A bizarre sockpuppet Twitter account started tweeting commands at Trump & associates.
⚠️And then Trump did those things⚠️
🚨Including the infamous "Russia, if you're listening..." on 7/27/16🚨

It's a VERY deep dive into the mysterious "Twitter Yuri". I cannot overstate how far down the rabbithole this anonymous author went. It is long.
Author seems to be a Dem researching the world of the scary-far-right.

The real Yuri was a fascinating guy & he was very prescient with his knowledge about how to infiltrate a government.
The video "How to Brainwash A Nation" linked here is an eerie watch. We're seeing these exact tactics & propaganda *today*.
There are a lot of conspiracy theories about Yuri (he died of a heart attack at 52 in 1993).
The Right used to LOVE his anti-socialist rhetoric & using his words against Democrats. Not sure if they still love him now that they love Russia.

6/8: DCLeaks created
6/12: Crowdstrike "kicked out" CozyBear & FancyBear from the DNC servers
6/14: News of the hack went public
6/15: Guccifer 2.0's appearance


7/25-28: Dem Nat'l Conv. is a mess because of Bernie/Wikileaks

Russia + Wikileaks + Bernie + Comey = President Trump.
Twitter Yuri continued to tweet a lot, but seemingly no more directives that Trump followed.
Someone else took the same name & profile pic after he deleted it, but after Apr 2017 it's a different account.
So who was Twitter Yuri?