Lots of things are hard right now, and much harder for some than others, but many people I’ve talked to in the last few weeks agrees on one thing:
It is literally impossible to know for sure what things might look like, or on what timeline.
In those situations, there’s the physical pain, then there’s a mental pain of knowing “life is not gonna be the same for a while.”
It frames choice as a companion, even an ally, of chaos.
At evaluating the facts I have and trusting myself to make an educated guess that fills in the facts I *can’t* have cuz they haven’t happened yet.
Time and certainty are intertwined in new ways. Specifically, the amount of time I can be certain of anything is small. That is...scary.
Commerce, uh, *finds a way*
Except we don’t know how long the ride is. We don’t even really know when we got on, or what the exit looks like.
It’s also how we will create a better future, whenever that is.