When they were training at Fort Sam Houston, during a maneuver, the troops must stay at a hospital that was condemned b/c of "the large cases of pneumonia developing out here. Last time they had 100 or so cases and this time they've lost count."
That was actually quite comforting to read back during week 2 of NYC quarantine.
My grandpa is very disappointed when his leg gets run over helping a jeep out of the mud. Why disappointed? b/c the mud made his leg sink in w/o injury. "if i'd broken my leg a 30 or even 60 day furlough would have been a cinch."
She still drives an hour to sit with him in the car for two hours on Wednesdays.
[uh, Grampy, sex angles?]
I don't know exactly what's to come for him. I want him to stay madly in love with my grandma throughout
My grandpa was always a real worrier and the fun-loving pre-war version of him shows what the war did to him.
how much he loved me. I was his person. (A big deal when you're one of four siblings) we had lunch every Saturday from when I was in high school.