Once again, data is broken, and I smelled their anxiety several days ago.
This website reports the number of COVID positives & death in APHM/IHU, and num of positives & death with >3d treatment. Some major discrepancies have been found.
website data:

Suspicious numbers:
3/30: number of patients with “H+A” treatment -8
4/4: no update
4/5: total death + 1, BUT “H+A” death +2. (NOBEL PRIZE PLEASE!)
4/5-4/6: >10k increase in total tests, >2k increase in total positive.
4/8: Total tests -10k, total positives -1.7k
I had a gut feeling on 4/6 that they will take “some” action since the death in H+A start to increase dramatically.
What a coincidence!
-No data on 4/7
-Massive data loss on 4/8
-Rush a preprint out on 4/9 which reports the data till 3/31
The data management is a disaster. No matter combo work or not, Raoult's team doesn't have a good system to handle the clinical data from thousands of patients properly.
Cannot wait to see the data from the other 1k patients who already received 3d treatment.
But observational trial should not be the excuse of random numbers.