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Fuck it another scene of this shit

New CW: Nothing new. Still general warning for Cronus.


It took less than a week.
Four days of Eridan staring at Cronus whenever he thought Cronus wasn't looking. Four days of boring shit, acting like nothing was different. Four days of Cronus watching Eridan when Eridan /actually/ wasn't looking.

Cronus wasn't sure, but the fourth night was when
something broke.

Cronus lounging in bed, doing the half-asleep, half-awake, scrolling through phone, contemplating getting up or trying to actually sleep dance, when he hears footsteps.

It's three in the morning, what the fuck is Eridan up to?
Cronus puts his phone down, listening. Eridan walks past his door- he's wearing heels again, Cronus can hear them clicking. Then he comes back. Stops. Walks away. Stops. Comes back.

His bro is pacing. Interesting. Cronus settles onto his back, folding his arms behind his head
as he waits, wondering if Eridan's going to make up his mind.

Turns out, he doesn't have to wait long, before one more back and forth and Eridan is slowly opening Cronus' door. Light from the hallway spills over, illuminating the room, and Cronus turns his head to look.
He catches a glimpse of a short skirt and a long sleeved shirt before Eridan shuts the door, plunging the room back into darkness.

Eridan crosses the room and Cronus waits, hearing the shaky breathing that Eridan forces to be slow.

"Cro?" Eridan whispers.
Cronus waits. He can see the faint outline of Eridan in the dark, one arm hugged across his front.

"Cro, you up?" Eridan asks again, and Cronus decides to answer.

"Yeah, bro, what's up?" He asks. Eridan doesn't say anything, but Cronus can feel the mattress sink as Eridan
climbs onto the bed, then his knees bump up against Cronus' side. Cronus reaches one hand out and finds Eridan's knee- his /bare/ knee- and gives it a squeeze.

"Eridan?" Cronus prompts. He knows that sometimes Eridan gets a bit tongue-tied when he wants to say something,
but doesn't know /how/ to say it. "You thinkin too hard again?" Cronus asks.

"Shut up." Eridan hisses immediately and Cronus huffs a laugh, propping himself up on his elbows.

"You all dressed up again?" He asks.

"" Eridan says after a moment.
Cronus squeezes Eridan's knee again. "I think you're lyin, babydoll." He says and feels Eridan's thigh go tense under his hand.

"...maybe." Eridan says after a moment. Cronus can tell Eridan's trying to put words together, so he waits.
"Maybe... I liked what you did." Eridan tries, his voice hushed, like he's sharing a secret. Cronus supposes he is, in a sense. "It made me feel good."

"An?" Cronus prompts, when Eridan doesn't go on.

"An- maybe I wanna do it a bit more." Eridan whispers.
"But- I don't know. I don't want- I'm already a freak, bro. Don't need another thin provin 'em right."

Cronus rolls his eyes in the darkness because Eridan can't see.

"Ain't nothin wrong with enjoyin yourself, lil bro." Better stick with bro. For now.
"In fact, any of 'em say it's wrong, they can go fuck themselves. Why do they even gotta know? Ain't got nothin to do with 'em if you like bein my babydoll."

Eridan shudders under Cronus' hand. "Can I?" He asks, and there's a trembling eagerness in his tone.
Cronus grins.

"Sure you can, doll. You get all dressed up for me and expect me to leave you high an dry? No way."

His little brother is so fucking cute. So vulnerable and pliable at his core, despite his bluster and bravado.
So desperate for affection and love that he'll take anything anyone will give him, and now he's all Cronus'.

Eridan lets out a shuddering exhale. "Fuck." He breathes. "I- fuck, Cro- It's so wrong-"

"Nah, don't fuckin listen to that voice in your head, lil bro."
Cronus interrupts him. "That kinda thinkin'll get ya all twisted up till you don' know how to feel good anymore. Too concerned with right an wrong to let yourself feel anythin. That's the part of ya always lookin to tear you down and make you feel like shit."
He gives Eridan a moment to process his words before going one. "You just gotta learn what you like an don' like and say fuck it to anyone who says your a freak. You like bein my babydoll, right?"

