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Mar 21 13 tweets 3 min read
🧶Never forget that Khazars (a name linking them to their Khaganat) originate from Turco Mongolic Steppe and were in the region named Turkestan, they are Khans...who became Kaisers, Pharaohs, Kings, Clans/Presidents... TURKESTAN Is the borderline region with Iran today but it was one with the Empire of Persia. Persia never disappeared but you only know Iran. They are the Pupetters, the Khazars are their warriors, Conquerors, Presidents.... Why do you think Washington DC is the Politico Military Power of the Crown Empire? And I told you about
Mar 21 4 tweets 1 min read
🧶1-Bolshevik Khazars controlled Poland before WW2 : Poland & Ukraine were previously one... Their Khaganat was there, with Samandar their first capital and later, Itil...They are not Jews but converted Khazars to Judaism in the 7th century (state religion) for Business Image 2-with the Radhanites , the famous Merchants/traders in the Middle Ages with the mythic silk road with caravans before they expanded to maritime roads and they created together the Banks...Merchants had become Traders, pro-globalizers today : international Trading became
Mar 14 7 tweets 2 min read
🧶And on March 14th, Blood Full Moon... Don't declare the Opening of the New Golden Dawn Age and don't sign the Order, D Trump. Don't rise from the Ashes to go back in the past, return to Sinaï, annihilate your bad & evil habits. @Musicolorista Children have to know that the Cabal has created a clone of "the Bride" to match with the revelations in the last Book (the Bible has been used as their scripts). It is a fake and I do hope no one will fall for that lie...And the Army, which has installed D Trump
Mar 9 9 tweets 2 min read
🧶1- Never accept to merge with The Machine : remain Eternal Humans, not Immortal machines.

Those who accept are no longer Humans and their soul is definitely dead.

It means that they never remembered who they were since they never remembered the cycle of life, when you just 2- change vehicle and jump into a new one after a time of rest that you decide...

In the natural human process, there is no loss of memory and therefore you progress all along your different experiences on board new vehicles... and come back to Source with your Treasury,
Mar 8 7 tweets 2 min read
🧶1- In Protestant ideology, the Eucomenic Roman Empire Pact (Pactum/Pax/Peace) is a link to the Pax Romana %, the Roman Golden Age with increased & sustained Roman Imperialism which occurred from 27 BC to 180 AD.




