done so already, I highly suggest reading my Glimpse into the Future kacchako thread before reading this one.

...Something was wrong with Ochako.

Maybe ‘wrong’ wasn’t the right way to put it, but she was acting really fucking strange since she came back to the dorms last month and decided to start using his damn given name without his consent!
Read 61 tweets

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