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Feb 10 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨 The serpent.. Think mirror effect, two # serpents. 2025 is the year of the green wood serpent 🐍, think of the Serpent Gate which is open 🔓in the circular boundary of the crater...The Earth of the Serpent brotherhood is the Heart for the Christendom, the haven of refuge. They had hijacked our haven.... But today, since we are entering the age of Aquarius & are at the end of the Transition", their timelines collapse, the prison walls dissolve into thin air, illusion shatters... The Arcturian Blue Annunakis, Aliens in Sumer, Egypt, Mayan & Aztec
Feb 8 10 tweets 2 min read
🧵God is splitting the sea/see and the seats of the "governments" The Vatican, Fake Prophet "Pope" and Staff" have fallen with all the nonsensical Enki's Babylonian mythology.
Feb 7 10 tweets 2 min read
@JuPiterOptMax They cut, they felled the beautiful Tree, more than just Beheaded (rock-FELLER/Rockefeller did it and we stand on the giant stump of THE Tree which has become the sole : Real Humans do not live on Earth but in the living core of the tree, in its Heart : they're the cells of the @JuPiterOptMax Of the Heart ♥️ and shoots are beautiful and have become a Forest... (shoots are the offspring of The tree)
Feb 6 13 tweets 3 min read
🧵1- On vous conditionne ... La Commission Européenne a publié et doc passé, l'EU 2025/89 : les petites fourmis intelligentes, doivent devenir des sauterelles (crickets/locusts) pour nourrir les grands Prédateurs 😈. Revoyez la symbolique des 1001 pattes, (du côté positif, 2- les enfants fourmis du Créateur aux 1001 noms sont menacés et doivent se rassembler pour agir ensemble car même s'ils sont petits, ils sont intelligents et très très nombreux). La version originale anglo-américaine se positionne évidemment du côté des Prédateurs
Feb 3 20 tweets 4 min read
@Charles_Monarc La façade n'a pas été endommagée, ni la porte ni les tours. La Tour a énormément de sens, une famille de sang royal dépossédée avec le destin qui s'acharne sur deux sœurs Marie Madeleine et Anne ("de Bretagne) mariée à un Stuart...des empoisonnements. Il y a différentes timelines @Charles_Monarc qui se croisent... Différentes réalités.. Et vous connaissez l'"histoire de la Pyramide inversée dans le carré du Louvres satanique ? Il y a des reliques de MM récupérées à différents endroits plus celles retrouvées à Notre Dame... Elles sont plantées dans le sol avec
Jan 29 11 tweets 2 min read
🚨 Evil dual Game.... And their Chosen "faces" are on stage : BEST ACTORS AND TV SHOW MEN (with a multitude of crowd artists, walkers-on, doubles of those who are in the limelight, henchmen and minions..coming from Global Casting, from Disney Casting... And all of them distract people : a mega
Jan 28 9 tweets 2 min read
@M369Yohanibis @maximumpain333 1- And COMPASSION means GO TOGETHER. Photons of high ENERGY is Light. Become sub-atomic Photons, hence Bosons : all of us on the same wavelength. We must be One Monochromatic beam (a unique frequency in Hz) to crush down the Electrons of infrared radio waves, and stop them to @M369Yohanibis @maximumpain333 2- Stop them in the destruction of the Earth through their "simulations", the name they gave to those who are deaf. Planets are closer than the stars and when they explore the Space, they make their evil experimental trials here, trials of new weapons to destroy life on Earth.
Jan 19 10 tweets 2 min read

1- NO & 🛑 it now!

Don't replay the fake Independance day of July 4th,1776, for the Ignorants & mocking them😈😈😈, hiding the celebration of Adam Smith's "Modern Capitalism" that all of you nicknamed the "Father of Economics :"The Wealth of Nations" was published... 2- on March 1776 😈 😈 😈

Stop playing with words, opposing them :
->CANNON Law hiding Edwin CANNAN, the Editor of the 1st Edition of Smith's Opus😈😈😈 ;
-> ADAM Weishaupt, Jesuit Professor of Cannon Law, creator of the Illuminati hiding ADAM Smith😈😈😈

Jan 18 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵1- Toujours les Rothschilds des deux côtés des guerres !

