These secretive, six-eyed #spiders are almost certainly the most feared & misunderstood in North America.

*There are several species in North America. Pictured here: the Arizona recluse (L) & Big Bend recluse (R).

Unfortunately, recluse bites are often based on symptoms alone, in the absence of the presence of any spider.
Other serious conditions that can be mistaken for bites include infections (bacterial, viral, & fungal), cancers & Lyme disease, which require other treatments.
Person never saw a spider but got a mystery bite. Then diagnosed with a recluse bite (in Canada or somewhere they do not occur), doctor prescribes antibiotics, the person gets better.
What the person remembers is the bit about the recluse bite.
*still irresponsible/ridiculous in Canada
If you'd like to learn more, most of what I know about these spiders is based on the excellent work of Rick Vetter, and I highly recommend his book:…

& here's even more information about recluses, where they occur, & what you can do if you find them in your home:
They are ecribellate (in the group of spiders that make their silk sticky with glue), but their silk is dry, like that of the cribellate (wooly silk) spiders.