He can see he’s about to lose the election.
So what does he do?
He reaches into his bag of tricks. There aren't many in there, but they're effective.
His favorite trick: Get the fighters fighting and keep them fighting.
Elections since 2016 have been consistent. Democrats perform about 8% better than 2016.
GOP demographics are shrinking.
In 2016 we were hit by a disinformation attack the likes of which we'd never experienced. We get it now.
Most Americans disagree with them.
Their only use is to try to enflame passions and create trouble.
Trump’s talk of the “second amendment” is similarly intended to rile, scare, and outrage everyone.
The key to understanding Trump's base lies in Hofstadter’s work, summarized here: terikanefield-blog.com/the-paranoid-s…
Hofstadter studied the "paranoid" element.
Notice, though that Trump is protecting himself while sending other people to die.
I guess the "troops" are okay with the "general" saving himself.
It's what @jasonintrator calls the politics of "us v. them."

We don’t need to resort to violence to save democracy because we still have meaningful elections. (That’s why Trump is scared!)
So what do we do?
Step #1: De-escalate the rhetoric.
This brings me to the next step.
Step #2: See what you can do to help your community through this.
In particular, find ways to identify and help . . .
There are supply chain issues: Food intended for restaurants is spoiling. Families don’t have enough.
With the federal government in chaos and governors putting out fires, communities will have to step up.
Step #3: Focus on the election — that thing in November that has Trump in a panic.
If you live in a state that allows absentee ballots without excuse, get yours ASAP.
Help everyone you know get their hands on their ballots.
Vote in November as if you’re a soldier in a war. Because you are.
You’re a soldier fighting for democracy in a nation that still has meaningful elections.
How? see👇
The people most likely to experience loss (aside from medical professionals 😢) are Trump supporters.
And they're a shrinking number, so his only hope is to keep his base riled and wear down the opposition.
If the pattern holds, the Democrats will win by just over 8 percentage points.
That means millions will vote for Trump.
So everyone ELSE needs to vote for Biden.
"So far I have been in isolation now for almost 6 weeks. I’m going to survive this so we can see the end of Donald Trump." 👍 🏆🏆
Trump understands that he isn't, and that it's going to catch up to him real soon.
How will he explain all that winning when Biden has him escorted from the White House in Jan?
Many who remain understand that it's slipping away.
Trump will retain more than 42% of the vote. It's appallingly high, but not high enough to win.