How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App le cours naturel des rivières... Il ne s'agit pas de quelques barrages vétustes qui devraient être reconstruits en les repensant de façon plus intelligente.. Non, l'Agenda 2030, c'est la Destruction Systématique et Planifiée de tous les ouvrages de notre civilisation comme and Trump's Maga/Magus is the fifth and highest degree in the Church of Satan. At Trump's rallies, in 2022, congregants (yes indeed, congregants!) were given a booklet claiming that Donald Trump was "The son of man - The Christ-", explaining that his full name meant the Ruler SATANISM of Neo Nazism😈😈😈. Their main symbol is the Black Sun created by Heinrich Himmler in WEWELSBURG CASTLE when he created the unique SS Party (SS like ZZ too...) in 1933. It has never been Hitler's but Himmler who was worshiped by the Military staff, the Scientists/ as Pharaohs, Khans, Kings, Shahs, Keisers, Presidents..... idolizing Virgin Mary/Mother Mary... for people in the Purgatori, in the Twilight never awake and come back to life, to Reality. They drag them for ever in Inferno, within the fictitious Zodiac world. over the same journey.. He is starting to open his eyes, starting his initiation... Starting to acquire sacred knowledge...And,with the season of the Book of Revelation, we have poured out & go on pouring over much hidden knowledge... Richness of information in architecture, Calf, Mammon) seduced D Trump and he let him implant a Neuralink chip in his brain. He is 78 years old, does not want to put on age & become senile. I understand since there is a natural way to become a Superman, to keep his souls, to regenerate the DNA and to remain dernières flèches. Il n'y a pas de vilaine maladie qui rode à l'extérieur. Ces menteurs compulsifs ne savent même plus ce qu'est un mensonge. Ils veulent vous piquer comme des chiens mais avec un effet retard (qui a été élaboré par leurs sorciers pendant la Seconde Guerre itself and Inanna, the Star of Remphan) ; the Angels of Death (aka Yale Brotherhood and all their Sorcerers, M.D. in Action in Germany during WWII and today with the experiments on Covidians) ; worldwide Air & Space Force (watch their insignias); the laurel wreaths of their When you say "I don't believe in Climate change" and buy an "electric car", you don't understand what they mean : it is about raw materials, new ores! You still are in the World of Satan. The previous "LANDSCAPE" was as bad as the new one : it is all about looting the what to do and come back to the Source in Emergency... A besieged country is the same as a global confinement... And confinement, if you resist, is linked to Starvation (second horseman of the Apocalypse, Chapter 6 of course!).. Understand that the three horsemen work Arabia has decided so far to not be part... Is it Real or just staged, pushing people to react & declare war? Watch, observe but don't give credit to anyone of them! They're trying to ignite WWIII with tricksters... They "want you in their armies"🏁#SacredRealmOfTheHeart've read books from the Angels of death and edited in Switzerland. "A physician in the Military Forces will always be a soldier" said Himmler and Karl Brandt added "Soldiers only obey their Commander-in-Chief, not God"... And U know where is the Military/Political power of sides... But the Cephalopod goes on adding new ones... You must understand that 2/3 of an octopus' neurones, reside in its arms, not in its head. Never speak of tentacles, they're arms : a common octopus has already 1/2 billion neurones. Babylon has always reinvented itself Steve Job's death on October 5th,2011 ending part 1 of the story of Apple... And there were many pretenders to be CEO... Scott Forstall was to resign in 2012 after the disaster of Apple maps, and the company lost value.. And Larry Page from Google met shot with COV ID 19 and who are labelled as their people... (les Tentations), il va faire de vous des sous-humains (perdant alors votre statut d'humain et donc aussi vos droits), en vous enfonçant une puce cérébrale ou implant crânien de la taille d'une pièce de monnaie, connecté au cerveau via un réseau d'aiguilles d'acupuncture of My People won't be erased to become anonymous Numbers /ID in Certificates (passports) Of "Vaccination" (=allegiance) to enter the World of Lucifer, the fake light of the Artificial World of Advanced Machines. HUE-MANS won't be dissolved into the Blockchain, they are