The 2008/9 crisis was the greatest learning experience of my life.…
Let's start with some history. The 1800s were a mess of economic booms/busts with an average -22% GDP contraction every FOUR years.
via @UfukInceCFA
Bank A would conduct biz with someone who banked at Bank B and the two banks would settle up at the end of the day. All good.
Joe Schmo, who did nothing wrong during the boom, would go out of business because his bank couldn't settle payments for him. Not cool.
So we formed the Fed, which is just a big clearinghouse that NEVER shuts down, even during a panic.
2008 was a case in point. What would have been a very deep depression without the Fed turned out to just be a severe recession.
We're all trying to get through this alive. Let's stop pointing fingers and start helping and understanding each other.
Be well.