Differing opinions on HFNC, CPAP and intubation
The risk of P-SILI described by @bjoern_weiss
Versus the benefits of avoiding intubation
Again: NO ONE can predict who will successfully manage with noninvasive therapies.
But which 50%? Does everyone warrant a trial? And where should this trial take place?
#icswebinar #covid19foam
SuperPEEP is out. A modest level of PEEP (8-10) is suggested by @deoxyexplorer
Superdry for fluid balance is also out- euvolaemia is current target.
#icswebinar #covid19foam
-wet circuits
-NAC/saline nebulisation
One size doesn’t fit all.
Thoughts @DrIntensive ? #icswebinar #covid19foam
Recommendations include checking for a cuff leak 🤨
#icseducation #covid19foam
Makes numbers look better, but unclear as to whether there is an outcome benefit
(Surely preserve for those with RV dysfunction?)
Proning also a good RV therapy
#icseducation #covid19foam
Now discussions about RRT. Are filters truly “clotting” or filling with inflammatory gunk?
#icseducation #covid19foam
Some of it may well just be COVID renal infiltration
Keep sharing data peeps and contributing to national/international data registries (@ICNARC, @SCCM ) #icseducation #covid19foam
Should we routinely screen for DVT? I’d suggest if you have the #POCUS practitioners to do so, then consider it...
Observational data from a single centre- people stuck hypoxic all had proximal PEs 😳#covid19foam