observed in the past that Pakistanis send their best and most well trained terrorists during tough weather conditions. So, it is likely that we were against a much better trained enemy who got lucky. But only for a short while.
- snow ledge gives way & 03 fall close to terrorists.
- would've received concentrated fire from few feet away; low chance of survival.
- last 2 join battle. Between them & likely injured from first 03, they killed all five terrorists.
So, first 03 commandos actually fell right in front of the 05 terrorists who were hiding there with weapons ready. It's a marker of their courage that inspite of being in a hopeless situation, they killed all terrorists.
I'd said this before, we will hear stories of exceptional courage here. To kill all 05 terrorists, from the hopeless situation in which these men found themselves, comes only from raw courage.

Sometime back, 07 mountaineers had lost their lives during a Nanda Devi expedition. Even there, the cause of tragedy was this - while ascending, they were walking along a narrow ridge-line. At some point, they started walking on a cornice and it gave away. And all of them fell+
Pic: @VishnuNDTV

Pic courtesy : @manhasvikas41

Link courtesy: @Aditya_G_Social
-Took 0.5 hrs to get sorted in the area and find the terrorist trail
-Tracked the trail for next 4-5 hours!
- Saw them and fired on them; terrorists retreated towards a nullah
- They chased them and reached a +
Y-junction. Split into two squads of 05 each.
-Two soldiers in front (scout) from Sub Sanjeev's squad slid down the nullah when snow gave way. He also went down after them.
- Landed in midst of terrorists.
- Intense CQB and hand-to-hand fight happened.
- Last two squad members+
followed, w/o knowing the status of terrorists or own troops.
- Some terrorists at this point had hidden (I'm assuming own first 03 and some terrorists were KIA by now) and fired on them.
-Own troops killed them (second assumption: it happened at point-blank range and own +
- Possible that it was these two paratroopers who were airlifted to Srinagar but succumbed to injuries.
Image of the terrain in the area
(from @Amansin40578878 )

Pic source: @Sidbakaria