1. Broad public approval of UK govt handling*
2. V.broad support for lockdown (pro-extension:91-5)
3. Rather more support for 'tighten' than 'loosen'.
4. Broad public commitment to following rules.
(* a dip in 1 survey this AM)
high anxiety & high support for others
· 49% feel more anxious/depressed than normal
· 60% say have offered help to other people; 47% say they have received help
· 83% of over 70s report being offered help (ONS).
27% self-report following rules ‘almost always’ (!)
7% say they ‘mostly’ do (? given these choices)
5% self-report following the rules half the time/less (including 1% who say they aren't trying to do so.
On average, people think lockdown will become 'very difficult' for them in six weeks. (15% say already)
Under-24s more likely to say already/in a month (42%)
· 51% a year or more for life to return to normal
· 42% think over a year before economy grows.
· 67% think restrictions are likely to be reimposed once lifted; only 15% say this 'unlikely'
kekstcnc.com/media/2568/kek… (PDF)

Half of us feel more of a sense of belonging with our neighbours. (Distribution of this will be interesting)
* I plan to do another overview on Friday & will share it on twitter at the weekend.
* Please do share useful nuggets & insights
* Interested to hear theories about current attitudes & future prospects