Et vous croyez encore que les avions Américains Boeing, des Kennedy, n'ont pas servi à des avions de guerre pendant la seconde guerre mondiale ? Les avions de lignes passaient par l'Amérique du Sud puis étaient 2- transformés en bombardiers en Afrique. Les guerres, c'est du Bizness pour eux mais la célèbre compagnie des Présidents américains, Symbole américain, ne veut pas être compromise.... Lisez "Boeing in Peace and War" d'Eugène E. BAUER qui est le vrai nom des Rothschild avant que
Jan 17 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨 The twin peaks represent Aleister Crowley's Astrum Argentum (A.:.A), the Morning Star in the "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the Outer". They're ready for the the Rê-Set(h) and launch their New Golden Dawn Age 😈😈U'll be dragged in their Cult against your will, pushed toake a choice. Don't obey, tell them that you have chosen the alternative with the Creator God. That Ritual is a Game of Throne between Immortals. You are in the Egyptian Amduat. HORUS aka the good one, will stand up & fight against his uncle Set(h) aka the wicked one. He'll be
Jan 16 27 tweets 5 min read
@janeway888 1- I became J... IESUS (written Iesvs in 1553 in the Olivetan Bible/Book (in Greek). "Iesus Chrestus" means " I AM Chrestus" (Chrestus is a name of Man), the Messenger bringing the Good News from Theos/God & who's been "christus"meaning "anointed", a consecrated man by God/Theos @janeway888 2- and The Messenger, Chrestus ,who stood up against all that injustice... was nicknamed "Christus", the first anointed by God (God, not from that World & therefore an ET to the people) and those who innerstood, were anointed by the messenger, missioned to spread the good news
Jan 15 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨 1-,The Bible was rewritten in 1908, Jacob Rothschild paid Scofield to rewrite it. And then, Rothschild created the Federal Reserve in 1913, securing Israel's funding which was announced in 1917 when The Windsor departed from Saxe Coburg and Gotha, becoming the Windsor. 2- Oxford University Press edited the Satanic Bible benefiting the state of Israel, "reinterpreting" the Bible! Scofield Bible is the vehicle of the new system of doctrine, the new religion, Zionism. With that book, the Oxford University Press opened the First branch in the USA
Jan 14 12 tweets 2 min read
🚨1- Hell is a wicked Small World, isn't it Disney Rothschild, top Court Jew playing the Bishop on the Chess Board but who is a Fool on the French board ? Fasces is Fascism and Fascism is Romanism, "Mystery Babylon" with its Schools and dialectical deception represented by 2- Yin and Yang/69 Cancer. And Q's honouring complex is Caesarea in Israel made anew by the Rothschilds (find those who have a Mansion there...) It was the Rothschilds' city but previously was the place of Herod's Palace when he murdered his wife Myriam(n)/Maryamn 29 years before
Jan 9 14 tweets 2 min read
🚨 And now Justin Trudeau is ready to resign...from the Presidency But in fact Canada and Mexico would already be part of the US , part of the Commonwealth of Satan, the Quantum Machine....The constellation of the Pleiadians are now in action, on stage @ brandilwells & they're revisiting the Legend of King Arthur. The Round Table is The Garter
Jan 8 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵A rigged game of throne among the Immortals in their " Magna Graecia"/"Greatest Israel", the name today : A game to trick the remaining Christenhood and gather it in their net. They use all the techniques to deflect attention while the Tesla Motors, D. Trump-E. Musk, 2- and their fellow billionaires are looting the World. And they set crypto Bitcoins against crypto XRP, relying on the stupidity of people, making arbitrages in both camps , guiding the rates... till the converted savings vanished away into thin air...
Jan 8 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵 You are in Hell, both illusory systems have merged : the Rich are the Administrators (the "State", the Statis of the infamous stathouders which started with the Orange Nassau "princes", stasis is Death) and the Poor are all "The People". The Pie for the Épiphanes, is always bigger...& it was the Epiphany last Sunday : Antiochus, surnamed Epiphane is a Magus King (in Latin, Magos in Greek) opened the Event of that ritual : Bachar Al-Assad went to Jerusalem to hail Satan & his fake Truth/Satya, the god of this World being a shameless liar.

Jan 7 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵Stop being gulled by images and understand the symbolic! Haven't you read Gulliver's Travels written by J. Swift in the 18th century? Understand what is a level of consciousness! Most Humans today have not yet reached the age of reason rationality. Come on, show me that you 2- are not like the "Yahoos" in the novel BUT OF THE RACE OF GIANTS, beyond "unconditional Love", aiming Enlightenment.
On lower levels of consciousness, U "live" in contracted environments (Lillipucians first and worse primitive lives if you fall). Bugs, bacterias are alive &
Dec 31, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵Enough is enough :
—>No RÊ-SETH/Re-Set ;
—>No TV's at Time Square nor on X : the deception of the "Nikola Tesla" duo, is over ;
—>No time rewinding to BBB : the Swatiska System/wheel of time has been debunked ;
—> No fireworks with blaring music & popcorn of the fairground... Enjoy that special last Mars day of the year which is Sylvester Day for the French. It comes from Sylva which is the nickname of the station of Mars serving as virtual transhipment hub for gold freighters (gold stolen to Humans) & traveling between Earth and Nibiru on board a
Dec 31, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵Darkness/the Storm with the Royal male Anunnaki has been stopped before extinction. Haven't you seen how the New Moon devoured the Royal Annunaki male Supremacy contained in the dying sun, yesterday during the New Moon? Life will always be the winner! Wonderful Sylvester day, a word coming from Sylva/Silva which means "forest" (like my name today) but with your deficient memory (your Samsara process) you have forgotten that it was the nickname of Mars, Tuesday being Mars day! Not yet convinced with 3 pieces of evidence?
Dec 6, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
🧵1-They are starting the Harvest which is a great cleansing... Their minions, henchmen & clones won't understand that they were just pawns... They're getting rid of the extremes which are meeting & can't be controlled even in Hell. Sleeping & clone sheep, the herd, are driven To the center of the Political Golden Mean... The Adversary from Hell is going back with his people with a few lost sheep that refused to wake up.. They applaud while the Pied Piper is leading them to the abyss... They still believe in a new beginning... My Children, the Children
Dec 4, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵1- No, Deities are the Ancestors of idols that you had to reject, you have been warned from the beginning. They have been created by the Adversary of Humanity, the Anunnaki/Elohim from Orion, who were building their fantasy/Mythology to brainwash U before they created 2- the deceptive Monotheist religions (with their Trinitarian System of idols, substitutes for Deities) leading you to the Absolute Dictatorship of Machines, the New Theocracy. The Church merged with Science during WWII, guided by the Fundamentalist Nazarean Führer...