Hunter Felt Profile picture
Not on here anymore! A former sportswriter who rambled about music, comedy and politics. (work email Support my Patreon
Jan 18, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Okay. I'm finally finishing off my Favorite Music Of 2021 list with my favorite songs today. I have a full 100 song playlist that I will post but I figured it would be fun to count it down this afternoon so...

HUNTER'S TOP TEN SONGS OF 2021 BEGINS NOw 10. Courtney Barnett. "If I Don't Hear From You Tonight."
Jan 17, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Watching football all this weekend, I think I figured out why I struggle to appreciate the defensive side of the game: it's another one of my (probably autism-related) field-of-vision issues... I simply cannot take in all of the action at once, all of the moving pieces just appear to be a chaotic jumble, so to follow along I have to focus on the ball: so the QB and their receivers become my way into the game.
Mar 10, 2020 292 tweets >60 min read
Okay, it's official. I will be livetweeting my re-read of "The Stand" here off and on here. Feel free to mute this thread. #TheStand We are going to meet an insane amount of people here and pretty much every single one of them gets a backstory, whether it's relevant or not and it's usually not. Here we have Campion, our Patient Zero, taking the superflu out into the world #TheStand