1. What dosage should people take?
2. How long should people take it?
3. What studies are you relying on for dosage and time?
3. Are you saying this is prophylactic or post-diagnosis?../1
5. How does hydroxychloroquine prevent viral infection?
6. Since hydroxychloroquine is an immunosuppressant, how isnt there a risk that it will *increase* the risk of infection?.../2
(If he says for treatment...)
8. At what stage of infection should people take the medicine?.../3
11. Are you concerned about lupus and autoimmune patients who cant find their medication refusing to vote for you because theyre now in pain?.../5
@whpresscorps needs to focus: "Take a medication" is not the beginning and end of this. "Take a medication" can kill anyone - no matter WHAT the prescription med is. If this was an over-the-counter med, it would STILL be dangerous to take it willy-nilly, but far worse.../6
And if he does the "Thats a nasty question" crap, the question is "Sir, people need to know the dosage you think works if they are going to take it. Could you please tell Americans what it should be?"
...and if he does the "nasty question" crap.../7
"How is it nasty to ask what dosage people should take?
"Should everyone guess at the dosage, since you won't tell?"
..and on and on and on.....
For GOD's sake, this man is setting up Americans to kill themselves with a med, while others are in intense pain cause they cant get it. PUSH him on it. Or you are failing in your job.