Vitale: gov't should not work to protect Ohioans' lives because death is "inevitable."
Completely ignores that virus is contagious and can affect OTHER people.
"No government can stop death, no matter how hard we try. Life comes with some level of risk ..."
Dorr takes delight in a sign calling the @OHdeptofhealth director "Abortion Amy"
This is the crowd @NinoVit joined.
argument becomes = reopen economy so workers can make $.
Gov't was not equipped to handle unprecedented spike in benefit need. The slow system is undercutting the gov't message of shelter in play.
Group shares an article with a headline clearly mentioning the year 2019; uses those deaths from last year to complain about...gangs not following 2020 social distancing??
And here's Republican State Reps. Candice Keller & Tom Brinkman liking the post