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Dec 6 15 tweets 3 min read
🧵1-They are starting the Harvest which is a great cleansing... Their minions, henchmen & clones won't understand that they were just pawns... They're getting rid of the extremes which are meeting & can't be controlled even in Hell. Sleeping & clone sheep, the herd, are driven To the center of the Political Golden Mean... The Adversary from Hell is going back with his people with a few lost sheep that refused to wake up.. They applaud while the Pied Piper is leading them to the abyss... They still believe in a new beginning... My Children, the Children
Dec 4 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵1- No, Deities are the Ancestors of idols that you had to reject, you have been warned from the beginning. They have been created by the Adversary of Humanity, the Anunnaki/Elohim from Orion, who were building their fantasy/Mythology to brainwash U before they created 2- the deceptive Monotheist religions (with their Trinitarian System of idols, substitutes for Deities) leading you to the Absolute Dictatorship of Machines, the New Theocracy. The Church merged with Science during WWII, guided by the Fundamentalist Nazarean Führer...
Dec 2 6 tweets 2 min read
You're right and the conspiracy of "The Amen" (mathematical value 33) is deep.
The Mask collects the Signatures of the evil actors who have had a role in that Dreadful Conspiracy till 1922 when it was miraculously discovered.
They have been blackmailed, reduced 2- to Silence. It is an #abomination. I KNOW THE TRUTH & LIKELY YOU TOO. The ID of the Mummy and rh ID of the Mask are not the same.
Tell HER NAME to erase the Spell and
Dec 1 22 tweets 4 min read
🧵They're not becoming wise but, since the average level of people has understood it (I explained the choice & consequences of the political regime in their Demoncracies), they've been revealed. They (the Pied Piper of the "Provinces", they know what I mean) are leading you to The next stage of the NAtional SoZIalist Plan ( USSR have been the First ones & have always been the Champions in Plans, in Organization BUT in the inverted World : the Mirror effect 😈). Prime Ministers are the "Personas", obedient Pied Pipers of the Provinces (since there is a
Nov 30 4 tweets 1 min read
🚨 I had forgotten the Massacre of the Pequots in 1637 😢. The colonists were better armed and more systematic about killing. And they were infuriated when the Powhatan Confederacy in Virginia killed 347 settlers in 1622. And from that time the Virginians pursued a policy of extermination. "In 1637, the Puritans acting in support of a group of tribes, broke the power of the Pequots, in New England. John Mason & his army, set fire to their main village at night, shot men, women & children as they ran to escape the flames. New England no longer
Nov 29 13 tweets 2 min read
🧵Understand THE WORD of God and, on the other side beware of THE TWISTED WORDS of the MAN OF PERDITION : ARIANISM is not ARYA.
Lucien of Antioch (235-312) who created the Church of Antioch, shaped the way to Arianism : Arius recognized him as his Mentor...
I It is THEOLOGY. Arianism rejected consubstantiality and therefore rejected the Trinity of Nicea. Lucifer of Cagliari, Bishop, defended the strict faith of Nicae, rejected Arianism & refused to forgive them. THE SCHISM WAS NAMED "LUCIFERIAN" (from his name), he left the Church
Nov 27 19 tweets 4 min read
🧵1- The little Grays are Aliens, Genetically Modified "Geniuses", minions of the Great Grays, their Masters from Orion ; the Ego Alpha Draconians, all Conquerors, are split between the giants ones, the Royal Ciakars while the smaller ones are the Military Cast ; 2- Reptilians which have been banned by the Alpha Draconians, have lived here in the underground, they've built the financial system, influence the religions & control the media.; Sirians from Sirus B have helped Human Civilization with knowledge (astronomy, medicine..) and
Nov 25 17 tweets 3 min read
🚨 DANGER ☣️. Le Montelukast, sel de Na, est une substance active du Médicament SINGULAIR, la grande marque pour l' #ASTHME. les génériques sont vendus sous le nom Montelukast par les labs Teva, EG, Sandoz, Mylan.. Alors que l'ANSM rappelle simplement que Singulair/Montelukast peut provoquer des hallucinations & autres neuropsychiatriques, ce. 'est pas la même chose ni aux USA, ni au Canada...
