Daily deaths:
• US & UK still trending up, Italy the only other to slope up at same stage
• Success stories in dark blue: Australia, Norway, Austria locked down early => gentle slopes
Live charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• US death toll now the highest worldwide, approaching 22,000 and still rising fast 📈
• UK curve still matching Italy’s, but death toll could end up higher
• Australia still looking promising
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Signs still point toward new infections in the US peaking
• New cases falling in four countries that acted early: New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Australia ✭
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• US has passed 500k confirmed cases
• Turkey still battling one of the world’s most severe outbreaks
• Curves flattened early in Austria, Australia, Norway
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Early signs that NY daily deaths may be peaking, but need to wait and see
• Same in London, though Easter weekend reporting is having a big downward effect on UK numbers
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• NY likely to have world’s highest subnational death toll within 3-4 days, still rising faster than any other region at this stage of its outbreak
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Norway locked down while Sweden didn’t; Norway’s daily death toll rising much more slowly than Sweden’s
• Australia flat-ish so far
• In Europe, Austria & Denmark faring well
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Early action in Australia & New Zealand means they may have turned the corner early 🇦🇺🇳🇿📉
• Austria & Norway also locked down early and new cases falling
Live versions of all charts here: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Daily covid data is extremely noisy and implies false precision
• This is why we use a rolling average. Watch for general trends. Focus on slopes, not specific daily numbers
• Read Tuesday’s thread for more on this
I’m no longer happy using Worldometers, so now sourcing all data directly from official country sources (health ministries etc).
This takes longer, but given my concerns over data quality on covid, I think this is important.
All of these are invaluable, and we incorporate your suggestions and data every day.
We’ll keep getting back to as many people as possible.
Happy Easter, folks :-)