If you spend millions of dollars on a trial, of in i.v. drug which is made up in a solution, and in the control arm, if you do NOT have the plain solution with no drug, what does that mean?
First, if the clinical staff are malignantly, intentionally biased TO MAKE IT LOOK like the drug works, when making a 50:50 decision whether to step down care (e.g. reduce O2 flow rates etc),
and it is a CONTROL-arm patient, what might they do?
The trial would be statistically significantly positive.
And it would be a true positive, not a false positive.
"Blinding is not needed, just randomise," blah blah.
And he said this (this is a genuine quote, not an EHJ quote)
Blinding balances confounders AFTER trial entry."
Paul Ridker,
CVCT Congress,
Washington DC, 2018.
More efficient than running round punching people in the face, which was my original plan.
If the trial is positive, skeptics will have an avenue of criticism. And the company will have no defence.
It would have no explanation for not adding in a placebo saline bag, even at this late stage.
One is a previously healthy young man who had a car crash, and was successfully operated, and is walking round the ward crying about his wife.
Who gets the 2 units of blood that you have available?
A. Random
B. You knew what challenges they would face, from the full clinical context
Suppose Mr & Mrs Patient had the same injuries, but Mr Patient DID have his surgery, and was now ambulating, while Mrs Patient could NOT (due to some allergy to anaesthesia, or refusal to have surgery)
Who gets the blood transfusion?
A got Remde [We can use half its name because NEJM published half a trial], the miracle drug
B got a slap in the face, in the control arm
If you believe the drug is excellent, which patient is in more NEED of O2 etc?
Problem 2
Even an HONEST, non-cheating clinician, who doesn't give a damn about the Remde company, and hates their guts, if she believes the drug is good, might take extra pity on the control patient and give them an extra day of something, that makes them score worse.
Now those have you who have been following that naughty boy Chris Rajkumar (@rajkumar_chris), will know the correct answer to this.
As you know, Chris wrote a disappointingly disrespectful and cheeky article in Circ CQO: ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.11…
1. You can change Clinical Trials . gov, any time you like.
It is all documented automatically so you don't need to worry, anyone can follow the audit trail.
(Don't believe me? Check out the complaint letter where they argued that it was fine.)
And the paperwork/consent can be updated quickly.
"Why did you forget to ask for a placebo arm?"
"So I'm gonna do a deal with you. You quickly approve adding the placebo arm, and we will forget all about finding out why you failed to ask for it before."
Yes. Stupid people who don't know what to complain about.
But I won't complain. And I am happy to announce that those people are stupid. And so will all intelligent people on Twitter.
Is scientifically good
Is harmless to patients
Needs little added work now
Costs almost nothing and ...
Will help you sell more of the damn stuff!
I commend it to you, Remdesivir investors worldwide, in the strongest terms.