"Why do so many people seem so badly to WANT to apply this name?"
To ask that question is to see the answer: by using the phrase "Wuhan virus" or "Chinese virus" they gain identifiable human beings to blame. 2/x
Nigerian individuals didn't do anything wrong. They are not even a higher-risk population group! An in-group is angry, so it penalizes an out-group. Stupid, as well as wrong. 3/x
More important: they didn't need the cooperation of those hardwoods to contain the virus. 6/x
That doesn't mean being nicey-nice. We may have to constrain China. But to constrain a power as strong as China, even the US needs allies and partners. 10/x
US intell became aware of COVID perhaps as early as November, certainly by mid-December. COVID reached the POTUS Daily Brief on Jan. 3, 2020. Trump ignored it. It was "them." 13/x
But Trump thought of travel restrictions as an *alternative* to testing - the virus was carried by "them" not "us." 16/x