Lily Profile picture
🔞Minors DNI🔞 ♡ Lily ♡ Lvl30+ ♡ Writer ♡ BNHA|Multi-shipper, Kacchako ♡ pfp @meggadoodle85 ♡ banner @Larabeedrawin ♡
Krissy Kristina Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I am super excited to share my @kacchakobigbang piece with you all! I had the lovely honor of working with both artists @Larabeedrawin and @2DKeepsMeSane, and my helpful beta @BitchyBunny123!

Thank you to the mods for putting this together!

⬇️Checkout my fic: Brimstone Heart⬇️ AO3:…

Also please see below for the accompanying artwork links…!
Sep 23, 2022 44 tweets 8 min read
🌹 🌹 🌹

On their first date, Katsuki gave Ochako a rose. It was a simple, red flower with velvety petals and a sweet aroma that made her shoulders curl up to her ears as she held it against her chest.

A year after they had been going steady, Katsuki surprised her with two. The following year, the number grew to three, then four, and five.

Eventually, 6 roses sat on the table in a faux crystal vase because Ochako would kill him if he ever spent the extra money on a real one that was just going to sit under the counter for another year.
Apr 13, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
“Want to share a Quickie?”

Cw: sexual implications, misunderstandings, short drabbles where I think I’m funny

#kacchako “Mina! I need you to cover for me!” Ochako called in a favor in the middle of her patrol.

She knew it was irresponsible and irrational, but she just got a text from Katsuki asking her to meet for a quickie.

During work hours.
Sep 18, 2020 15 tweets 2 min read
Stole this from @crystymre ! It seems like a fun way to spend my lunch break today 🥰 Image 1️⃣This is tough because I love so many! I would have to say my top three are FWB, soulmates/arranged marriage, and forbidden love. 🧐
Aug 29, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
PSA: please check your interest rates and how it’s being applied to your college loans. I just recently was taken advantage of by Discover🙃 my new job helped me realize what was happening and got my into a program where I’ll now all my loans paid off in 3 years instead of never. Make sure they aren’t treating your interest like a CREDIT CARD. I guarantee you that’s exactly what happened to these girls here. Rather than “refinancing” my bank was OUTRAGED when i explained my situation and they transferred my personal student loan into a private loan with —
Aug 6, 2020 61 tweets 12 min read
A #kacchakothread post.

You guys asked for it

I’m finally going to start it.

Prompt: ☄️ Bakugo to the Future
a sequel to my 💫Glimpse into the Future thread.

Thank you for your patience with me 🥺💕 I’ve decided to write as I go so updates will be irregular!

#kacchako NOTE: if you have not done so already, I highly suggest reading my Glimpse into the Future kacchako thread before reading this one.

Jul 28, 2020 30 tweets 6 min read
A short Drabble for my upcoming #BNHA #Secondgen stripper AU.

⚠️CW: Implied Sex, prostitution, emotional confusion, and soft as fuck cuddles⚠️

Pairing: YoshiMeiji (Kacchako & Kirimina kids

Considered putting this on my NSFW, but it’s not that graphic? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Author notes below. ✏️The main story has not been published yet! WIP
✏️This scene may or may not be included in the final work.
✏️Bakugou is an ex-stripper that owns his own stripclub now. Yoshiki is a manager there.
✏️Kirishima knocked Mina up and Mina ran. Meiji & Kirishima do not know each other
Jul 16, 2020 25 tweets 5 min read
A short YoshiMeiji #nextgen thread post featuring @Meggadoodle85 and my #Kacchako and #kirimina children!

Title: Sweater Weather

I wrote this a while ago and wanted to share with you all after people started expressing interest in our OCs! I hope you all enjoy. "What the fuck..." Yoshiki opened his bedroom door, holding a mug of hot cocoa in each hand, only to come face to face with Meiji scrounging around in his closet. He frowned, narrowing his eyes as she pushed his shirts aside and dug deeper.

“The hell are you doing?" he asked.
Jul 9, 2020 46 tweets 8 min read
A #kacchakothread post

Title: An Unexpected Hitchhiker
Pairing: #kacchako

A huge thanks to @katschako for betaing for me. She's amazing, so please give her your love, too (and credit for the title)! This piece was inspired by @Superevey1's beautiful kacchako art linked below!
Jun 22, 2020 148 tweets 26 min read
A Dadsuki thread for Father’s Day!

Title: ‘Cool’ Dad

I have no idea what I’m doing, but let’s have fun with this anyway!

#kacchako #kacchakochild ‘What the hell, Dad? Gross! You’re so lame!’

