1. The GOP is going to encourage people to go out in the midst of an uncontrolled pandemic.
2. Testing will not increase to the level needed and tracing will be a secondary thought.
3. Infections will skyrocket.
So here is what must happen....
2. Those with non-essential jobs have to lock down completely. Stay 20 ft away from everyone, because these morons may well intentionally get in your face.
3. Accept we cant save the world. Accept that your deranged friends/family will get sick. Some may die. By choice.../2
4. I dont know what to do for grocery store workers. They and health care workers will be at the most danger. Crowd-sourcing ideas in comments?
5. There will likely be increased triage requirements in hospitals. A method to find out who infected themselves intentionally.../3
Acceptance is the first step. Nothing will stop them.../4
Last: Be ready for.../5
Vote. No matter what. End the insanity.