I just checked the data (…), that's not what it looks like in Belgium and France at all. What is his source?

What is his definition of "very very much"?
Deaths have gone from doubling every 3-4 days to (data pending) doubling about every 7 days. Is this the data he refers to?
35m he says they are *now* ramping up testing in old people facilities and staff, prior to this was primarily suspected cases in hospital.
Says the reason why it has spread in old people's home is lack of testing capacity.
Which raises a most impt question. Why?
I'm skeptical of this given the % of infected who are over 70yrs old has gone up while the % of CV19 patients who are over 70 has gone down significantly (march vs april to date)
That's a CFR of 2.8.
Not actually out of the question IMO, but data from other countries makes me less hopeful.
Says he still thinks death rate may not be so different to the flu
Can't say real CV19 death rates are lower because of undetected cases and not do the same to flu rates.
quick check - Says 1500-2000 die of flu each year, 5-7% infected - that's 0.2% to 0.4% CFR for flu, 1 to 4 times reported?
5000000 infected, so 10000-20000 expected dead using #Tegnell's own figures if it's, like he says, similar to the flu in mortality in Sweden.
I'm skeptical of that number, would like to see how it was calculated.
Says that can't see any further restrictions in Stockholm, doesn't think it will get worse there, but may look at it in other parts of Sweden if things change
(what, you mean like schools and businesses are closed??)
Says Sweden's model is sustainable for months or years, doesn't think others are
He seems clearly skeptical a vaccine will be widely available
53:40 face masks - prioritise hospitals. says there is a shortage
then elderly care
Excuse me a moment .....
Says still no consensus on face masks in care for elderly. Testing is a better, so need to inrease that, but maybe combine with masks.
You don't think maybe it's a little too late, Anders?
I've noticed that too - where did the recommendation come from, anyone know?
Says doesn't know if kids are infectious, but isn't seeing outbreaks in schools
No science to see if teachers should be concerned.
(hmmm ... his own figures say 10000-20000 dead if it's not worse than flu)
I've worked in hemtjänst (home care) as a last minute temp worker. This is not news. Appears they completely dropped the ball here, despite it being the major part of their approach
That is an extraordinary claim