Had a lovely, inspiring, moving (and sweaty!) time at the @SexWorkersPopUp event tonight!
2/ At the entrance of the event, attendees are greeted by an introduction to @SexWorkersPopUp and relevant terminology and concepts. This is necessary public education! #DecrimNY
I love this flowchart that encourages the audience to reflect upon their own whorephobia- if you don’t suffer from it yourself, maybe you should try talking to someone who does and clear it up for them? @SexWorkersPopUp#DecrimNY
4/ This illustration highlights how Sex Work Exclusionary Radical Feminists (SWERFs), are more wedded to their ideology and outrage than the experiences and needs of sex workers themselves.
5/ This illustration reminds us that sex work is work bc people have to pay their bills. When you arrest someone who is working, you don’t actually improve their lives materially or address the need for $$$. You punish and create barriers to other work too #DecrimNY
6/ Here are a series of banners highlighting the sex work policies in 3 other countries. Apologies for the photo quality.
Thrilled to be here at the @MethadoneLib conference!
Great turnout in the room and I’m sure we have plenty folks logged in remotely representing so many diverse groups and regions!
We all share a commitment to #FreeMethadone!
We are listening to an infuriating clip from @National_usu ‘s podcast Naturally Noncompliant to hear from people about their experiences and why we need to #FreeMethadone.
- The US fentanyl-involved OD death rate is 21.6 per 100,000, a rate that more than TRIPLED in just 5 yrs
- Methamphetamine-involved OD death rate more than quadrupled,
- Cocaine rate more than doubled
Watching @CNN and @andersoncooper talking about the overdose crisis. They are talking about two tragic cases of young people who died of overdose with their grieving family members.
Both overdoses were with counterfeit pills. (1/?)
In first story, the young person thought it was a Percocet. When he was overdosing, a friend was deterred from calling 911 for fear of law enforcement.
In second story, the young man ODd while talking to his girlfriend on the phone but she didn’t know signs of him overdosing.
While they are talking about the need for more awareness of fentanyl adulteration, recognizing overdose, and naloxone access—tougher laws and prosecutions are also being proposed by family. They worry that felony charges for the dealer and 4 years in prison are not enough.