For example, my ETERNAL LIES directory includes:
- Separate files labeled 1.0, 1.1., 2.0, etc. for each macro-node location. (e.g. "1.1 New York")
- A "Work" file for collecting various notes and the like.
- 1.0, 4.2, 5.3, etc. files for each node.
- Directory for props. (Not as many props, so they're all in one directory.)
- Directory for characters.
- Directory for Campaign Status sheets.
For example, it has an ADVENTURES directory which has sub-directories for:
- Act I
- Act II
- Backdrops
- Interludes
- Subplots
It also has separate sub-directories for Images, Maps, and Work.
- Campaign Journal
- Campaign Status
- Chaos Lorebooks
- Characters
- DM Reference [for the City]
- Misc [mostly old files for running it through the old ScreenMonkey virtual tabletop]
- Player Pack [background handouts]
- Side Campaign - The Church Delvers [spin-off campaign featuring a different set of players/PCs]
- Side Campaign - Thralls [another spin-off]
- Work