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Jun 26 11 tweets 2 min read
@ronin19217435 1-Naïve People are named "pigeons" (=> "Own nothing and be happy"). They are easily "educated" & "Controlled" to serve their interests. All those beings, in human flesh, are subjugated and obey the Orders. They're no longer "Wild", they've lost their essence, they're "peoples", @ronin19217435 2- slaves (ignorant of their condition)working in their Hive,the Common Wealth of the Crown. Common pigeons from the Columba kind in the classification of the "pigeon-fancying, are like common-minded peoples. They have invaded towns from 1758, have adapted their behaviors and
Jun 24 17 tweets 4 min read
🧵 1- And what is below is the truth. Caesars Borgia became the official image of their Jesus Christ with the Art of Leonardo da Vinci. That "Modern" image became the Standard look which was enforced from their Italian Renaissance replacing the old creation of Constantine, 2- with their Trinity : Jupiter-Zeus(for J-Zeus) +Krishna (Chrisna) to create their sun/son, J-Zeus Krishna/J-sus Christna and finally, Jesus Christ.
And remember the one who says "I am Who I am" because in French I am is "Je suis" becoming Je-sus, Jesus.
Jun 19 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵 1- And Lucifer loves the Rocks, not only Gibraltar but all the shipowners who are part of the global shipping business and they will always praise the Greek word "Olympic", the name of the British Ocean liner of the White Star Line, the useful sister ship of the Titanic😈 Which was so good "on the rocks" ; the Olympic Challenger of the Onassis group, the recycled T2 Tanker originally named Oregon Trail which was converted to a whale factory in 1950 and the conquest of the last Space in the Heavens : Aristotle Onassis purchased Olympia Airways
Jun 17 9 tweets 2 min read
🚨 1- We've been in the Tragedy of Life (the Tempest), from the end of the Last Plantagenet King, Edward III who reigned from 1327 to 1377. The Yorkists (white rose) descended from Edward's 4th son, Edward Duke of York and included Edward IV, Edward V and Richard III. 2- They objected to the Lancastrians (red rose), the descendance of John of Gaunt, saying that it was a younger Plantagenet line, that Henry IV had usurped the throne from Richard II and was "reputed" to be of illegitimate descent...But the Nation was angered over the disgrace of
Jun 15 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨 1- BlackRock is in the limelight, hiding Blackstone ; State Street is powerful in the US ; the Swiss UBS, with its three keys of 1872, is under Papal Authority : the "Spitzeder Swindle" on 11/22 in Munich was denounced by Horace Greeley, Ulysses Simpson Grant's opponent at Image 2- the 1872 Election & he mysteriously died on 11/29 (& Grant became President)😈 The Spitzeder Swindle was a planned collapse of the Ponzi Scheme on Nov 22nd,1872 in the German Empire : the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) had been declared illegal from July 4th : THE BANK NEVER
Jun 15 5 tweets 1 min read
🚨1/3- The World Economic Forum is a Crown Project. M16 is the Crown Secret Service, his Majesty SS. The CIA is part of it & controlled by M16. M16 also runs the FVEY, the Five Eyes alliance : the global surveillance mechanism, the supra intelligence network of US, UK, Canada, 2/3- New Zealand, Australia which was established in August 14, 1941 : the Atlantic Charter of the Zionists, the Frankfurt School of Marxist Judaism, the Jewish Judeans against "Hitler"who hit them, firing them off Europe to start, erasing the Communist/Marxist party from Germany
Jun 10 13 tweets 2 min read
🚨 1-,Je vous invite à lire LA PLANÈTE DES SINGES de Pierre Boulle, 1963. Il y a tant de choses dans ce livre... On vous parle de Darwinisme versus la Société Humaine ; de l'instinct vs l'intelligence ; de l'évolution Artificielle vs la Déchéance de l'humanité liée à sa paresse 2- cérébrale et son oisiveté, le tout conduisant à son extinction, c'est à dire la capitulation de l'homme vis-à-vis de lui-même. La paresse intellectuelle et spirituelle est le gros danger : l'effort est nécessaire pour la survie humaine. Le retour à la nature n'est pas
Jun 8 4 tweets 1 min read
🚨 1/2 - Magic Leap Inc Company was created n 2010 by Rony Abovitz. His parents, Isaac and Itta Abovitz arrived in Cleveland from ISRAEL in 1962. Magic Leap 1 superimposed 3D CGI over real objects, Magic Leap 2 is an immersive AR device that maintains its user's view of their 2a/2- environment while integrating industry leading optics...
