PART I: My plan for using @RoamResearch for a thesis
PART II: Using Twitter as an inter-brain zettelkasten

PART I. I'm officially start doing my thesis in 15 months. I'll do my future self a favor by creating evergreen notes from the papers I've read the past year and the upcoming year. You're welcome!

PART II. Twitter is not only a notes-app with a dopamine slot-machine feature; it is also an inter-brain zettelkasten.
To extend the analogy, ideas are more like plants than humans. They reproduce both sexually and asexually.
Let me share a an amazing thing that happened IRL via Twitter before my experiment in thinking with Twitter.
First, seeing the opportunities. This only happens when you design your feed to focus on what you want. I trimmed down the people I followed then followed the hell out of @nanopore Twitter
1) Design your feed
2) Better to talk to the inner circle rather than to the central figure (eg, Taleb's twitter must be a mess)
3) Know the language, culture and key figures of Twitter tribes that self-select to your intended purpose (eg, Taleb twitter and #roamcult presumably self-select those who read widely and weirdly)
Other lessons?