How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App a choice. Don't obey, tell them that you have chosen the alternative with the Creator God. That Ritual is a Game of Throne between Immortals. You are in the Egyptian Amduat. HORUS aka the good one, will stand up & fight against his uncle Set(h) aka the wicked one. He'll be Oxford University Press edited the Satanic Bible benefiting the state of Israel, "reinterpreting" the Bible! Scofield Bible is the vehicle of the new system of doctrine, the new religion, Zionism. With that book, the Oxford University Press opened the First branch in the USA in fact Canada and Mexico would already be part of the US , part of the Commonwealth of Satan, the Quantum Machine....The constellation of the Pleiadians are now in action, on stage @ brandilwells & they're revisiting the Legend of King Arthur. The Round Table is The Garter and their fellow billionaires are looting the World. And they set crypto Bitcoins against crypto XRP, relying on the stupidity of people, making arbitrages in both camps , guiding the rates... till the converted savings vanished away into thin air... it was the Epiphany last Sunday : Antiochus, surnamed Epiphane is a Magus King (in Latin, Magos in Greek) opened the Event of that ritual : Bachar Al-Assad went to Jerusalem to hail Satan & his fake Truth/Satya, the god of this World being a shameless liar. are not like the "Yahoos" in the novel BUT OF THE RACE OF GIANTS, beyond "unconditional Love", aiming Enlightenment. that special last Mars day of the year which is Sylvester Day for the French. It comes from Sylva which is the nickname of the station of Mars serving as virtual transhipment hub for gold freighters (gold stolen to Humans) & traveling between Earth and Nibiru on board a Sylvester day, a word coming from Sylva/Silva which means "forest" (like my name today) but with your deficient memory (your Samsara process) you have forgotten that it was the nickname of Mars, Tuesday being Mars day! Not yet convinced with 3 pieces of evidence? the center of the Political Golden Mean... The Adversary from Hell is going back with his people with a few lost sheep that refused to wake up.. They applaud while the Pied Piper is leading them to the abyss... They still believe in a new beginning... My Children, the Children the deceptive Monotheist religions (with their Trinitarian System of idols, substitutes for Deities) leading you to the Absolute Dictatorship of Machines, the New Theocracy. The Church merged with Science during WWII, guided by the Fundamentalist Nazarean Führer... to Silence. It is an #abomination. I KNOW THE TRUTH & LIKELY YOU TOO. The ID of the Mummy and rh ID of the Mask are not the same. next stage of the NAtional SoZIalist Plan ( USSR have been the First ones & have always been the Champions in Plans, in Organization BUT in the inverted World : the Mirror effect 😈). Prime Ministers are the "Personas", obedient Pied Pipers of the Provinces (since there is a extermination. "In 1637, the Puritans acting in support of a group of tribes, broke the power of the Pequots, in New England. John Mason & his army, set fire to their main village at night, shot men, women & children as they ran to escape the flames. New England no longer Reptilians which have been banned by the Alpha Draconians, have lived here in the underground, they've built the financial system, influence the religions & control the media.; Sirians from Sirus B have helped Human Civilization with knowledge (astronomy, medicine..) and provoquer des hallucinations & autres neuropsychiatriques, ce. 'est pas la même chose ni aux USA, ni au Canada... the Bear is the symbol uniting Germany & USSR the same level of Advancement otherwise "Globalization" only stands to gain for the emerging countries, it is therefore disguised Communism. In the advanced Western Civilization, we know that the 35-hour working week is not a magic cure-all for unemployment, KNOWLEDGE It refers to the Ancient Magick Theban Cult of the Sun (Rê/Râ). Their previous Pharaohs, Kings...and today Presidents being worshipped like idols/icons/stars (beyond respect) and assimilated to gods. That slave system was put in place by those who stole the Divine knowledge le cours naturel des rivières... Il ne s'agit pas de quelques barrages vétustes qui devraient être reconstruits en les repensant de façon plus intelligente.. Non, l'Agenda 2030, c'est la Destruction Systématique et Planifiée de tous les ouvrages de notre civilisation comme