For people who prefer rule of law, it's inconceivable that anyone would prefer a government where the word of one man (in a leadership cult, the leader always seems to be a man) is law.
They prefer what Max Weber calls Charismatic Leader, or what today we'd call a demagogue.
Because there are none of those annoying checks and balances to slow things down.
Political psychologists talk about the Authoritarian Personality, or disposition.
They like things simple.
It occurred to me recently that this is why they come up with conspiracy theories the Deep State or globalism conspiracies.

Science is also too complex. All those numbers and formulas!
He's telling them that the Democrats want them to stay home because Democrats are control freaks and want to take their liberty.
He also knows how to enrage the Democrats, which he does on purpose to keep everyone spinning. Why? because if you're spinning with outrage you're caught in the moment.
Trump evokes strong emotions in everyone.
In his critics, he evokes rage and fury. (Trump is trampling norms and laws and rules!)
I'm not sure we would have ever had 100% of the people lined up behind sanity and rationality. I think there would have always been holdouts.
FDR did a good job rallying people after Pearl Harbor.
The most frustrating part is that they endanger our medical professionals and first responders.
(I guess this was a mini-rant. Sorry for the typos.)
I included the 1937 New Jersey image simply because I had it handy. I included it in my biography of FDR, so I have in a file. (I got it from AP Images)…
GOP: "They must fall in line!"