This is a cool way to support local businesses during #coronavirus rules. While restaurants can’t have dine-in customers, you can still do takeout! And THIS is restaurant #bingo for the Cedar Park/Leander/Liberty Hill area! Get a printed receipt, mark it off on the card! @KVUE
These restaurants were chosen at random but offers prizes to people who get a bingo!
Today, @TravisCoClerk is showing media one of four mail-in ballot drop-off locations. This is at 700 Lavaca Street, Austin. @GovAbbott just announced counties can only have ONE mail-in ballot drop-off location starting tomorrow (citing ballot security and pandemic concerns).
From @TravisCoClerk, “this is deliberate.” Calling this an attack on voting operations, she said it happens everyday - “it happened yesterday, it’ll happen tomorrow. I will fight this in court.” @KVUE
Here are the four locations for voters to drop off mail-in ballots: Live location: 700 Lavaca Parking Garage, Guadalupe entrance.
5501 Airport Blvd, Austin, TX 78751
Travis County 700 Lavaca Parking Garage, Austin, TX
Today, @GovAbbott is pledging to #BacktheBlue. As part of new legislation, cities that defund police departments will lose the power to annex communities. Previously annexed communities can vote to separate themselves from the city that annexed them.…
It is important for police to know that "this defunding garbage is garbage. The silent majority supports them." - @RepDennisBonnen
Now @KennethCasaday speaking, if people are not signing this pledge, "it shows your weak leadership and your weak personality." @ATXPOA streaming on @KVUE now.
After thinking long and hard about crossing Joe Tanner Lane at McCarty Lane (near 290), this driver made the right decision to #TurnAroundDontDrown. This rain has brought a lot of water to these smaller creeks. @KVUE@ErikaLopezKVUE@Hunt_Wx@marielruizwx
Just down the road, @HeikkiMikael captured this guy walking his bike across the flooded roadway. “Did you have to cross for work or something?” “Nah I just wanted to. 🤙” @KVUE The rain has slowed for now but not enough to slow down the waterways.
There’s a reason these signs are an obnoxious yellow, block the road, and flash. #TurnAroundDontDrown
We know from @CedarParkPD multiple officers were shot. I talked with a neighbor who tells me officers have told him and his dad to stay inside. SWAT is still on scene. Neighbor sent me this video:
Another photo from a neighbor who tells me he’s heard some of the negotiations between SWAT and suspect but couldn’t make out the words. He’s still in his home until police give all clear. @KVUE
Coming up on @KVUE at 6: @USPS sent this letter to @TXsecofstate on 7/30 warning if people mail in votes on the last possible day allowed in TX, the ballots may arrive to late to count toward the 2020 election based on current delivery pace for first-class mail.
“...Specifically, it appears that a voter may generally request a ballot as late as 11 days before the election, and that a competed ballot must be postmarked by Election Day and received by the day after the election to be counted. It also appears that law...” 2/
“...does not appear to require election officials to transmit a ballot by mail until seven days after receiving a ballot application. If a voter submits a request at or near the ballot-request deadline, and if the requested ballot is mailed to the voter 7 days after...” 3/