She was the granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy and was found dead in Maryland on April 7th, 2020. She worked as a Public Health & was executive director at Georgetown University's Global Heath Initiative (Continued)
Mark Dybul
At the Global Health Institute too. He led the implementation of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief : PEPFAR (Continued)
All being interwoven,Mae Mc Kean worked directly with PEPFAR & worked too with US Senator D. Feinstein (continued)
📌 Why is vaccine becoming an obsession ?
Remember who he is ? He is a Computer Scientist, not a medical researcher ! HIS vaccine ( better to say HIS solution)
Success has become : G (money & fame) = OD
Money = GAFAM (New Oil) + Drug ( Big Pharma, vaccines & hard drugs) and HE IS GETTING IT !
To be politically correct, it was the "international meeting organized by the Johns Hopkins Center (Continued)
Let's go on with the "Task Force". You have the other daughter Laura Birx (Continued)
And Soros ? How do we "work ONE ?"…
How evil it is to create special treatments to prolonge the disease....