"I-" Eridan shifts on the bed. "Yeah." He whispers, shame in his tone.
"See, like that. Can't let that grip you, bro." Cronus says. "What we do, here, ain't gonna hurt no one, right? So it's no one else's business. You can be my babydoll and I'll take care a ya. And if anyone don' like it they can go fuck themselves."

Eridan shudders again.
The bed shifts and jostles as Eridan, in determined motions, grabs the blankets and yanks them off of Cronus, swinging over to straddle his hips, hands on Cronus' chest to steady himself.

Fuck /yeah/. Cronus hands find Eridan's hips.

"Fuck 'em." Eridan says,
determination in his voice, even as it trembles. "I don' care, Bro- I." His hands fist in the loose t-shirt Cronus wears to bed. "I-" Cronus waits, letting him get it out. "I wanna be your- your-" His voice breaks and Cronus /knows/ Eridan is blushing hard as he whispers,
"your babygirl."

"Atta doll." Cronus croons, squeezing Eridan's hips a bit. "Yeah, you can be my babygirl. My sweet lil doll. My needy lil sis. I'll take care a ya." Fuck he's so damn hard right now, his cock pressing up against Eridan's hips.
Eridan must feel it too, because he gives an experimental little rock, grinding unsurely against it. Cronus gives a low, hushed moan. It isn't like their Dads here tonight, but something about a dark room always makes everyone be more quiet, more secretive.
"Fuck, doll, feels good. Come here, though, wanna make you feel good first." Cronus says, gently tugging at Eridan's hips. Eridan makes a confused noise, but lets Cronus guide him to shuffle up on the bed. "Get the light, baby. Wanna see you."
Eridan reaches over and fumbles for the lamp, switching it on, revealing himself to Cronus, and Cronus drinks in the sight.

Eridan's in a miniskirt that goes to about mid-thigh, black and with a ruffled edge, a long sleeved button up white blouse, and the same heels as before,
but this time his socks are of a normal length.

"Lookin so pretty, lil sis." Cronus murmurs, slipping his hands under the edge of Eridan's skirt and running his hands up Eridan's thighs. Smooth as peach. Cronus admires Eridan's commitment to grooming, really.
Their Mediterranean body hair is /not/ a beast to be taken on lightly.

Those thoughts fly away as Cronus' fingers reach the top of Eridan's thighs and keep going. Eridan just isn't wearing any underwear, and the revelation makes Cronus' heart skip a beat.
He glances up and grins as he sees Eridan refusing to look at him, fists balled up in his sleeves as his hands rested by his side, face pink. "Well, now, what's this?" Cronus croons. "Seems like my baby is awfully eager."

"Don' read into it too much." Eridan warns.
Cronus laughs softly. "'S alright, doll. Ain't nothin to be embarrassed about. Kinda hot that my girl's gonna be so shamelessly ready for my mouth."

"Mouth-?" Eridan starts but gasps as Cronus yanks him a bit closer, hiking up Eridan's miniskirt, opening his lips,
and sucking the tip of Eridan's semi into his mouth.

Eridan gives a tiny little startled gasp, high and breathy, and pitches forwards, catching himself on the headboard. His cock is rapidly plumping up in Cronus' mouth and he suckles on it, hands on Eridan's hips
to stop him from just fucking forwards into Cronus' mouth.

Cronus works the tip over as Eridan's hips jerk and shake in his hands. He looks up and sees Eridan white-knuckling the headboard, his other sleeve-covered hand stuffed into his mouth, muffling his whimpering.
Cronus gives another twist of his tongue before pulling back. Sucking cock's never been his favorite, but nothing beats seeing someone reduced to a shivery, shaking mess because of it.

"Lemme hear you, babygirl." Cronus croons. "Wanna hear those pretty moans."
Eridan shakes his head, hand still in his mouth, and Cronus lets it go. There's an edge to his movements that has Cronus thinking if he pushes too hard Eridan'll flee.

Can't have that.

"Does it feel good, doll?" Cronus asks instead. "Gettin your pretty little cock sucked?"
Eridan looks down at Cronus (who's neck is really starting to ache now, he really should have through this through-) and gives a jerky nod, his messy hair falling in his face.

"Every had anyone do it for you before?" Cronus asked, wanting to know. Eridan shook his head.
"Never, huh? That's alright, lil sis. I'll show ya how it feels. One of the best damn feelins in the world. Grab me that blanket down there, first."

