You know how sometimes companies pay you to be in an experiment?
If you are super-keen, YOU can pay THEM.

EVERY PASSENGER was tested, some several times.
301 were found to have the coronavirus.
Cruise ship passengers, eh?
Are they
Do you think they were
Mildly symptomatic
Moderately symptomatic
Severely symptomatic…
... and unrelated to the ORBITA HQ PhD fellows whatsapping me when I talked crap about it ...
I know that:
CASE Fatality Rate (CFR) is the probability of dying, of ONLY the people with SYMPTOMS.

The first three are obvious:
In hospital
Got Covid
"Requiring supplemental oxygen" at time of screening
SpO2 94% or under
Hmmmm.... If you got admitted to hospital with breathlessness, what would you get?
In fact, it is so obvious that it took us many years to STOP giving oxygen routinely to patients with MI's.
I think it took 2 trials that showed it kills you, before we reluctantly removed it from being our first action in STEMI.
I am not sure what other symptom would cause people to be admitted.
I would probably stay at home, and hope it was just a random fever. Rather than stick my face into the town's seething mass of Covid, namely the hospital.
Two out of 125 died.
125 patients in the Mullane half-trial, but only 113 had severe disease.
So the 2 deaths are 2 in 113, not 2 in 125.
Oh dear.
What is the survival in the Remdesivir patients?
So it is
98.2% with miracle drug,
97.4% sitting on a cruise ship, being rebuffed by every country you come across.
You might think they have no idea about placebo control, and why it is important. That would be because you are a big softie like @drjohnm, and you probably believe in Santa Claus etc.
In fact they know very well about placebo.

All we know is that they have now embarked on UNBLINDED research, presumably displeased with the experience of placebo-controlled?