Up first is the H. Finance, which will hear an updated fiscal outlook and an update on federal CARES $. It sounds like they're still in a digesting stage on Dunleavy's proposal from last night.
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"We believe that both the price estimate and the production estimate could be very optimistic."
That's because the draw is a rolling five-year average.
Pitney: "We've had massive decline in oil revenue." She says oil now only meets about 1/4 of revenue needs after usually covering more than 100 percent of revenue needs.

She says it's "probably something we need to get used to."
"If companies choose to further throttle back production that could result in even less revenue if prices do recover."
Painter says after trading below $0, ANS is at about $9: "$9 does not even cover the cost of getting the oil to the market. At $10 a barrel that's where ONLY transportation costs are covered. At $25 per barrel some of the large fields will break even."
The saving account the state has used to cover these gaps would be down to a paltry $72.5 million.
Says it will be VERY difficult to pass a status quo budget next year.
The "easy button" is gone.
She says there MUST be cuts and MUST be diversified revenue. It's not sustainable to just make ad hoc draws out of the Alaska Permanent Fund.
She says a new bill is "more appropriate path."
Pitney says the state would have to pay a premium on borrowing because the state has such a severe structural deficit.
Pitney notes that the economic hit could be bigger and says there's "an opportunity to mitigate some of those larger economic impacts." #akleg
Carpenter on oil production: "I have it on very good authority that we're on a slowdown in production. ... We're looking at somewhere of a complete shutdown within the next 90 days. In the June-July timeframe."
He says that the only thing that would be relatively unaffected in the near-term would be property taxes.
Johnston notes that it's tied to Title I schools but state's working on getting exemptions, incl for broadband.
Dropping it to the $25 range forecast would grow it to $600M to $700M.
Pitney says based on Leg. Legal: "This isn't merely adding receipt authority, it's adding an appropriation."
Painter: "There would be an increase but it would not be on the order of a billion dollars."
She notes that Medicaid DOES have federal receipt authority attached to it. Also it was during the interim.
Pitney says it's on the to-do list.
Johnston notes the #akleg is interested in getting all of this done and resolved quickly to get CARES $ out ASAP.
"Our ultimate goal will be getting the funds to the people as soon as possible. ... All of us have good intentions to make this work."