Investors? Goggle, Ali Baba, AT &T. Magic Leap One was made available in the USA through AT&T 😈 which became its exclusive partner. The CEO was Ross Rosenberg and in 2020, Peggy Johnson, former MICROSOFT executive,
Jun 7 19 tweets 4 min read
🚨 80 ans après le Débarquement, un rituel satanique 666 avec effusion de sang. C'était le 1er jour de l'Opération Overlord (=Suzerain) où on attendait les sacrifiés (une boucherie) tout en détournant l'Allemagne sur des cibles à découvert laissant du temps à Staline (suite) pour perfectionner l'opération Bagration sur le front de l'est à partir de 22 juin et qui aura été la pire défaite de l'Allemagne. Depuis Bletchley Park, la Grande Ecole du Gouvernement de codage et de Cybersécurité à Milton Keynes dans le Comté de Buckingham (GC & CS), aura été
Jun 5 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨 Never forget that Cindy Crawford is a man. He was on the cover of "George", a monthly magazine which chronicled the crossroads of politics and culture/Cult. It was created by John F Kennedy Jr and Michael J. Berman with Hachette Filipacchi Media US in New York City in 1995, "George" was and still is named after the White-Whig he'd forefather of the USA (the Previous "Whig" party!). For any of the issues, they took what they called a "celebrity", put them in a Whig... Those were the symbols to start the patriotic Times "For the Good of America"
May 29 4 tweets 1 min read
🚨1/3- The Adversary's Central War Room is in action against U, attacking your private body/vessel/ship/nave with "turbocharge Defence" using Defence since they claim that they possess U😈. Their 5-year-goal, after having run down your ships, is the entire elimination 2/3- of the EU Human Race which has never been "Caucasian" 👿. Don't let the pirates board the naves and steal your souls (that's named the "Second Death"). They try to collide with you, but Real Humans are strong. The EU Union is captured by the Industrial Military Complex since
May 26 10 tweets 2 min read
🚨 1- Don't believe Donald Trump who is said to have received a rejuvenated treatment from Regeneron, a global biotech company Trans-forming medicines (implants, micro chips) with serious diseases, investing in U (do U understand what it means?) while "offering financial benefit 2- to ensure U are valued and supported?? They hack your brains, becoming Androïds, future robots. And "Medbeds"as they name them, is a marketing way to attract you without any fear. Some people serving them will be enhanced (hacking the brains and using them at full speed,
May 23 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨 1- 101 years ago, the Four Warner, Albert-Jack-Harry-Sam created their association on April 4th,1923. WARNERS are like WALTERS, WALTS : cartoonists good at DESSINER /DISNEY, they'd suffered poverty & mockeries, saying they were failed artists... They decided to avenge that 3- injustice and definitively sided on the evil side, chosing to side on the setting sun...and lead the lost generation to its perdition without giving them any chance to change. And they followed the proverb which says "never take revenge in the heat of the moment".
May 19 5 tweets 1 min read
@MyrkoSaint 1- The top-Hatted Magi/Magicians/Kings have always loved statuettes. Their barsoms, from the Oxus Treasure of the Achaemenid Empire (4th Century BC), give them power & are always with them.They made powerful spiritual "idols"(with halos), miniatures, for the pagans in which they @MyrkoSaint 2- cast their spells to control them straight from their homes. And now, they cast far abroad with "modern" means, broadcasting their spells... Those pervasive Magi/Druids, from the Eastern Mediterranean & Western Asia until late Antiquity are the Zoroastrian Priesthood.