It is the takeover of Fascism/Nazi system... Thulé (of Nazism) still exists and is in Greenland, it is the town
Mar 5 12 tweets 2 min read
🧶🪡 1- De Worms (like small Snakes/Parasites) became a recognized banker hence his title of "Baron". Worms & Company already existed as a French Shipping Agency in 1840 which became one of the most illustrious names of the financial names in French Financial History. 2- It has functioned since the 1980s as a holding company for various investments along insurance and industrial petrochemical with an emphasis on paper and sugar... You must know that it had become a public subsidiary of Someal incorporated since 1848, a grouping of Holdings...
Mar 4 9 tweets 2 min read
🧶🪡MSNBC has never been for sale, it Just moved into SpinCo, an Independant Spin-Off, which is an inside Financial Strategy to split activities inside the Mother Company to create from it, a new Company. We all know the story of NBC when in December 2009 the giant Comcast 2- announced the Deal leading to it taking full control of the Peacock Network and Arrays of cable channels. On November 2024, Comcast said it was breaking up the Empire it helped build, spinning off its cable TV holdings into a stand alone entity called in finance, a SpinCo.
Mar 1 14 tweets 3 min read
🧵🪡Do you you remember Oklahoma bombings on April 19th 1995 ? Bombings because they were both internal and external... Of course several Birds were killed, sacrificed victims...In fact, it was used to destroy NAZI files 👿👿👿👿👿 With the Operation Paperclip , the main famous way ,postwar Germani NAZIS from the DVD, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, with Admiral Canaris surfaced there in Oklahoma alias Samuel Randall Pittman, Canaris has never been hanged on April 9th, 1945 but when you know the past of
Feb 24 4 tweets 1 min read
🚨1- TransHumanism ! Here we're with the nano sensor networks in the blood stream, it's the IoNT, the Internet of Nano Things. I know that in France, they've set the 6G equipment in school yards when we were confined at home. It seems therefore that we're beyond 6G. Image That nano-sensor network raping your bodies, is to control you, worse than an electronic bangle and if needed, used for adapted "treatments", which are not meant to cure you.... The collected data will be used by scientists in their studies...Are you keen on becoming a transhuman
Feb 24 4 tweets 1 min read
🚨The partition of India was decided by the British Commonwealth Empire to better control them & it was declared on 08/14/1947 by Lord Mountbatten, Vice Roy of India.They destroyed the country : millions of Hindus &Sikhs were forced to convert among the 3 monotheistic religions. But all was rigged when they gave preference to the future Islamist Pakistan , creating the Royal Pakistan Air Force. Ismaelites /Isma-ili...taking revenge...with the help of the perverted Vatican which was already preparing their Chrislam : the Moon worship with the eastern
Feb 22 13 tweets 3 min read
🧵🪡Too late...Kash Patel has joined the Dark side, accepting to become the 9th Director of the FBI. They've control over the FBI since Hoover's death ! "Bavaria Illuminati" is the World 's oldest Conspiracy which started in 1090 with the Hashhashin,the ancient order of Assassins founded by Hasan al-Sabbath, a Nizari Isma'ili order from 1090 to 1275 which became later the Isma'ili sect of Shia Islam. Ismael was the rotten fruit of the Apostasy of Abram (who became Abraham). He was born in Canaan : the sea turned red (the Red sea), clean water was replaced
Feb 13 5 tweets 1 min read
🚨 Catherine du Medici was not bred by her parents but groomed by the evil Medici Dynasty and Britanny. Her parents died just when she was born, they had been poisoned. It was lilely food poisoning planned by the Medici with the Chef sent to the lovers (Florence, Italy was famous for its gastronomy prior to France!). Catherine turned evil to be the exact opposite of her parents 😈😈😈. Her mum, Madeleine de La Tour d'Auvergne, Heiress of France, and her dad, Lorenzo II di Medici, heir of Italy, were real Lovers, pure lovers 😍
Feb 11 10 tweets 2 min read
@guydoe2022 They mix legends and medieval literature from the 12th century with Chrétien de Troyes in France, the legend of King Arthur, the Knights and the Roundtable. The Earth is the Heart, and it is the Christendom to conquer, the Graal... And Arthur will come back for a New Golden Age, Image @guydoe2022 Purified, cleansed from his sins... and his knighted army too....There is also the Celtic legend of "Tristan and Iseut" and themes such as " Love is stronger than Love, Love is the winner" ; "Love is stronger than exile, true Love is transcendent". You have the Nordic Mythology Image
Feb 10 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨 The serpent.. Think mirror effect, two # serpents. 2025 is the year of the green wood serpent 🐍, think of the Serpent Gate which is open 🔓in the circular boundary of the crater...The Earth of the Serpent brotherhood is the Heart for the Christendom, the haven of refuge. They had hijacked our haven.... But today, since we are entering the age of Aquarius & are at the end of the Transition", their timelines collapse, the prison walls dissolve into thin air, illusion shatters... The Arcturian Blue Annunakis, Aliens in Sumer, Egypt, Mayan & Aztec
Feb 8 10 tweets 2 min read
🧵God is splitting the sea/see and the seats of the "governments" The Vatican, Fake Prophet "Pope" and Staff" have fallen with all the nonsensical Enki's Babylonian mythology.
Feb 7 10 tweets 2 min read
@JuPiterOptMax They cut, they felled the beautiful Tree, more than just Beheaded (rock-FELLER/Rockefeller did it and we stand on the giant stump of THE Tree which has become the sole : Real Humans do not live on Earth but in the living core of the tree, in its Heart : they're the cells of the @JuPiterOptMax Of the Heart ♥️ and shoots are beautiful and have become a Forest... (shoots are the offspring of The tree)
Feb 6 13 tweets 3 min read
🧵1- On vous conditionne ... La Commission Européenne a publié et doc passé, l'EU 2025/89 : les petites fourmis intelligentes, doivent devenir des sauterelles (crickets/locusts) pour nourrir les grands Prédateurs 😈. Revoyez la symbolique des 1001 pattes, (du côté positif, 2- les enfants fourmis du Créateur aux 1001 noms sont menacés et doivent se rassembler pour agir ensemble car même s'ils sont petits, ils sont intelligents et très très nombreux). La version originale anglo-américaine se positionne évidemment du côté des Prédateurs
Feb 3 20 tweets 4 min read
@Charles_Monarc La façade n'a pas été endommagée, ni la porte ni les tours. La Tour a énormément de sens, une famille de sang royal dépossédée avec le destin qui s'acharne sur deux sœurs Marie Madeleine et Anne ("de Bretagne) mariée à un Stuart...des empoisonnements. Il y a différentes timelines @Charles_Monarc qui se croisent... Différentes réalités.. Et vous connaissez l'"histoire de la Pyramide inversée dans le carré du Louvres satanique ? Il y a des reliques de MM récupérées à différents endroits plus celles retrouvées à Notre Dame... Elles sont plantées dans le sol avec
Jan 29 11 tweets 2 min read
🚨 Evil dual Game.... And their Chosen "faces" are on stage : BEST ACTORS AND TV SHOW MEN (with a multitude of crowd artists, walkers-on, doubles of those who are in the limelight, henchmen and minions..coming from Global Casting, from Disney Casting... And all of them distract people : a mega
Jan 28 9 tweets 2 min read
@M369Yohanibis @maximumpain333 1- And COMPASSION means GO TOGETHER. Photons of high ENERGY is Light. Become sub-atomic Photons, hence Bosons : all of us on the same wavelength. We must be One Monochromatic beam (a unique frequency in Hz) to crush down the Electrons of infrared radio waves, and stop them to @M369Yohanibis @maximumpain333 2- Stop them in the destruction of the Earth through their "simulations", the name they gave to those who are deaf. Planets are closer than the stars and when they explore the Space, they make their evil experimental trials here, trials of new weapons to destroy life on Earth.
Jan 19 10 tweets 2 min read

1- NO & 🛑 it now!

Don't replay the fake Independance day of July 4th,1776, for the Ignorants & mocking them😈😈😈, hiding the celebration of Adam Smith's "Modern Capitalism" that all of you nicknamed the "Father of Economics :"The Wealth of Nations" was published... 2- on March 1776 😈 😈 😈

Stop playing with words, opposing them :
->CANNON Law hiding Edwin CANNAN, the Editor of the 1st Edition of Smith's Opus😈😈😈 ;
-> ADAM Weishaupt, Jesuit Professor of Cannon Law, creator of the Illuminati hiding ADAM Smith😈😈😈