Daily new deaths:
• US & UK are still upward slopes on a log scale, i.e each day generally brings more deaths than the last
• Japan death toll tracking Italy
All live charts, free to read: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• US death toll still ramping up. Yesterday I said it could be world’s highest within ~5 days, now looks more like 2-3 days 📈
• Australia still looking promising
• India still steepening ⚠️
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Early signs that new infections in US *may* be peaking, but need to wait a few days yet...
• Austria’s new cases still falling. They plan to ease lockdown next week; will the line bend back up?
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Looks like I’m gonna have to extend my y-axis again to accommodate the US...
• Reported Indian infections picking up speed after slow early pace. I’d say this owes as much to more testing as accelerating outbreak
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• NY death toll rising every day; higher than anywhere else in the world at any point
• London still on trend of more deaths each day than the last
• We’ve got good enough data to reinstate French regions 🇫🇷
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• NY likely to have world’s highest subnational death toll within days
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Norway locked down while Sweden didn’t; Norway’s daily death toll rising much more slowly than Sweden’s
• Brazil & Turkey tracking China
• India accelerating sharply
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Early action in Australia & New Zealand means they may have turned the corner early 🇦🇺🇳🇿📉
• Saudi Arabia added
• Japan’s delayed outbreak continues ⚠️
Live versions of all charts here: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Daily covid data is extremely noisy and implies false precision
• This is why we use a rolling average. Watch for general trends. Focus on slopes, not specific daily numbers
• Read Tuesday’s thread for more on this
All of these are invaluable, and we incorporated two of your suggestions today.
We’ll keep getting back to as many people as possible.
Have a good night, folks 👍