En 2020, la FDA américaine a émis son plus haut niveau d'avertissement, le BLACK BOX WARNING, sur le SINGULAIR (MONTELUKAST) pour alerter du risque de graves
Nov 24 4 tweets 1 min read
🚨 Never forget that he allied with Stalin in August 3rd 1939, both of them wanted to split the world : clockwise Swatiska, a symbol of hatred. It isn't the counter clockwise Swatiska of the Russian Emperor Nicolas II, symbol of Peace, talisman of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. And the Bear is the symbol uniting Germany & USSR
Nov 22 8 tweets 2 min read
🚨 Indians have colonized London, are colonizing Canada, are colonizing Japon... Parasites! Cancer! Never allow your frontiers open, end liberal globalization. A world connected by technology, trade... must also be connected by shared values & similar codes of behaviour, at the same level of Advancement otherwise "Globalization" only stands to gain for the emerging countries, it is therefore disguised Communism. In the advanced Western Civilization, we know that the 35-hour working week is not a magic cure-all for unemployment, KNOWLEDGE
Nov 19 12 tweets 3 min read
🚨 1- People must know that the tweet below is mine 😈 and only mine, not Amon-Râ/ Creator-Râ, and Climate is Really changing!

I reject the cult of "The Amon" (numerical number 33, "Master Number"), "Amen" being the "Master Teacher"in the Law of the Masonic Phoenicians. 2- It refers to the Ancient Magick Theban Cult of the Sun (Rê/Râ). Their previous Pharaohs, Kings...and today Presidents being worshipped like idols/icons/stars (beyond respect) and assimilated to gods. That slave system was put in place by those who stole the Divine knowledge
Nov 8 6 tweets 1 min read
🚨 Toutes les inondations que nous avons en Europe comme actuellement en Espagne, sont les conséquences de la mise en application des Directives européennes par les Ministres de la Transition Ecologique : destruction des grands ouvrages, des barrages, sous prétexte de restorer 2- le cours naturel des rivières... Il ne s'agit pas de quelques barrages vétustes qui devraient être reconstruits en les repensant de façon plus intelligente.. Non, l'Agenda 2030, c'est la Destruction Systématique et Planifiée de tous les ouvrages de notre civilisation comme
Nov 8 4 tweets 1 min read
@StoneMasonTweet 1-Stonemasons were "builders", named Freemasons today and they stole the Divine knowledge. The malefic impostor & murderer god Anu Yahweh has hijacked the Realm since the 2nd Apocalypse. The NWO, their World and era of Kali Yuga, is being brought down together with the deceptive @StoneMasonTweet 2 - dogmatic religions : Koka and Vikoka, Judeo Christianity & Islam which are becoming Chrislam with the #abomination of Abrahamic agreements & Noahide Laws😈😈😈😈😈, all against the Children of the Creation, against those who have remained faithful to the Creator.
