Bloomberg just said, “The only way to solve the poverty problem is to give a good education.”
That’s false. The most educated demographic of people in this country are African-American women. [1]
On average Black women in this country make 39% less than white men and 21% less than white women.
That’s not because of poor education. It’s because of systemic racism. Kids of color in this country are yes, less likely to have access to a good education. [2]
They are also less likely to be taken seriously by their white teachers and are less likely to be offered the networks of their white professors - the same networks they need to build robust careers where they are paid equitably and equally. [3]
In addition, a few years back, MIT released a report which found that people living in poverty on average need at least 20 years to ascend into the “middle-class.” [4]
Thats 20 years without hardly anything going wrong. 20 years is a long time when the life expectancy between rich and poor neighborhoods can be as big as a 30 year difference. [5]
If a Black, Brown, or Indigenous child gets a good education and is being raised in a home where their parents of color are living in poverty because they are not paid equal to their white counterparts... [6]
or because they can’t even obtain gainful employment because of their race and the way their race intersects with their other identities - that child who becomes a young adult and then an adult is going to still struggle with poverty. [7]
Education can be a pathway but it’s not “the” answer to solving the poverty epidemic. Education is just one piece. [8]
there’s no such thing as a good education that does not account for the ways systemic racism diminishes what we teach, how we teach it, and how we measure success.
But I wouldn’t expect Bloomberg to know that. He doesn’t have to. [9]
Why with anti-oppression work are you still relying on oppressive RFP processes? You’re asking BIPOC consultants to spend hours on proposals unpaid. Why? What’s equitable about unpaid labor?
Here’s what I would suggest instead:
1.) Do your research. Pick 3-5 consultants you would like to work with.
2.) Invite them to a paid interview. Ask them for their hourly rate and schedule an hour to discuss your needs/your vision.
3.) Decide on an honorarium for a proposal.
4.) The honorarium should be dependent on how much information you’re requesting about the consultants methodology and process.
5.) Keep your requests simple. You don’t need a 20 page proposal - I don’t care how large your organization is. That’s not necessary.
I’m partnering with @projectinclude to lead research that looks at how remote workplaces within tech have changed since COVID-19. 1/
We’re currently leading qualitative and quantitative research to understand how employees across intersections of race, gender, class, disability, etc., are experiencing online workplaces. 2/
We are looking closely at harassing behavior, ranging from inappropriate comments to harmful behavior based on a person’s race, gender, sexual orientation, and other identities. 3/
I designed and am leading a four-part action mapping program on anti-racism and transformative organizing for the Association of College & Research Libraries. After one of my sessions this week, I got an email just as I was closing up my laptop for the night. 1/
The email was from a person thanking me for the presentation and noting a conversation we had during the program about a quote from Desmond Tutu where he says:
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor... 2/
If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality." I asked this person if I could have their consent to share their email anonymously and they said that I could so I am sharing it here. 3/
When we uplift the knowledge and experiences of leaders just because they are Black, or just because they are queer, or just because they are women, we set ourselves up to put white supremacy culture on repeat. 1/
Being Black doesn't mean that a person is dedicated to eradicating Black communities of anti-Blackness. Being queer doesn't mean that a person cares deeply about the wellbeing and safety of queer people. 2/
Being a woman does not mean that a person is committed to learning how to love and care for women in a world where patriarchy punishes us for doing so. 3/
One of the many ways that perfectionism hurts us as Black and Brown people is by leading us to believe that we can escape the impacts of our trauma in this world. I've come to the realization that we cannot. 1/
When we're younger, it's easier to mask the ways we are negatively impacted by white supremacy. It's easier to compartmentalize the impacts of our marginalization on us. Sometimes, we hide it so well that we forget that it is even there, that we forget who we actually are... 2/
what we actually dream of, how we actually feel.
But as we begin to grow older, as we begin to grow old, the body has a way of pushing for a resurgence of trauma so that we can feel our pain and heal from it. 3/
With this announcement of Kamala Harris as Biden’s VP, I just want to acknowledge that there will be people who will be severely disappointed by this choice because of Kamala’s history with policing and prisons. 1/
There will be people who will be excited because they like Kamala and like what she stands for.
There will be people who will be neither happy nor disappointed about the announcement because they are just trying to get through another day in this world in which we live. 2/
People find and hold onto hope in their own way. We don’t have to put folks down for being excited, disappointed, angry, sad, or numb over this announcement. We can offer each other grace. 3/