Not so fast, my friend
"but the smell that was issuing from the car, a sick stench compounded of blood, fecal matter, vomit, and human decay. It was a ghastly rich sick-dead smell."
don't hold with hitting women. I still don't. But when a person-man or woman turns into a dog and begins to bite, someone has to shy it of." This is... not great.
Duck Valley Reservation that spreads across two states.
And wasn't it *fine?*"
The reality is settling in that pretty much all of us are going to know somebody who doesn't survive this thing.
newscaster went on, public gatherings had been canceled temporarily.
In Shoyo, Nick thought, the entire town had been canceled. Who was kidding who?"
This of course is a fantasy where the news would have to be pressured to repeat the government's lies rather than just lazily passing them on.
other. I don't know who's winning, and I don't care. Whoever it is will probably start on us next. When those of us who can get back do get back."
influenza, no more and no less. We have reports tonight of outbreaks in a score of other countries, including Russia and Red China. Therefore we--"
And we come to the end of the first, and greatest, section of "The Stand."
Fran is trapped with a guy with severe issues who is creepily obsessed with here because everybody else is dead and Harold realizes the girl he loves literally won't touch him if he's the last man on earth.
because I have a low threshold of satisfaction... I talk too much.. I used to be terribly unwise with money... But I never really let it get me down, Stu. Eccentric but cheerful, that's me. The only bane of my life has been my dreams."
Did I mention that this book gets super-racist? Because it totally does.
Mother Abigail in The Stand is a symbol of those of us venerate older, African-American figures while also not, actually listening and fully understanding the challenging truths that they have to say.
1. Of course I had a crush on her as a kid.
2. She Makes No Sense As A Character.
I'll take Chuck Berry thank you very much.
"Bless you, Nick, but that don't matter. He believes in you."
Like "Twin Peaks," you must take the world of "The Stand" at face value: plenty here is symbolic but the supernatural elements are 100% real. Good and Evil are concrete things.
Has anyone in the world actually talked like the Kid? I swear to god some of his lines have haunted me my entire life.
Same tbh haha.
Oh yeah, more new characters! This is The Judge and Lucy Swann and I think these are the last truly major players introduced.
Also extremely same.
In practice, well we're into what I would politely call the "slow" stretch of the story.
Fran's reaction to his mistaken belief that she and Harold were an item is pretty choice.
Of course if he had these details, Flagg wouldn't deem him to be dispensible later on.
FRAN: That's not what I would call a very strong recommendation." LOL.
This I think is very true.
and I no longer think that sociology or psychology or any other ology will put an end to him. I think only white magic will do that."
And next? Another blasted meeting transcript.
No I have no idea why King just threw this in there, but why not at this point.
She was shaking her head back and forth slowly, and some of her tears flew off into the warm summer night.
'I don't think so,' she said. 'No, I really don't think it is.'"
Man, hard agree, Fran.
And then of course comes Nadine and it's time for him to think with his dick.
As a nerdy, acne-covered teen, I will not pretend that the concept of being seduced by a mysterious older woman had an immense appeal on my first read.
grow up. Develop a little self-righteousness."
It will.
But Mother Abigail returns just in time to prevent the casualties from being what they otherwise would be. Note this for later on.
Same, Stu. Same.
A Stand.
"There were teeth."
And the death count gets substantially higher from this point out, but of course not as much as the first book which killed off basically the entire world.
Although, he reveals he doesn't know that Mother Abigail gave her instructions to Stu and the rest. We start seeing now there are limits to his powers, his downfall begins here.
In the miniseries instead of finding the body (standards and practices would not like that) he has a psychic premonition and that actually works better.
disappointed as hell."
After all that we get a literal deus ex machina. Just what a jaw-droppingly ridiculous anticlimax.
And the end of this is a solid capper: "And the righteous and unrighteous alike were consumed in that holy fire."
Oh, no wait, we still got like another 30 pages! Suckers, you thought you'd get out of this that easily?
Whether we live or die can be up to something as little as that.
Book 3 is, um, a lot tighter-plot wise than the second half of book two. Everything serves a narrative purpose.
A film projector. In 1990.
This book doesn't have a high opinion of humanity, which you can probably gather by the fact that it kills most of us.
Stu takes this, not-well but stoically because that's who he is.
I'm not sure about the science here, but we've gone well beyond the realm of the rational at this point.
lifetimes, maybe the lifetimes of my greatgrandchildren. Until the year 2100, maybe, surely no longer than that. Maybe not that long. Time enough for poor old Mother Earth to recycle herself a little. A season of rest."
"I don't know" our omniscient narrator repeats.
I don't either. Right now I'm not optimistic.
No, of course not. Like all horror movies of the era, it has to end with a hint that the evil hasn't yet been vanquished. So we have "The Circle Closes"
"Life was such a wheel that no man could stand upon it for long. And it always, at the end, came round to the same place again."