Here are some of the most interesting red flags that stood out to me:
But I never described myself as professional.
I wasn't able to say "this sounds okay" and keep scrolling past very many of her tweets!
I fully support Tara's right to have her claims investigated, and so does Biden. But it sure seems like she isn't writing her own tweets while telling her story, so who IS and why?
It's totally normal to tell everyone you're "not a Russian agent" that frequently.
Nor has she threatened me with any of these other very legal & very cool DMs that others have received.
#Biden2020 #TaraReadeIsALiar #TaraReade #IBelieveBiden #IBelieveJoe

Here is what Twitter did about the death threats and doxx attempts, 4 days later...
They removed one of the death tweets but they didn't even restrict that guy's account.
End of list.
Tara's Quora account is a jackpot of weirdness. She only follows Russian propagandists. Her answers are all about social media success.…

A lot of people have asked (fairly) "This account isn't a blue check, why does it matter what they say?"
Because Tara, in real life interviews, acts as if this is her account. She never corrects anyone or otherwise disowns this account
Another thread with Jekyll & Hyde writing style examples...from 2011.
Who wrote these tweets?
#IBelieveJoe #IBelieveBiden #TaraReadeIsAFraud