May 17 8 tweets 2 min read
🚨 1- Head of the Church of England, Head of the Church of Laodicea!
Charles II had been crowned King of Scots at Scone (on April 23rd, 1661) & converted to Catholicism!
The Order of the Garter united them, the Scone link reuniting 2- them to Charles II who launched the New Reset with the end of the Republican rule, enforcing the Imperial Regalia with a New Set (White Opal with red fire from Jacob'pillow stone, on the forehead of the Crown). He was settled & restored on the throne over the Three Kingdoms
May 15 5 tweets 1 min read
@TMHCREATOR 1-Guidance and Wisdom (Mars & Mercury) are working together all along the work inside and outside since here are Experimented Wise Women (and part of the 7 Wise Men), "Sages-femmes" in French, meaning midwives, life is struggling... @TMHCREATOR 2- with lots turbulences made by the contractions of the Plane-Net, accelerating the upward movement. The initial feeling of revolt is replaced by Divine understanding which will propel the spirit, not the flesh, towards the light : an upward movement to be made in full
May 14 13 tweets 3 min read
🚨1- Les Khazars sont des guerriers nomades envahisseurs venus des "Hautes Steppes" derrière la muraille de Chine partiellement détruite, et qui ont envahi notre Espace ! Pour parasiter les nôtres, ils se sont cachés dans deux religions, le Judaïsme et l'Islam : 2- un opportunisme politique pour prendre le POUVOIR. Au sein des Sémites via la langue & les religions (dont ils se moquaient), ces parasites ont dévoré leurs hôtes de l'intérieur, créant des divisions pour les affaiblir & les discréditer, imposant leur Diktat international
May 13 6 tweets 1 min read
@Elizabe32413720 @Silverfox6158 1- Rulers suffering from the most acute form of Autism, are lead to revive the past and "incarnate" Ancient Roman Tyrans, merging with those characters whose evil singularities have been amplified on purpose. Who did that? THE Historian coming from Christchurch, Oxford @Elizabe32413720 @Silverfox6158 2- after his studies at Eton. He wanted to be a History Professor but his Family, decided it was THE Bank... But then he stayed behind, his siblings heading The Financial System.. But he remained hidden within the Board of Directors at BlackRock! Real Board rooms are hidden
May 12 15 tweets 3 min read
🚨1- The god of the Common Masons, from the bottom of the Pyramid, is a Transgender. And there is a pledge of allegiance & secrecy at the entrance. Lucifer, through Baphomet, leads them astray all along their Initiation bringing them progressively electric light 2- but not Enlightenment. They burnt their neurons and killed their souls, they belong to them from the start when they sign with their autograph. They will never go beyond the 32° and have so far been recycled, serving the Elites... The aim of the Luciferian Doctrine
May 10 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨 1- Defeat the Industrial Oligopolistic Complex aka "Washington D. C" ;
Defeat their oligopoles aka "The City of London ": stop consuming online. Pay with cash money ;
STOP the setting up of the UN Oligarchy aka "Vatican City": Reject the Romanic/Khazarian System
Image 2- and Application of its Law through "Agenda 2030".
DO NOT VOTE (hence no longer go to the Rolling Stations).
Don't let them takeover the Kingdom and you ! Put an end to the building up of a New Tower of Babel. They know they have lost but want to drag you into
May 8 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨 1- Do you play TAROT?
You are in occultism. Freemasons will tell U that from September 26, 2023 to May 5th, you have 223 days mirroring 322(Death/the Brotherhood of Death, Skull&Bones). MAY 5th was the Omega Day. And the Joker (their Fool Tarot) represents Alpha and Omega, 2- The beginning and the end and they told you it was the cycle of life ending with Death. Those wizards led you astray, why would the Creator kill the Creation, it is a total nonsense. And a pregnancy is an average of 280 days... OK? The wizards with the Tarot card game have