Eridan did as he said, despite his confusion, and Cronus bundled it up and shoved it beneath his head. Better.
"Alright, babydoll, com'ere." Cronus tugged Eridan's hips up again. "Gonna make you feel real good." He promises, and closes his mouth around Eridan again.

Eridan's breath leaves him in a rush as Cronus slowly guides him to fuck in and out of his mouth, just a
couple inches at a time. Enough for Eridan to get a taste of what it feels like to get sucked off for real, but not enough for Cronus to start feeling like his airway's in danger.

Eridan's panting and squirming above Cronus, thighs trembling as he bites back his moans.
Someday Cronus will get him to moan unashamedly. Fuck, his neck's hurting again. Time for a change of plan.

He pulled back, giving a lingering lick across the top of Eridan's spongy head. "Ok, babygirl." He purrs. "Scoot back down for me."

Eridan complies,
and there's a minute of wiggling about as Cronus settles Eridan so that he's straddling Cronus' thighs, their breathing mingling in the space between them.

"Lemme see that mouth a yours, baby." Cronus croons, tugging Eridan's hand away. Eridan flushes a bit more but
lets Cronus pull his hand down. "You're not wearin any lipstick tonight?" Cronus observed, disappointed, and Eridan's gaze skittered away.

"Wasn't feelin it." He mumbled.

"That's alright." Cronus reassures him. "Don' matter none, you're still my pretty lil sis."
That makes Eridan squirm a bit, biting his lip. Oho, that's another little button for Cronus to put a bit more pressure on in the future.

"Come on, babydoll." Cronus murmurs as his hand finds Eridan's cock again, closing around it and beginning to stroke. "Wanna hear ya."
Eridan makes a series of adorable wet little noises in his throat as he tries to hold back his moans, hips fucking up into the loose fist that Cronus wraps around his cock.

"Anyone ever do this for you, babygirl?" Cronus asks, wanting to know. "Or is your big bro the first?"
Eridan lets out a stilted breath before gasping out, "you're the- th- first-"

"/Really/?" Cronus asked. "That pretty ex girl a yours ain't even dignify you with a handjob? That's cold. It's alright," he added, as he saw a familiar crumpled expression start to cross
Eridan's face, giving his cock a squeeze and making him moan. "You ain't gotta think about it, just focus on me, lil sis. Your big bro will take care a ya."

Eridan gaze darted away then up to Cronus, glittering in the low light. "Promise?" He asked meekly and Cronus
felt his heart seize.

"I promise, babydoll. I'll take care a ya." Cronus said with a nod and tightened his fist, using a bit of roughness now, with his strokes. Eridan whined, legs going tight around Cronus' thighs.
"That's it." Cronus crooned as Eridan arched forwards, his hips seeking a little more insistantly. "My pretty lil gal. Go ahead and cum for me, darlin."

"Fuck- Cro-" Eridan whined, all but humping Cronus' fist. "Harder-"

"You need more, babydoll?" Cronus purred, and
tightened his hand again. Eridan arched up with a strangled keen, hips jumping. Cronus laughed, low and amused, and twisted his hand a bit with each stroke.

"You look so gorgeous like this, doll." Cronus hooked his other hand around the back of Eridan's neck,
tugging him in to press Eridan's forehead to Cronus' shoulder, enjoying the way Eridan's panting took on a high, desperate tone. "Go on, baby. You can do it."

Eridan gripped Cronus' shirt as he came, a weak little noise caught in his throat. Cronus grinned, pressing
a kiss to Eridan's temple. "There's my babygirl." He murmured, a shiver wracking Eridan's frame in response. "Didn't that feel good?" Eridan nodded against Cronus' shoulder in response.

"It's my turn, doll." Cronus said. "Ready to make your big bro feel good, too?"
Eridan went still for a moment, then nodded into Cronus' shoulder again, a deep breath going through him. He pulled back and Cronus caught the determination that flashed across Eridan's face as he reached for the waistband of Cronus' boxers, slipping a slender hand inside.
His hand closed around Cronus, light and unsure, and Cronus didn't bother holding back the low moan in his throat as Eridan touched him. /Fuck/ it felt good, his twinky little brother's piano fingers tentatively wrapping around him, pulling him out.
"That's it, lil sis." Cronus encouraged. "My babygirl. Gonna make me feel so good."

