It’s worth remembering some of the history here. I started my training in Geriatric Medicine back in 1992 and there were some pretty major changes happening around then...
It was a recipe for trouble.
*some exceptions.
It’s tricky to provide high quality care on the council funds alone, so most have a mix of incomes.
That’s a really hard ask.
They are now as much part of the system as the old hospitals used to be. Lose them & the system collapses...
The care homes struggle on, outside the NHS, but now with people so much more dependent than the ones from the 1980s hospitals.
And then on top of that, arrives the COVID19 virus. The nightmare begins.
Something needs to change though after this chapter in history. But what?
People are now starting to think about care homes, who is in them and how they aren’t just amorphous older people. They are mums, dads, aunties, uncles, grandparents and friends. Rightly we are grieving.
Let’s work through these and when we get to the harder stages of resolution and acceptance, let’s try to look at care homes in a new way. As real homes, looked after by colleagues caring for our older citizens.