Katsuki kicked open the break room door with his steel toed boot, startling several interns, and stomped over to the coffee machine. He was dressed in his hero uniform, forgoing his accessories for better mobility around the office.
May 29, 2020 26 tweets 5 min read
#kacchakoday thread post idea by @Meggadoodle85 !

Prompt: Bakugou-kun!
Work count: 1026 (I just keep going up and up... will I ever write 500 words? The world may never know)

#kacchako #kacchakothread “Bakugou-kun!”

Katsuki lowered the eraser in his hand and looked over his shoulder to find Ochako standing a couple feet behind him. Her sleeves were rolled up to her elbows and she held a yellow cloth in her hands, damp from wiping down the desks.
May 29, 2020 22 tweets 4 min read
#kacchakoday thread post idea by @katschako !

Prompt: Explodie-O's!
Word Count: 779




Ochako pressed her fingers to her lips, eyes blown wide and chest tight from holding in her laughter.
May 29, 2020 17 tweets 4 min read
#kacchakoday thread post idea by @jarynw02!

Prompt: Sick Day / Doctor's Office
Word Count: 660

#kacchako #kacchakothread Katsuki didn’t get sick. The last time he was sick with something worse than a cold had been in middle school with a fever that knocked him on his ass for three days and he was forced to eat his mothers god awful soup that almost killed him
May 15, 2020 38 tweets 7 min read
A (hopefully) short #kacchakothread

Prompt: A Bad Hair Day
Pairing: #kacchako “Ashido...” Eijirou eyed the pink haired young woman who was inching uncomfortably close to the couch where an irritable blond haired man slumbered.

Katsuki had passed out an hour ago after finishing his late morning workout. In their third year he was working harder than ever.
May 14, 2020 22 tweets 4 min read
I wanna play! ✨👀✨ Image 1. About 15 years I think? It's hard to keep track in my old age 😂
Apr 22, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I just realized that it has been almost exactly one year since I opened my twitter account and jumped into the BNHA & Kacchko fandom.

I just gotta say THANK YOU to all of you!

I originally opened this account to follow amazing artists and writers I followed on AO3, and a couple of my friends convinced me to start writing Kacchako threads for fun. I never imagined having over 1000 of you guys following me, or sharing my NSFW...

Everyone I’ve met in this fandom is just the sweetest and most creative and supportive people 💗
Apr 20, 2020 37 tweets 7 min read
A #kacchakothread for Bakugou’s birthday! You guys picked the prompt so get ready. I’m hoping to finish this tonight, but as per usual I have nothing prewritten so let’s see what happens.

Prompt: Meet the Parents
Pairing: #kacchako Ochako nuzzled deeper into the left pectoral she used as a pillow, ignoring the sunbeams that peaked through her curtains. Last night was Saturday and she stayed up later than she had expected. It had only been a few days since they moved back into the dorms and to commensurate
Apr 13, 2020 46 tweets 7 min read
🌊🧜‍♀️Siren's Call🏴‍☠️🌊

Based on an RP with @Meggadoodle85 !
By popular demand, I am going to be rewriting our new RP into fic style! Please be patient with updates as these will come out when we've produced enough content and I've had time to rewrite it!
Enjoy! Accompanying Artworks:
Apr 2, 2020 28 tweets 5 min read
I don’t feel like working at this moment because HR pissed me off and I’m petty, so... here is something I’ve wanted to write for a LONG time. Hope you guys enjoy it!

Prompt: 💥Origin: Bakugou’s Hero Name💥

Kind of (maybe?) #bkdk #bakudeku If there was ever a time that Bakugou hated that crusty little turd called ‘Deku’ it was now. That stupid little asshole (who wasn’t even all that little anymore. Katsuki hated the fact that his fucking growth spurt put an entire head of height between them) had to open his big—
Mar 31, 2020 106 tweets 18 min read
Okay--You guys voted so here we go!
This is for the winner of my 1000+ Follower giveaway, @BBendiraa!! The prompt she gave me was adorable and I had a lot of fun so hope you all enjoy it!
(Feel free to mute me if you don't want to see my spam. I will post the AO3 link at the end) #Kacchako #Kacchakothread

Title: When Duty Calls
Prompt: Curious to see if anyone can figure it out 😏
For @BBendiraa, the winner of my 1000+ Follower giveaway!
Feb 14, 2020 128 tweets 23 min read
A #kacchakothread for valentines day! I have a semi-formed idea and hope to keep this short, but we all know my track record so...🤷‍♀️welcome along for the ride my #kacchako lovers!

Prompt: Sweet Surprise "...Oh god..."

Ochako leaned her elbows against the white countertop in the dorm kitchen at U.A., nose shoved in the crevice of a baking book. The pictures all looked so good, but picking out the perfect treat and following through the instructions was another matter.