Eridan worried his lip between his teeth as he slowly gave Cronus' cock a couple of slow pumps, gaze fixed on it. Cronus made a low, pleased noise at the feeling of it. "A bit harder, doll,
it aint gonna bite ya." He murmurs Eridan tightens his fist in response and moves a bit faster. Cronus let his hips rock up into the touch, drinking in the expression on Eridan's face.

"That's it, lil sis." Cronus breathes. "Ain't nothin wrong with a little bit a help."
"You talk too much." Eridan murmurs and Cronus is taken aback. Eridan's flushed, stubbornly embarrassed expression meets Cronus' surprised look as Eridan tightens his grip again, clumsily trying to emulate the way Cronus was jerking him off before as he starts to stroke.
"Do I?" Cronus teases. "I think ya /like/ it, babydoll. Like hearin the sound of my voice talkin to ya, callin you my girl, my doll."

"Shut up." Eridan says, his other hand finding Cronus' mouth and covering it, glaring at him with red cheeks.
Well. Alright, then. Cronus gives Eridan a grin through his fingers before reaching down and curling his hand over Eridan's, holding it there as he starts rolling his hips, fucking up into their hands, a forceful, pushing pace that has Eridan's eyes going wide.
Cronus' other hand comes up and tugs Eridan's hand away from his mouth, and in a moment of affection, laces their fingers together. "Feel that, babygirl?" He purrs. "I'm gonna have ya bouncin on my lap someday, in a pretty little number like what you're wearin today.
An this is how I'm gonna fuck ya, nice and deep," Cronus purrs as his words start to go heavy, breaths coming deep and forceful, "makin ya squeal like a proper lady does when getting fucked."

Eridan's face is flushed, his mouth hanging open, eyes wide as Cronus talks,
and Cronus can see that's he's getting hard again. "Come here, babydoll." Cronus purrs. "Put your pretty cock right up against mine an fuck 'em together."

Eridan shuffles forwards, panting, and Cronus lets their hands go long enough to get Eridan's cock pressed up
against his, hot and delectable. Like everything else about Eridan, it was skinny and long. Cronus' was shorter, sure, but it was fat enough that it would be making Eridan see stars someday.

"Good girl." Cronus breathes, giving their laced hands a squeeze as he wraps his other
around their cocks, over Eridan's hand again. "Go ahead, baby, fuck against me."

Eridan squirms and shudders but starts to move his hips, making Cronus groan in pleasure. He started rocking his hips right on back, and the tight slide of their cocks in their
fists was very quickly shoving Cronus to that edge.

"So fuckin good, baby." Cronus breathes. "That's it, lemme see you." Eridan's face was flushed, tears glittering in the corners of his eyes.

"'S too much, Cro." He breathes. "Gonna- I'm gonna-"

"Already, baby?"
If Eridan is that fast of a shot, well. Maybe Cronus would get to have fun with making him cum over and over in the future.

Eridan gives a little while and nods, hips fucking erratically into their fists.

"Then go ahead and cum, babygirl." Cronus purrs,
and its like Eridan was waiting for permission because his hips immediately jump as his cock pulses, a soft keen sliding from his throat. "Cro-" He gasps as his cock splatters spurts of cum up Cronus' front.

"That's my girl." Cronus purrs and gently bats Eridan's hand away
to finish himself off quickly. He cums with a low groan, adding his own to the mix. "Fuck, doll." He breathes. Eridan leans forwards and presses his face to Cronus' shoulder. Cronus can feel the heat of his cheeks bleeding through the fabric.
"Nice time you should wear that lipstick a yours," Cronus murmurs as his heart starts to slow, pounding in his chest. "cause I'm gonna teach you how to use that mouth a yours."

Eridan shivers, but nods into Cronus' shoulder. "Okay, bro." He whispers.
Cronus grins and presses a kiss to Eridan's temple.

"I love you, babydoll." He murmurs into Eridan's hair. Eridan's throat makes a tiny little clicking noise as he swallows, but then he says softly,

"Love you too, Cro."

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