1. What copy do we include above pricing plans (strong one-liner, useful byline)?
2. Can we include the number of companies/customers that have already signed up?
4. How many plans do we have, and which one do we want to sell?
5. What are the difference between the plans? Are they targeting a different audience?
7. Do we need an option to switch between monthly/yearly pricing?
8. Do we want to allow customers to switch currency (€/$/£)?
10. Do we provide a free trial to increase engagement? How long (14/30/60 days?)
11. If so, can we avoid requiring credit card data for the free trial period?
13. Can we postpone sign up and drive users into the UI instead (small commitments first)?
14. What are the right time points to ask for actual sign up/credit card? (e.g. to save data/share it)?
16. Do we include a link to the refunds or cancellation fees?
17. Do we allow customers select important features and suggest a plan based on it?
18. Do we allow users to configure their own pricing plan?
20. Do we allow users to compare features, e.g. show differences or pick important features?
22. For comparisons, do we allow users to switch between views (e.g. table/list/map/slider)?
23. Can we use color coding or tilting of headers to still show all available plans?
25. Do we include a prominent option to contact us for questions?
26. Do we provide/highlight group discounts? What size, and how long?
27. Do we have any add-ons that customers for any plan can add?
29. If so, how do we display these features and add-ons?
30. Do we want to include a group of diverse, authentic testimonials?
32. Do testimonials have authentic photos, rather than happy stock photos?
33. Do we want to include a video testimonial as well, and where do we embed it?
35. Should we indicate payment options that we support (PayPal, credit card)?
36. How do we design the pricing plan options?
37. Do we use some sort of metaphor to indicate difference in plans (bicycle, car, van)?
39. How do we indicate what group each pricing plan is for (e.g. freelancers/business/enterprise)?
40. How do we structure pricing options on mobile (accordions/tabs/slider/stacked)?
42. How exactly do we indicate that some features are available in a plan? (e.g. checkmark)
43. How exactly do we indicate that some features aren’t available in a plan (but available in another)?
45. Is our copy focused on selling benefits rather than features?
46. Can we avoid “sign up”/”create an account” on CTAs? (e.g “Get started”, “Start for free”, “Free 30 days”).
48. Do we highlight important features or testimonials in the sign-up form?
49. Do we adjust the pricing plan page for people who are already signed in/signed up?