How can one person in Canada have five different SIN numbers?
Better yet, why is it @CanRevAgency & @rcmpgrcpolice know about tens of thousands of illegal SIN numbers and do nothing about it?
It is almost like there is a criminal conspiracy in Ottawa.

What are @CanRevAgency and @rcmpgrcpolice doing about this?
A. 000 000 000,
B. 000 125 930,
C. 999 936 380,
D. 111 111 118 and
E. 033 398 336.

How many now?
How many have fake SIN numbers issued to them - and not by CRA?
How many will now get bail out money?
Why does govt not track illegals?

Is issuing a fake SIN number a crime? (yes)
Has the CRA been informed in writing of thousands of fake SIN numbers (yes)
Has the CRA refused to investigate this and said so in writing? (yes)