Welcome to democraps, whatl ya have?
Uh...(peers at nametag) well Nancy I came in for the Beef on Weck.
Tom! One beef on weck!
We cant serve that Nancy!
We cant serve that sir.
May I ask why?
It's not on the menu anymore, not Kosher enough.
Sh!t sandwhich. Locally sourced. Kinda old and smelly. Aged ya might say.
Oh gawd that sounds awful.
Well when ya get one everyone's gotta eat it. It's good. Try it.
Um but I dont want a sh!t sandwhich.
I'll just have that Beef on weck. Bring it back.
No it's not. I see it right there on the menu, just crossed out.
No. The ingredients are just too expensive. We can't serve you it. You could try down the road at bubba's Repugnicant diner.
Well what do they have?
Diarrhea soup dejure.
NO. You have to choose the diarrhea soup or the sh!t sandwhich! Wed also have to get you the soup from down the road. Nobody wants to do that.
But I dont want either.
Soup or sandwhich!
No. If you order from them, everyone gets diarhea.
Well I dont want that to happen to everyone. But seriously Nancy, this sh!t sandwhich doesnt look good at all.
By who?
Never you mind that! Just eat it!
Fvck you Nancy and Tom, oh hi chuck there doing dishes. Look. I'm gonna go get that Vegan beef on weck and all these customers behind me can join me.
But well get Diarhea soup!
We tried that.
Try again. I'm getting that Vegan Beef on Weck and you can keep your Gawd damn paid for sh!t sandwich. C'mon everybody. Let's get outta this dump. Democraps is right!