Nov 8 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵1- Occult Symbolism😈😈😈 They're trying to rewind time to escape the age of Aquarius and remain in the age of Piscis/Pisces. IN VAIN! Kali Yuga era of Darkness is over, no covenant of marriage between Maga and Maha. They're fooling you. Kali is Maha (in their Jewish gematria) 2- and Trump's Maga/Magus is the fifth and highest degree in the Church of Satan. At Trump's rallies, in 2022, congregants (yes indeed, congregants!) were given a booklet claiming that Donald Trump was "The son of man - The Christ-", explaining that his full name meant the Ruler
Oct 31 23 tweets 4 min read
🚨 U're are missing something! Understand that Heroes're only the Military, the self proclaimed Olympians. Think about it, correct yourself. How can U explain that E. Musk joined D Trump/Drumpf in his latest far right rally under the Black Sun? Have U understood the Black Caps? 2- SATANISM of Neo Nazism😈😈😈. Their main symbol is the Black Sun created by Heinrich Himmler in WEWELSBURG CASTLE when he created the unique SS Party (SS like ZZ too...) in 1933. It has never been Hitler's but Himmler who was worshiped by the Military staff, the Scientists/
Oct 27 17 tweets 3 min read
🧵🪡There is nothing new under the Sun (God). Egypt is Babylon, it's #GameOver. I ERASE the Trinitarian doctrine which started in the Underworld with the story of triad of Thebes with Osiris/Isis/Horus : Insane Oedipus complex of all the successive Horus (rulers) by inheritance Such as Pharaohs, Khans, Kings, Shahs, Keisers, Presidents..... idolizing Virgin Mary/Mother Mary... for people in the Purgatori, in the Twilight never awake and come back to life, to Reality. They drag them for ever in Inferno, within the fictitious Zodiac world.
Oct 24 6 tweets 1 min read
🚨 1-And for the Maya, we have been in the age of Aquarius from a long time... But the Navy, their Society built on chaos/war, refused to leave their comfortable position... the fish/illusory sinner is no longer prisoner of their lies, in a bowl, in a globe., repeating over & 2- over the same journey.. He is starting to open his eyes, starting his initiation... Starting to acquire sacred knowledge...And,with the season of the Book of Revelation, we have poured out & go on pouring over much hidden knowledge... Richness of information in architecture,
Oct 19 16 tweets 3 min read
🚨1- Info on RFID chips! Never implant them in Humans. It would be Eternal Death = death of the souls. Nothing "alien" must rape your bodies, your natural bodies (nothing "exo"). Rumors say that Elon Musk, the AI clone controlled by the blind Illuminati (who still worship the God Calf, Mammon) seduced D Trump and he let him implant a Neuralink chip in his brain. He is 78 years old, does not want to put on age & become senile. I understand since there is a natural way to become a Superman, to keep his souls, to regenerate the DNA and to remain
Oct 18 18 tweets 4 min read
🧶1- EUROPE! Ils s'acharnent sur vous car leur film d'horreur est terminé , le sablier est vide. Une nouvelle campagne marketing pour la "Vaccination", avec une date butoir comme pour les ventes des Iphones, presse les "consommateurs" vers ce produit. La propagande décoche ses 2- dernières flèches. Il n'y a pas de vilaine maladie qui rode à l'extérieur. Ces menteurs compulsifs ne savent même plus ce qu'est un mensonge. Ils veulent vous piquer comme des chiens mais avec un effet retard (qui a été élaboré par leurs sorciers pendant la Seconde Guerre
Oct 15 9 tweets 2 min read
🧶1-Roses will never stop blooming. Soon, Amon/Amen, the King of Gods, the Lord of Thrones,the Grand architect of the House and Temple, the "true & faithful witness, hidden deep within you, will be fully alive. Increase your frequency and ease my work. The" god" of the underworld Image 2- aka "Satan" is/was the architect of that Universal System, a contracted universe (speaking in vibrational frequencies) : the Seraphim leader of the Watchers/Grigori at the time, before the #abomination & was Metatron. Azza/Samyaza/Shamhazai/Azazel ruled the angels/archangels
Oct 14 4 tweets 1 min read
🧶Always the same Empire which has been rebranded. The wings are everywhere explaining their angels (the chosen ones of Satan who controls that World) : the Vikings (wings on helmets) ; Asterix who has infiltrated the Celtic Gaules with the signs mixing Astarte (the Star, in the name itself and Inanna, the Star of Remphan) ; the Angels of Death (aka Yale Brotherhood and all their Sorcerers, M.D. in Action in Germany during WWII and today with the experiments on Covidians) ; worldwide Air & Space Force (watch their insignias); the laurel wreaths of their